Chapter 13

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Chapter 13



"In that case Riley, we should try to escape. Get you home." 


I shouldn't be here, I know. Nina sent us all out to find her and she knows our approximate location so I think I'm good for now. I heard the story and it honestly broke my heeart in two. The thing that hurt me most was that she said her feelings for me were fake in the beginning. A little sliver of hope rose in me when she said that her feelings have been becoming more real with the farther away she was. Maybe her feelings will keep her here, with the boys and I. My talent in eavesdropping helped in this as I could hear their conversation and not be seen. The man she met, her brother, caught my attention in particular since he had the absurd idea to leave. Hoping to get closer to hear better, I moved towards the mouth of the cave covered with curtains of leaves. Bushes around me rustled as I moved. A branch and dry leaves made a crunch under my feet.

"Alex, I don't know. If I leave, I will never see Louis again. I will have to be interviewed. I would have to tell everybody about One Direction beating me. I may be a tad cold-hearted but I'm not going to get someone's reason to live put in prison. I am not that sick. I just do-did you hear something?" Riley's attention was drawn away from her rant as I accidentally knocked a rock into the side of the cave. 

"Riley, all I heard was your obnoxious ran," her brother replied chucking. 

"Alex, no, I'm serious. I think somebody has found us. I'm gonna go check." The artificial leaves were pulled back and when we made eye contact, she stopped. Her body went stiff as a board and her face was unnaturally white. After what seemed like an eternity, she spoke up even though it was only a whisper. 

"How did you find me? Please don't hurt me, I-I can explain everything." Her hands went and covered her face as if she was expecting me to hit her.

By now, it has been almost three weeks and finally, my serum has worn off completely and I can now control my actions. That night she left, I heard the boys downstairs. The note placed on my phone was in my hands as I read it. I was fully aware of her intentions that night and knew if I went down there I would mess up her whole plan. 

"Riley, listen to me. I am not going to hurt you, I swear on my life. The first week and a half, I had no control over what I was doing. (A/N haha get it? b/c no control is mostly Louis? ok well I thought that was funny. whatever, keep reading!) The night we came back, Nina gave us a shot while we were alseep. Some of the boys, Liam for example," she flinched a little at his name, "were affected by it more. Yet I was sort of immune to it. I'm not sure if that's the best way to put it but the affects didn't make as big of an impact on me."

She took her hands down and now was looking at me, still very timid. I took this as my signal to continue. 

"After the first week and half, all the 'side affects' just kind of stopped. That is why for the past week and a half, we never searched for you. They are now becoming aware and saw what they've done. Once they took notice of how serious you missing can be, I persuaded them to help me. If we were to fiind you before Nina, we could help you heal and escape."

Taking in her appearance, I noticed she was a wreck. I can't blame her, she has been outside for the past week and it wasn't very attractive. Call me rude but she agrees with me. I know that from her reaction of looking into a small pool of water at our feet.

"Louis look, I don't want to go back but I don't want to go home. You probably already heard my argument but I don't want to leave you." 

The tears that haven't been seen by me in a good amount of time, collected on her waterline and finally fell free. All I wanted to do was throw my arms around her and wipe her tears. I was about to then, she ran.


I ran. My head told me to run but in my heart, I knew I wanted his arms to hold me close. My feet  carried me to the one place I needed to go, Nina's. I shouldn't but the boys don't care about me. Lets save her the time of finding me and let her kill me. I heard feet patter behind me and it reminded me of that day, September 25. The day I disappeared from my life and was forcefully taken here. A lot has happened but I can't believe I was using Louis Tomlinson to try and leave. The thing I would never understand is how I don't want to leave.

The thud of the person's feet were getting louder ad closer with every step. I could fight if I didn't know who I was fighting. Soon, a large body threw itself onto my petite frame. With all the muscle I have developed from practicing and training, I was still tiny so all this weight bearing on me was a challenge. From the basic frame of the body, it was obviously a boy. His 'area' was on my thighs so I bent my knee and with all my force, kicked him.

His body lurched forward taking pressure off of me so I rolled sideways out from below him. The identity of the perpetrator remained hidden behind the black ski mask. He quickly recovered from my minor blow and charged at me.

One punch was thrown to my face but i stuck my arm out so he hit my forearm. With my other hand, I threw a hook to his side, right above his hip. While he was bent over, I grabbed his shoulders and puched his chest/neck into my knee. One final hit under his chin then his nose and he hit the ground, unmoving.

I tried feeling for a pulse and felt one but it was extremley weak. Almost afraid to, I removed the knit ski mask. What I saw made my heart drop out of my butt and a fell to my knees. A shaky sob escaped my chapped lips as I couldn't believe who was hidden behind the black.




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