A/N *please read!*

1.3K 18 4

I'm sorry this is not a chapter but I wanted to say a massive thank you! This story has hit 1K reads and almost 100 votes. 

Actually writing this was not my choice and I've said it before but my friends made me write this because this was a little bit after FOUR was released and we were talking about our favorite songs and mine is Stockholm Syndrome and we were all going to write a fan fiction from our favorite song but mine was the only one created. 

Anyway I never imagined this story becoming popular since it is probably awful and it is my first fanfiction I've stuck with. Honestly 300 reads was unimaginable for me but 1K is extrodinary. 

Also, I've decided that this story isn't going to be like 50/60 chapters long...I may end it around 35/40 chapters if I can keep writing. I have the end planned but I don't want to rush it or anything so please let me know what you think because any feedback at all is appreciated. Feel free to message me or comment on a chapter.

Again thank you and please read @NiallerTomlinson1D (Our Little Secret) and @Kaitlynthefangirl (Breathless.) fan fictions since they are like my best friends and amazing writers.

I will write chapter 17 ASAP but until then i love you guys and thank you so so so much!

Twitter: @/nintendotommo_

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