Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



Whatever that meant couldn't be very good. One thing I hope is that whoever this Mr. Cowell or whoever is taking me is better than someone I left when I moved. Tom then placed an all too familiar black cloth over my mouth and nose and said, "Sleep tight princess, don't want you waking up on the plane! We will continue where we left off another time."


My body was being thrown around, my head hitting objects. Large, fabric covered objects. Suitcases almost. My mind was blank; that was when everything came back to me. All at once, the movements ceased and out of instinct I shut my eyes tightly. Light flooded into the area where i was being kept and I heard voice number three (I had finally discovered her name was Cate) call out to those douche bags David and Tom.

Making sure they thought I was asleep I kept silent. Cate's long, sharp nails dug into my skin and yanked me out by my arm. I was forcefully shoved into a large suitcase and thank god they left space for me to breathe. Honestly, being rolled around in a suitcase is not the greatest feeling. Yet, I still didn't know where Simon Cowell or anybody they mentioned lived. Judging by the accents around me I concluded that I wasn't in America but in England. Great, an ocean away.

But, since I was around people I started squirming and making muffled sounds -due to the duct tape over my brittle lips- hoping some bystander would notice and help me. sadly, these feeble attempts didn't even attract the attention of my captors.

There was no sound around me anymore besides Tom's voice. "The girl is in here, Nina. She's all yours. The stuff you requested is in the box along with the syringe. While those popstar boys are alseep inject them under the arm with the syringe. One dose per person. That's the only thing to be careful of. Have fun babe. Love you." Tom. He just said that. What the fuck?! "Bye! Call me! I miss you!" Nina, I'm guessing said. I could literally see her wink, just from her shrill voice. I shuddered, bracing myself for the sound of the zipper. It wasn't long, much to my displeasure. Falling out of the bag, I examined Nina up and down.

She had long dirty blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing workout shorts, and an old aeropostale hoddie plus black Nike sneakers laced onto her feet. Her piercing blue eyes were so pretty and at a first glance, you wouldn't even dream of her holding an 18-year-old American girl hostage. seeing pictures of her with American football players, I assumed she was American. Damn this girl had a grip. She grabbed the end of my braid and yanked me down a flight of stairs. "Sit." she ordered, pointing to a chair in the corner. Scared to disobey, I scurried over there.

"Here's the deal. If you thought David and Tom were bad, just wait for who you'll be staying with. It's a pleasure to torture you. If you don't know who I am Riley, oh sweet little Riley, you must've forgotten middle school. I was always jealous of you. You got all the attention, teachers loved you, hell, even the guys loved you. I was a nobody, I was a nerd who sat in the front. I got trampled and bullied in the halls between classes. I have always hated you, despised you. Now, it's my turn to be better than you. Before those pop star, big-headed boys come back from tour, I'm gonna make you feel as worthless as I was. Got it? Good."

Nina's little rant made me feel sightly powerful for once. Ever since middle school I've felt worthless but Nina made me realize something. I wasn't as worthless as the 'popular crowd' made me feel. Yes, I was a straight A student and teachers loved me but that's about it. She has no need to hurt me like this. Nina brutally ripped the tape from my mouth and I got the feeling around my lips before I replied.

"You were always better than me Nina, everyone was. Trust me, the bullying I got in middle school, I still get today. I'm tortured enough but I'm a good person and don't try to get revenge. I DON'T KIDNAP THE PEOPLE I WANT REVENGE ON ALRIGHT?! I'M NOT A BITCH THAT HAS TO BRING SOMEONE SHE FOR SOME REASON DESPISES ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE COUNTRY ALRIGHT?!"

I think that was the wrong thing to respond with but, it felt good to get it off my chest. What didn't feel good was having an insane girl jump onto me and scratch me, pull my hair and slap be. Damn this is like a bitch fight but I can't fight. I'm sitting there hopeless and I almost want to laugh. I know if I do I'll be punished but she is nothing compared to David and Tom. After Nina sees she has no damaging effect on me, she spits in my face one last time before angrily storming up the stairs. Leaving my strapped to a wooden chair in a dark basement.



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