Chapter 17

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Chapter 17



In unison, we all shouted, "What the fuck!" I knew at least four of us wanted to hurt Riley but I didn't. I wanted her to be safe in my arms.


I shook that thought out of my head but I knew that wanting would come back sooner or later. I also knew the boys wouldn't want to hurt Riley as it seems we are in her position now. It was getting late and now the men were gone, leaving us alone. The TV was turned off and removed from the room leaving us with the haunting image of Perrie cradling her bloodied arm. It feels as though hours have past and the silence in the room was deafening. The boys and I were almost never this quiet, we are the most rambunctious boys I've ever known or seen. At the moment, I'm assuming nobody can fathom their thoughts into enough words. It seems impossible to me. I sat there staring at the wall blankly and tried to make sense of this whole thing. First, we were the kidnappers -sorta- and now we are the ones being held. This feeling is sick and I totally understand how Riley felt. I just want to go home. Not London, Doncaster. I miss my family and now, I think the boys and I will have to discuss moving from London as the memories will haunt us forever.

The sound of chains rattling then falling echoed throughout the warehouse and I prayed with all my heart we were alone in here. I glanced over to the other boys and checked to make sure I wasn't hallucinating and hearing things when I saw Harry, Niall and Zayn looking towards me. When I didn't see Liam between Harry and I, panic surged through me. On the ground, half of the chains holding Liam to the wall was on the ground along with Liam panting heavily. He pulled his body off the ground with a triumphant grin on his face; obviously pleased with his strength.

"Want some help mates? In reality, these chains aren't as strong as the look. Plus, I would recognize these anywhere. I was taught about these in my self-defence class. All you got to do is yank on them really really hard about 20 times and the should snap."

We all tried to break them but we were pathetically weaker then we seem. Liam really is the only one who looks strong and is strong. After laughing his ass off at us, he went one by one and yanked on our arms until the chain snapped. Even though we were right next to each other, I went and pulled the boys into a group hug. I don't know what may happen and I don't want to know but for now I have my 4 best friends, my 4 brothers, by my side and all I want is to get us home safely. Along with Perrie and Riley.

"Guys, I hate to break this heartfelt moment up but don't you think we should find somewhere to hide before musclebob buffpants comes back?" 

We all chuckled at Zayn's Spongebob refrence and agreed. Since we were in a warehouse, it was pretty empty but after a lot of searching, we came across a crate that covered a little trap door. This was starting to feel a lot like Scooby Doo and I wish it was where we could split up and look for clues then set a trap and capture the bad guy. Then magically the police show up and we never hear of them again. Sadly, this is a real problem and a problem we can try to run away from with no promise of ever escaping it.

Crawling down the trap door, it lead to a room right below where we were. It was like a very thick screen was between this room and where we previously were so it was unthinkable that they would be able to see though it. Like any screen though, you had a lot of clarity when it came to sound. When anybody was above us, we would hear them and if we made noise, they would hear us loud and clear. This was a fairly spacious area and with the time we have, the boys and I are planning on finding a hiding spot then tomorrow - if we are lucky - we will devise a method to escape. 

The sound of boots heavily hitting the floor interrupted our hunt and instantly, we ran for our best hiding spot at the moment. Under the staircase was a compartment just large enough for all 5 of us if we squeezed together. Sharing terror stricken glances, we hid ourselves. As odd as it seemed for a warehouse to have so many trap and secret doors I didn't question it because now the odds we with us, not against us. I held my breath as my ears picked up on the conversation taking place above me.

"Mike where did those boys go?"

"I don't fucking know Kevin but we better find them because if we don't we know where they are Nina will have our balls on a silver platter." Mike replied uneasiness dripping from his voice.

At this moment Niall decided to sneeze. I glared at him but I took in his appearance. He was a wreck. Bruised masked the face I'd known for years and his eyes lacked the life that was always present. I know this is hard for all of us but Niall if horrid. He looks as though he will crack at anything and having us crammed into here while glaring at him was one of his breaking points. He had tears running through the dirt on him and we all felt awful. All of our feelings were soon transposed to the common feeling of unease. It was a feeling becoming common to me as opposed to the usual happiness. 

The footsteps got louder and louder as either Kevin or Mike walked closer to the trap door. My heart rate increased dramatically as I prayed that the wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary. I saw a meaty hand open the trap door and I thought I died. We are so fucking screwed I thought wide eyed.




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