Chapter Seven

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It was well past sunset when Cordelia saw the Consul's carriage roll in front of Kensington Gardens and she looked at herself one last time in the mirror. She was dressed in a deep red dress that fit her tightly around her breasts; it was not something she would usually wear but Cordelia figured she needed to dress up for tonight. She quickly tip-toed down the stairs; Sona and Alasatir had gone to sleep a few hours ago and Cordelia was grateful for it. She slipped out of the front doors and walked towards the carriage.

Matthew was standing outside of the carriage and Cordelia did not miss the way his dark green eyes widened when he saw her. She blushed and quickly looked away as she approached him; he looked just as good as he always did, if not better. Cordelia was unsure why he did not court anyone - he could certainly have anyone he wished.

"You look very beautiful, if I may say so, Miss Cordelia." Matthew gave her his signature smile.

She could not help but smile. "As do you, Matthew."

He only grinned and then helped her into the carriage. Anna was seated across from Cordelia and Matthew and looked striking. Cordelia did not know how she was supposed to keep up with her companions when they both looked like they had stepped right out of a fashion magazine. The carriage began to move and Cordelia looked out of the window as they went. The sky was very dark and it felt exhilarating to be going out so late at night; her mother would have had a heart attack if she had known where Cordelia was going.

"I wonder if we should have invited Jamie and Lucie." Matthew spoke, looking at Anna.

She shook her head. "Hypatia would not allow them in, you know how she feels about Shadowhunters. She likes you and I and I am sure she will be happy to see Cordelia after the performance she gave last time." Anna grinned.

Cordelia only smiled and blushed and from the corner of her eye she saw Matthew swallow hard at Anna's words. They arrived at their destination not too long after and Matthew helped both Anna and Cordelia out of their carriage and Anna began to lead them inside. The trio walked through the doors and every head in the room seemed to turn towards Cordelia to stare.

She swallowed and leaned over to Matthew. "Why are they looking at me like that?"

He gave her a small grin. "One: you look very beautiful. Two: I am sure they would never forget the performance you gave the last time we came here."

Cordelia only remained silent as she followed Anna through the crowd and to a small table in the back corner of the room. She threw herself down on one of the chairs and called over a faerie and whispered something in her ear. The faerie had light green skin and amethyst eyes that reminded Cordelia of Malcolm Fade's. Cordelia and Matthew joined Anna at the table and a few moments later, the faerie returned with three small glasses.

"Ah, my dearest Anna, you know me too well." Matthew grinned dangerously at the other girl and then downed the contents in the glass all in one go.

Cordelia picked up the glass and sniffed it. It held the same scent that Matthew so often radiated: brandy.

"Oh, I do not know if I can drink this." She told Anna.

"Nonsense." Anna waved it away. "Every lady must have at least one shot of brandy in her lifetime."

Cordelia watched as Anna downed the brandy just as Matthew had and scrunched up her face for a moment as the alcohol went down. Cordelia eyed the glass and then held it to her mouth.

Matthew leaned over to her. "You do know that it is a glass and not a textbook right? You do not have to examine it so closely, Delia."

Cordelia swatted at him and he leaned away from her, laughing. Delia. No one had ever called her that before but she found that she did not mind Matthew's nickname for her. Without thinking about it any longer, Cordelia tipped the contents down into her mouth and swallowed hard. The brandy felt like fire eating away at her throat and she scrunched up her face just as Anna had.

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