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Tatiana Blackthorn walked through the corridors of the Adamant Citadel, feeling just as empty and filled with hate as ever. It had been another long and boring day of assisting the Iron Sisters with their work and she hated it; she hated never being able to leave the place that was confined to. Tatiana also hated the people who had landed her in this position; the Fairchilds, the Lightwoods and the Herondales. Her blood boiled at the thought of them. Her older brothers ran around London with their perfect families and did not care about the fact that she was imprisoned in the Adamant Citadel.

Thanks to them and that wretched Charlotte Fairchild, she no longer got to see her daughter, Grace, or the ghost of her darling son Jesse. Tatiana had indeed felt lonely living in the Blackthorn Manor for all of those years, but her children had been there to ease it. She wished for nothing more than to be able to see her daughter again and to be able to speak with her son. Tatiana entered her small room and sat herself down on the rickety bed; this was no way for a proper lady to live. This was not what she deserved.

"Tatiana." A voice then spoke from in front of her.

She whipped her head up to see an almost hologram of Belial, one of the Princes of Hell. It had been quite some time since she had spoken to him last and he looked very weak; as if someone had drained him of much of his power. She felt her own energy being drained at the sight of him. Belial was using her energy as she was his tether to this Earth.

"You look horrible." Tatiana commented dryly. "Did you lose another battle to Will Herondale's dreadful offspring?"

Belial gritted his teeth. "He brought The Mortal Sword with him this time. I am especially susceptible to weapons forged by Angels themselves."

Tatiana rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I came across a shocking discovery that you may be interested in." His mouth curled into a dangerous grin. "Your son is alive."

Her eyes shot open and shock ran through her like fire. "What? Jesse is alive?"

Belial nodded. "It seems as though the Herondale girl has brought him back to life. It is her gift that she has inherited from me."

Tatiana still felt shocked; her darling boy was alive. Her son, that she had tried to resurrect so many times in the years that he had been dead, was finally alive and well. Her heart soared at the simple thought.

"Now what?" She looked at the demon. "What is our plan now?"

"We will raise an army." Belial's eyes looked dangerous. "An army of mundanes who are half human, half demon." He then grinned widely. "And you, my dear Tatiana, will lead the way."

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