Chapter Twelve

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"Grace Blackthorn was hurt and she is now being rushed to the Silent City."

James felt his heart sink and everything in his body went numb at his mother's words. He was faintly aware of Matthew immediately turning to him, worry flooding his delicate face but James could barely notice him; all he could think about was Grace. Was she going to die? What if he never saw her again? There was so much that he still wished to say to her and now what if he never got the chance to? James felt Matthew's hand on his arm and he was saying something to James but for some reason he could not hear what it was.

The world then started to become fuzzy and every time he blinked he saw a different world. A different realm. James squeezed his eyes shut and when he opened them again, he was back in the Shadow Realm. He was standing in what looked like a field of sand but in the distance he could see a man. Belial, James knew at once, and tried to move towards him but his feet seemed to be rooted to the spot he was in. As James struggled, he was then ripped away from the Shadow Realm and was standing back at in the library in Institute. Matthew was standing beside him, his hand still on his arm.

"Jamie, are you alright?" The blond boy looked sick with worry.

James looked around at everyone. Had they not noticed that he had gone to the Shadow Realm? That had never happened to him before. Usually Matthew or someone had always been able to tell when he went to that dreadful place.

"I am fine." James said at once. "I have to go to the Silent City."

"What?" His father echoed. "James, you simply cannot just walk into the Silent City and--"

"Well that is unfortunate, Father, because I am going to anyways." James replied as he moved towards the doors of the library.

James thought he heard his mother say something along the lines of "just like you" to his father and then he felt a hand on his arm as he exited the library. It was Matthew; James did not even need to turn around to recognize the touch of his Parabatai.

"Let me come with you, Jamie." Matthew spoke as he walked alongside James. "I am afraid of what you may do in your grief-stricken state."

"I am not in a grief-stricken state." James grumbled as he pushed open the doors to the Institute. "I am only worried for Grace; I do not even know if she will live or die."

The pair of boys walked down the front steps of the Institute and although James was walking at a very fast pace, Matthew kept up with him easily.

"I am sure that she will be fine. The Bridgestocks would have done whatever they could have to protect Grace as she is not trained." Matthew assured him and James felt himself slightly relax. There was nothing like the comfort from your Parabatai.

"But she is going to the Silent City, Matthew." James' voice was hoarse. "You only go to the Silent City if you are gravely injured."

"You must not think such negative thoughts, James." Matthew replied as they walked. "If you lose hope then you will have nothing."

James looked at Matthew, gratefully. He knew that Matthew did not care for Grace at all and did not wish for James to be with her but he still supported him nonetheless. He knew that this was what it meant to be Parabatai - to support one another in and out of battle no matter what the circumstances.

"I saw the Shadow Realm again in the library." James spoke in a low voice.

"I knew you did." Matthew did not miss a beat. "I could tell but I did not wish to speak it in front of the others; I did not want your parents to worry."

"I thought it would be gone now." James furrowed his brow. "Uncle Jem said that I would not be seeing it for a long time; maybe even never again."

"That is also why we are going to the Silent City, isn't it? You also want to see Uncle Jem." Matthew looked over at James who nodded.

James knew that the only person who would know anything about what was happening to him would be Uncle Jem and he was desperate for answers. James and Matthew then reached the entrance to the Silent City and they hastily, but silently, entered and moved along corridors. James did not particularly like visiting the Silent City as it always made him feel uneasy. He was not sure how Uncle Jem survived down here in complete and utter silence; it made James feel terribly for him.

Matthew and James moved noiselessly through the corridors, avoiding Silent Brothers who almost crossed their path. The last time James had been here, Cordelia had been as well and then he had gone through the portal to see Belial. An odd feeling came back to him as he thought about the way Cordelia had come through the portal and had been so willing to help him. As soon as the feeling had come, it disappeared. James rounded a corner with Matthew and then they reached what James recognized to be the infirmary and he spotted a familiar figure laying in one of the beds.

His heart lurched as he moved forward and was then standing over the unconscious figure of Grace. Her light pink dress was dirty and had tears in it and her eyes were delicately closed, her hair at a knot at the back of her neck. James' heart broke to even look at her and he tenderly brushed his thumb against her cheek, the silver bracelet she had given him shining under the witchlight. Behind him, he knew, Matthew watched silently.

"I am sorry, James." He heard him say softly.

Before James could reply, he heard a sound coming from the doorway and both he and Matthew whirled around. Uncle Jem stood in the doorway, the hood on his parchment robes resting upon his head. Although Silent Brothers were virtually expressionless, he could see something like shock on his Uncle's face at the sight of him and Matthew.

"What are you two doing here?" His voice rang out in James and Matthew's minds.

"I had to come see Grace, Uncle Jem." James spoke desperately. "Will she be alright?"

"She will live." Uncle Jem spoke. "She was bitten by a demon but she will make a full recovery."

James felt relief flood through him and he breathed out. He was not sure what he would have done if Grace would not be alright. He did not even wish to think about it.

"That is not the only reason I came." James continued. "I saw the Shadow Realm again."

"Again?" Uncle Jem echoed. "It seems as if I was wrong about Belial being gone. He must have something else that is tethering him to this realm."

"What could that be?" Matthew piped up.

"It could be another person but I have no inclination as to who that may be." Uncle Jem replied.

There was then a rustling sound behind Uncle Jem which caused both James and Matthew to start.

"You boys must go." Uncle Jem spoke quickly. "I will be in touch soon, Jamie, if I have any information as to why you are seeing the Shadow Realm."

James nodded and gave Grace one last tender look before he and Matthew hastily exited the infirmary. They noiselessly left the way they came and soon they were back outside of the entrance of the Silent City.

"Someone else tethering Belial to this realm?" Matthew echoed what Uncle Jem had stated. "Who else would be mad enough to agree to that?"

"Maybe they did not agree to it." James suggested. "Whatever the case may be, none of us are safe with Beliel roaming this dimension."

To that, Matthew did not object. The two boys started their walk home and James felt more hopeless than ever; how would he ever stop Belial?

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