Chapter Thirty-Four

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James stood next to Cordelia as they both welcomed their guests into the ballroom at the London Institute. The pair had done nothing but plan the ball for the past three days and James did not know how his mother did it; there was very much to attend to but he and Cordelia had somehow managed. Cordelia was dressed in a maroon gown that was very fitted and every time James looked at her, it took his breath away. She was so very beautiful and James had been noticing it very much in the past week or so. Looking at her did strange things to James' heart.

He was distracted from his thoughts as Matthew came waltzing into the ballroom, Asteria at his side. She was dressed as a proper lady and James almost forgot that she was a Faerie for a moment. She was very pretty with her long coral coloured hair and lavender eyes, but James did not think that she compared to Cordelia. Cordelia's beauty was unique.

"Nice to see you again, my dear Parabatai." Matthew threw his arm around James. "Did you miss me?"

He reeked of brandy and James felt his stomach drop a bit. Matthew's drinking had become better in the recent weeks and it worried James to see him fall back into his old habit.

"Of course I have." James told him and then frowned. "You have been drinking, Math, I wish you would not drink so much."

Matthew waved away his concern. "Asteria and I were only having a bit of fun before we arrived here. There is no need to fret, Jamie."

James only continued to frown at him as he then moved on to greet Cordelia, very oddly if James did say so himself. He only spoke a simple "hello" to her and then walked off with Asteria.

"He simply reeked of brandy." Cordelia leaned over to James, seeming concerned. "I fear for his health sometimes."

James sighed. "As do I."

Magnus Bane then came striding in and distracted James from what Cordelia had said about Matthew.

"It is nice to see you again, James." Magnus gave him a small smile and then looked at him and Cordelia. "And may I offer you my congratulations on your marriage."

"Thank you, Magnus." Cordelia smiled.

There was then a shout in the distance and James looked over to see that Matthew had tripped on one of the tablecloths and was now on the floor, Asteria laughing. By the Angel, James thought to himself, he's more drunk than I had thought.

"It seems like someone is having quite a bit of fun." Magnus commented, amused.

Cordelia sighed. "I do not know why Matthew wishes to drink so much all of the time."

James noticed that Magnus was regarding Cordelia with an odd expression and wondered what it was about. He and Cordelia then parted ways to go enjoy their ball. James stood by the refreshment table and that was when the world started disappear every time he blinked. Flashes of the Shadow Realm surrounded him and then he was fully pulled into the Hellish world with a dreading feeling. He was standing where he always was, in a field full of sand, and wind blew around him and bit at his face.

"You have made a grave mistake by not joining me, James Herondale." A voice spoke from all around him. Belial. "You will pay for it very soon."

James had the urge to shout at Belial, but now words would not leave his mouth. He felt himself sinking into the sand, his legs unable to move. James felt panic arise in him as he struggled to move but found that his body would not let him. There was then a hand on his arm, seeming to pull him back to reality.

"James?" A sweet voice echoed.

Daisy, James thought, my angel Daisy. He was then standing back in the ballroom; Cordelia's voice like an anchor pulling him back to the real world. He looked at her, wide eyed and grateful, and laid a tender hand on her cheek.

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