Chapter Eighteen

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When Cordelia woke the next morning, she knew that James was no longer bedside her. She blinked a few times and realized that he must have sneaked out in the early hours of the morning. By the Angel, Cordelia thought, I just spent the night with James. She recalled the way he had knocked on her window and how all of the air in her body seemed to leave her at the sight of James. The feeling of his arm wrapped around her waist as he fell asleep came to her next and it caused a shiver to run down her spine.

But why had he come to see her of all people? In his upset state, had he really thought of her out of everyone else? What about Matthew? Matthew. The thought him sent even more shivers down Cordelia's mind and she remembered the way they had looked each other the day before when he had walked her home. She had spent the rest of the evening thinking of him and how his spicy cologne had smelt until James had come knocking on her window. Cordelia felt a bit promiscuous harbouring such feelings for two boys but she could not lie that it felt exhilarating as well. She decided that she needed to tell Lucie everything that had happened and of her conflicting feelings. Cordelia jumped out of bed and began to ready herself.

When she walked downstairs and into the dining room, only Alastair sat at the table eating his breakfast and reading a mundane newspaper. He looked up at her arrival and set the paper and that was when Cordelia knew that she was about to be interrogated by her brother.

"Good morning, Alastair." She greeted as she took a seat.

Risa then appeared and set down a plate of breakfast in front of Cordelia and Cordelia thanked her. She began to eat as her brother only watched her silently.

"Why did Matthew Fairchild walk you home yesterday evening?" Alastair asked casually.

Cordelia had already told him about the demon attack yesterday evening. "James and Lucie said that they needed to go the Institute to inform their parents about the attack at once and that only left Matthew and I."

Alastair looked as if he wanted to say something but refrained. Instead he said: "You need to be careful, Cordelia. You do not want people making up rumours about you and Fairchild, especially when you are engaged to his Parabatai."

Cordelia swallowed the food in her mouth. She knew what he meant; people whispering that her and Matthew were engaged in a secret affair behind James' back. The thought made her feel sick. Rumours like that would bring shame to her and her entire family and Cordelia what do whatever she needed to to protect her family. They had just gotten over the shame over her father and they did not need rumours of her and Matthew floating around.

"I have clue as to what you mean. There is nothing between Matthew and I - he is simply my friend." Cordelia lied as she stood up to leave.

Alastair only raised an eyebrow at her but went back to reading his newspaper and Cordelia left him. She walked outside and into their family carriage, her mind reeling with what Alastair had said. Did people already think that about her and Matthew? That they harboured inappropriate feelings for each other? Cordelia herself did but she knew that Matthew did not. Maybe she should spend less time with him - that seemed to be the only answer to her problem but she knew that she did not wish to not see Matthew anymore. Cordelia pondered her situation all the way until she reached the Institute.

She hopped out of the carriage and walked right into the grand building. Cordelia had stopped knocking awhile ago as Tessa and Will told her that she was now family and family did not knock; she thought it to be very sweet of them. Cordelia did not know where Lucie was but decided to check the training room first as it was the closest. She followed the corridors she had grown to know very well, pushed open the doors to the training room, and froze. James and Matthew were standing before her, dressed in black gear, throwing knives at a small target. They both turned to look at her.

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