Chapter Fourteen

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Lucie sat in the library of the Institute, trying her best to write the next chapter of The Beautiful Cordelia but found that she could not. Once in a while, she would experience a bout of writer's block and it was one of the most frustrating things she thought could happen to a writer. Unfortunately, it was happening to her now. Lucie sighed and leaned back in her chair, squeezing her eyes as she tried to think of something to write. Usually when she experienced writer's block, Lucie tried to think of something in Cordelia's own life that she could put into her story since the story was named after her future Parabatai. Although, Cordelia had not told her any new news about her life.

She thought back to the way she had caught Cordelia studying Matthew the day before when they had been in this very library. It had struck Lucie as odd, as she had only ever ever seen Cordelia look at James in that way. She had always suspected that Cordelia harboured feelings towards James but never pressed her about them; she knew that Cordelia would come to her in her own time and tell her. Lucie, however, had never seen Cordelia look at Matthew like that and it made her very curious.

Lucie sighed and looked over at the balcony doors and recalled the way she had thought she had seen Jesse standing there, yesterday afternoon. She wished that she could see him again because then maybe he would know how she could help him. Lucie stood up and walked over to one of the shelves that she knew held information about necromancy. Although it was forbidden by the Clave, there were a few books about it and Lucie grabbed one off of the shelf and went back to her seat. She briefly skimmed the pages and felt sick as she read; it required very hard to obtain ingredients and a human sacrifice. A life for a life. Lucie closed the book.

Why did she feel so inclined to bring back Jesse? Of course, he had saved James' life but Lucie knew it ran even deeper than that. Why was she so willing to break the law just to have him be alive? Deep down, Lucie knew why but she refused to admit it to herself because it was madness. Pure madness. Jesse was dead -- he was not even alive and so Lucie refused to let herself entertain any such thoughts.

"Lucie?" A voice echoed from behind her.

She shrieked and whipped around and there, standing before her, was Jesse Blackthorn himself. He looked just as he had the last time she had seen him except he was not wearing the golden locket around his neck. That, Lucie knew, was hidden away in her desk drawer in her bedroom.

"Jesse?" She felt shocked. "What are you doing? How are you here?"

"You called me here, so I came." Jesse replied, seeming as surprised as she was. "It seems like I am only able to see you now."

Lucie blanched and realized that her internal wishing for Jesse to appear had indeed called him to her.

"You are not able to see Grace? Or your mother?" Lucie questioned.

He shook his head. "Ever since I gave your brother my last breath, I have not been able to see anyone. Now, anyone besides you."

"But," Lucie looked outside at the sunlight streaming through the windows. "It is daylight. How are you able to be here?"

"I think that I am only able to come see you now, whenever you call, no matter if it is night or day." Jesse told her. "You -- you have a great gift, Lucie."

"A gift that I have no idea how to control." She said and then looked up at him. "Jesse, you must tell me how I can bring you back. I have searched for a way but I cannot find one."

"I am afraid that I know none. Grace would always speak of taking someone's last breath if I ever lost mine but I do not wish to take someone's last breath and have them die for me." Jesse said. "How is Grace? I have not been able to see her at all."

Oh no, Lucie thought, he does not know.

"There was a demon attack at the house where Grace is staying." Lucie started calmly. "She was badly injured and she was sent to the Silent City but she is going to make a full recovery."

Jesse swore under his breath and it was the first time Lucie had seen him look angry. "I had always told my mother that Grace should be trained but she had never allowed it. I always thought that Grace's lack of training would be her demise."

"You do not have to worry, Jesse." Lucie comforted him. "Grace is perfectly safe now and she will be when we all figure out how to stop these demon attacks."

Her looked back at her, his green eyes bright. "Grace seems as if she has a cold heart but that is because my mother raised her to be that way. I am afraid that everyone misjudges her without even considering what it is that she has gone through."

Lucie considered this; his statement was fair and she herself had never thought about the kind of childhood Grace would have had. She had lost her real parents when had only been an infant and had no choice but to be raised by Tatiana for all of those years, living in a rotted mansion. Still, Lucie could not shake the distrust she felt towards Grace.

"Does she truly love my brother?" Lucie found herself asking.

Jesse paused for a moment and then spoke. "I believe that Grace loves your brother as best as she knows how. Our mother did not show us much affection growing up and I am afraid that Grace never did learn how to fully love someone or something."

"And you?" She continued. "Do you know how to love?"

He looked amused by her question. "I would certainly hope so. Being a ghost changes your view on many things; I feel that I have learned more about love being dead rather than when I was alive."

To this, Lucie did not reply. The room suddenly felt very hot and Jesse was staring at her very intensely through his glass green eyes.

"Will you do something for me, Lucie?" Jesse posed.

"Of course." She replied. "What is it?"

"Will you wear my locket for me? It has always been so important to me for all of these years and I would like to someone important to me to wear it." He told her.

Someone important to me. Lucie could not help the blush that arose on her cheeks as she nodded her head. She felt very touched by his request.

"I will wear it with pride. It is a very beautiful locket." Lucie replied, smiling.

Jesse gave her a small smile and then Lucie heard a commotion coming from the entrance of the Institute. She figured that Matthew had just arrived and she chuckled to herself; it was always easy to know when Matthew was over as he made a commotion wherever he went.

"I should be going." Jesse told Lucie. "Whenever you need me, simply just call for me and I will be there."

Lucie was about to reply but Jesse had already vanished. She sighed, realizing that she was alone once again. As she walked to her bedroom to put on Jesse's locket she could not help the thoughts that swirled about like a tornado in her mind; how was she going to help him?

* * *

Dane Dehaan as Jesse Blackthorn

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Dane Dehaan as Jesse Blackthorn.

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