Chapter Forty-One

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Lucie looked down at the sight before her; she could see nothing but fields and fields of sand as far as her eyes could reach. The sky was dull and gray and wind seemed to whip all around the tower she and Jesse were locked in. She was not sure how long they had been stuck inside the tower; one moment they had been standing in the gardens of the Institute and the next they were locked in a small room a top of a tower. Lucie had prayed to the Angel that James and Cordelia would come for them.

She sighed and turned around to where Jesse was sat on the ground, his back leaning against the wall. The only saving grace in this situation was that Lucie was not alone, she had Jesse with her. If she had been taken by herself, she knew she would have been much more miserable than she already was.

"Do you think anyone will come for us?" Jesse asked then.

Lucie nodded. "I know that James will. He will be the first one to figure out that we have been taken by Belial."

Jesse was silent for a moment and then spoke. "I do not understand how Belial knew who I was. It does not make any sense."

"It does not." Lucie sighed while taking a seat beside him. "But we cannot worry about that now. We must try to figure out a way to help ourselves."

But Lucie knew that it was pointless. They had no weapons and she did not have her Stele so she could not have used an unlocking rune to open the door. It seems as if they really did have to wait for James or someone to come rescue them.

"At least we have each other." Jesse spoke, surprising her with his hopeful tone. "As long as have each other, hope is not lost."

Lucie smiled and then took his hand in her hers; he was right. If they had each other, they would get through this.

* * *

Matthew walked alongside James, late that night, towards the Silent City. Cordelia was walking in front of them and Matthew tried not to stare at the outline and curves of her slim body. The black gear she was wearing was tight and accentuated the shape of her body; Matthew swallowed hard and looked away from her. He felt much anxiety over Lucie and Jesse and he prayed to the Angel that the three of them would be able to rescue the pair.

"Why does bad stuff keep happening?" James spoke in a distressed tone from beside him. "It seems as if the moment we have a second to breathe, something else happens."

"You must not see it like that, Jamie." Matthew shook his head. "This is simply the life of a Shadowhunter, I suppose."

"Having your sister stolen by a demon?" James raised an eyebrow.

Matthew grimaced. "I will admit that that is quite out of the ordinary; I can tell that you are very worried, Jamie, but do not be. We will get Lucie and Jesse back and they will be safe."

"But what about when we do rescue Lucie and Jesse?" James was studying the ground as they walked. "Who is to say that Belial will not do something like this again? I fear that he will not leave me alone until I allow him to posses me."

"That is why we are stealing the Mortal Sword to get rid of him forever." Matthew did not miss a beat. "There is no more powerful weapon than the one that we are going to use so you must not worry, James. We all need to be hopeful that tonight we will finally put a stop to Belial."

"Matthew is right." Cordelia turned around, causing them to all stop walking. "We must not think the worst of what is to come. If we do, then we have lost already."

James only nodded but Matthew could tell his Parabatai was not convinced. The three of them reached the entrance to the Silent City not too long after that and weight of what they were about to do really went through Matthew. They were about to steal one of The Mortal Instruments; gifts given to Shadowhunters by the angel Raziel himself. If they were caught stealing this sword, there would be nothing his mother could do to protect them. The punishment for this crime could potentially be having their marks being stripped and sent to live in the mundane world. Matthew shivered and made himself brush off the thought; they had to do this to save Lucie and Jesse.

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