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"Wait... can you say that again?", Kai said is disbelief.

"Choi Yeonjun, as in the Choi Yeonjun is the son of my tutor!", you groaned. "Can you believe it?"

You sighed out in frustration before storming into your living room and collapsing onto the sofa. As you lay there, thinking about what you had just discovered, you saw Kai enter the room and push your legs off so he could sit beside you.

"Okay, first things first, you have to find another tutor", he said seriously.

Your eyes widened as you sat up and looked at him.

"I can't! Without her help, I'll fail maths again and this is my last year to-"

"He's bad news Y/n! I don't want you getting involved with him!", Kai exclaimed.

You scoffed, which caused Kai to glare over at you in confusion.

"What?", he asked.

"Since when did you ever care what was best for me?", you said before turning to look Kai right in the eyes.

"I've always done what was best for you!"

"Yeah, like being the reason for the parent rotation plan failing?", you rolled your eyes before leaning back in your seat.

"What are you on about now?!", Kai groaned out in annoyance.

"I heard you that night you know"

"What night?", Kai muttered out.

"The night I last saw mom"

Kai's eyes widened in shock.

------------- 2 years ago --------------

As you started at your packed bags gathered on top of your bed, you smiled happily to yourself. Finally after 6 months, you were going to be with your mom. The anticipation was killing you and you were so excited to hear your mom call on you so the pair of you could leave. You loved your dad, you really did, but living with him was hard.

Since mom left, he started drinking, a lot. Every day after work he would head out to a local bar and not come home until you were fast asleep. It was hard trying to live the life of a high school student and run a household. Without you, your dad would forget to complete even the most common tasks, such as eating.

But with Kai now moving in with him, perhaps he could give the sort of tough love that dad needed to get through this phase. Besides, Kai was always my dads favourite. He made that especially clear the past 6 months.

"What's taking her so long?", you said aloud as you made your way out of your room and slowly towards the end of the hallway that led to the staircase.

However, before you could turn the corner at the end of the hallway, you heard two voices.

"But we made a deal, you two would-"

"I know, but from what she tells me, it's horrible here. I can't live here, I just can't"

"But what about her?"

"She'll be fine, she's survived six months, I'm sure she can hold out a few more years until she can move out!"

Confused and curious over who was talking, you peeked your head around the corner. Although, once you had done so, the two people you saw talking, were not who you would have expected. Your own mom and Kai.

"Fine, I'll leave your dad a note explaining the change in plans", your mom sighed. "And Y/n... I can't force myself to tell her"

"Then don't", your brother stated coldly. "We can just leave, she'll figure it out soon enough"

You felt the tears escape from your eyes, which you took as your cue to leave. You ran back into your room and pushed your bags off of your bed before collapsing onto it and sobbing. How could your brother, your own twin brother, be so cruel to you. 

For the past few months, you confided in your brother about your dad's new lifestyle and how it was affecting you. But, you never would have thought he'd turn his back on you, when you desperately needed him.

His actions had hurt you so deeply, that the only thing you could do to protect yourself from him, was shut him out. So that's what you planned to do. When school started back up, you would do all you could to avoid him or at least speak with him as little as possible. Despite his betrayal, he was your brother, so you didn't want to loose your relationship with him at all. IT was just that from now on, it'd be more strained than it once was.

----------------- present day ------------------

"Y/n... I.. I can explain", Kai said nervously.

"I think I heard everything that night, you explained it very well to mom", you said coldly.

You got up from the sofa and was about to walk off when Kai grabbed onto your wrist, stopping you in your  tracks.

"Okay, I'm sorry okay? I was a coward, I didn't... I couldn't face six months living the life you had lived!"

"So you left it all for me?", you said sadly as you felt your eyes well up with tears. 

"You guys didn't even tell me", you felt the lump in your throat grow as you become closer to bursting into tears. "You just left.. without a word! If I hadn't overheard you guys.. I'd never have known why you both just left!"

"I'm so sorry Y/n"

"But you're not! You just expected me to live my whole life in the dark!", you released yourself from Kai's grip and stared down at him. "After everything I told you, you happily left me here if it meant you would be safe? " 

Kai gulped hard as he felt tightened his hands into a fist. Everything you said was true and the anger was building up inside of him. He was mad at himself and how he made you feel because of his own selfish tendencies. 

"You promised me at the beginning of this whole thing Kai. You said that no matter what happened to our parents, we'd always be together", your voice was just above a whisper. "But you ran away from him, you ran away just like mom!"

Kai didn't know what to say or do. Here he was sitting like the fool whilst you were slowly letting your emotions get the better of you.

For years this had been eating you up and the happy facade you had been living with was crumbling around you. Exhausted and emotional, you felt the tears trickle down your cheek. 

"Please just go", you whimpered, raising your arms so you could hug yourself.

"Y/n.. I-"

"I told you to go", you said before storming out of the room and running up into your bedroom. 

Just like that day all those years ago, you lay on your bed, surrounded by nothing but your own tears.

My Tutor's Son [Choi Yeonjun]Where stories live. Discover now