Got a problem with it

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Jughead was moving into a dorm at stonewall prep a school that was 30 minutes away and you, Fp , JB , and Betty were helping him move in which you thought was quite frankly to many people to "help" move in to a dorm. So the whole process was really just all of you crammed into a room the size of a large closet while Jughead carried in a single box. He would be coming back to riverdale every weekend so he really didn't need much.

Since you were all squished together and could barely breathe Fp and JB went to the car after they said their goodbyes and Betty and Jughead went to go "talk" about their relationship and this you knew would probably end up having sex in the bathroom or something like that. You wished he would've just said goodbye to you like he did with dad and jelly instead of trying to parent you. I mean it was one thing when dad was a hopeless drunk but he wasn't your dad he was your fucking brother and he was only older than you by nine months. You felt weird just standing in the middle of the room so you sat down at the desk where Jughead had put his things.
After a few minutes you heard the doorknob turn and your turned your attention to the door and away from the pencil you were fidgeting with. Hoping to see Jughead at the door but instead saw a boy, he had blond hair and green eyes he looked at you with a confused look that slowly turned into a smirk. 

"Are you Forsythe my new roommate because I was under the impression he was well, a he. "It's Jughead and no, I'm his sister you are?" " Brett Wallis who are you?" "Willow Jones" "Willow?" "Yeah got a problem with it" you asked a smirk tracing your lips."Nope." After a few moments of awkward silence Brett spoke up. "Wait why are you here?" "Well we were helping Jughead move in and my dad and younger sister said their goodbyes and Jughead wanted to talk with me and then Betty , his girlfriend wanted to talk with him and their probably making out somewhere so now I'm waiting on them to get back." "Oh" you pulled out your phone and put you earbuds in pressing play on your Spotify."What are you listening to?" "Unglued by the stone Temple Pilots." (I really recommend this song it's really good.)"That whole album is really good." "Yeah it is I like it a lot." You were really surprised that he knew who you were talking about , you didn't know anyone other than you , Jughead and dad who listened to them. He also seemed like the person to listen to rap just because it would help boost his popularity. After a while of just small talk Jughead and Betty came back and they introduced themselves before Betty left and Brett left to give you privacy. "Willow, I know I'm not your dad and-" " exactly your not my dad so please for the love of god stop trying to parent me. Your only older than me by nine months so please stop, it was one thing when dad was a hopeless drunk but he's not I can take care of myself Jughead." "I know you can , I love you I just want you to be there for jellybean when I can't." "Ok I love you too Jughead I'm sorry it's just that-" " I get it Willow I can be overprotective a lot and I know it can be a lot and I'm sorry I just want to make sure your ok." "I'm ok , promise and I'll watch out for JB."

After saying your goodbyes you left the dorm and went home with everyone. Betty wanted to go to pops to see Veronica and Archie and jellybean had homework to do so you left the house. You walked to the Southside. After Penelope had been arrested and so had Hirem had given up taking over Southside the serpents took back what was once theirs. You headed to the white wyrm and saw Toni and sweet pea hanging out at the bar. "Hey guys." "Hey Willow, you guitar is up there on the stage." "Thanks Topaz." You headed up to the stage , sitting down on the bar stool after plugging your guitar into the amp. You played electric guitar, since their were only a few people so you just kinda stunned on your guitar you started playing fell in love with a girl softly on your guitar and after the song finished you headed home. You put on your pajamas, put on a frank Sinatra album and got into bed hoping that senior year would be a normal year and you fell asleep slowly not knowing how wrong you were.

Hey I hope you liked it
Word Count 823

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