Algebra Notes

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You slammed the car door and marched across the football field, the fake plastic grass crunching under your boots. "Hey Reggie!" The entire football team looked at you but you didn't care. Veronica had informed you that the bulldogs were practicing on Sundays so you decide to go give Reggie a piece of your mind. "You're a real douche, you know that?" "Willow, can we talk about this later? I'm a bit busy" He exchanged a nervous glance with Archie but Archie just stood there confused. "No, were gonna talk about this right fucking now." He stood there stunned. " Take your instagram story down." "Why?" "Because we didn't sleep together you ass! Look I get your upset because I rejected you but that's not a reason for you to act like a jerk. I'm not at fault for your hurt feelings." By now you were a foot away from him and he had taken off his helmet. He stood there with a blank expression on his face. "What? You've got nothing to say,nothing to add?" "You never acknowledged how I felt." "I did and you responded by giving me the cold shoulder and then posted something claiming that we had sex." "I-" "Reggie! There's no fucking excuse. You're pathetic and small and I'm sorry that you can't deal with rejection but it's not my fault that I'm not in love with you." You were hurt and worried your breathing quickened and your heart sped up. "Look who showed up." You turned to see Chuck standing there with a cocky grin."Fuck off Chuck." "What's going on here? Oh, I see you're doing a little damage control after last night." "I said fuck off Chuck." "Oh, how I wish I could be Reggie, the things I could do to you. Well just last night I wouldn't want to deal with that abusive father of yours." In that split second Reggie had turned around and punched Chuck in the face. You were able to pull Reggie off of him and while doing so you accidentally got hit in the lip by Reggie."Shit, sorry Willow." You touched your lip feeling the hot sticky crimson liquid rushing down your chin. "Fuck both of you." You turned on your heel and walked back to your car. You slammed your fist on the dashboard in frustration. You drove home and grabbed your stuff and left without saying goodbye. You were sick of this stupid town,sick of the stupid close minded people. Your lip stung and your head was still throbbing and at this point you were just done. You got to Stonewall and went straight to your dorm, you threw your bag down on the floor and just as you were about to collapse on the mattress and fall asleep someone knocked on your door. 'For the love of god.' You walked over to the door and opened it revealing Brett standing in front of you. "Hey, Willow I was wondering if you had the algebra notes?" "Uh,yeah. Come in." You walked over to the desk and pulled out your notebook before handing it to Brett. "Thanks I forgot to-" Brett stopped talking and stared at your lip. He took a few steps forward and Cupped your face in his hand. "I-" You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. Brett tilted your chin up to get a better look at your lip. He delicately thumbed away the streak of blood under your lip, saying nothing as he examined it. Your heart skipped a beat and your breath hitched. Brett looked you dead in the eyes. His voice was quiet and tense, his anger barely restrained. "Who did this to you?" You barely heard what he said, you weren't paying attention to his voice. His eyes. You couldn't stop staring at his eyes. They were a very specific shade of green almost teal. "Willow." "Hmm." You brought your attention back to what Brett was saying. "Who did this?" "Oh,um I went to talk to Reggie cause he said some shit and-" "That son of a bitch!" "Hey." Your voice was calm compared to Bretts. He looked at you. "It was an accident." "Willow your lip is practically cut in half, I don't think that's much of an accident." " He got in a fight with Chuck and I put them apart and Reggie accidentally hit me in the lip."
"Well why did you need to talk to Reggie anyway?" He sat down on your bed and you sat down at your desk chair. "Well he posted something saying that me and Reggie had sex." "Fuck him." "That's what I said." "Good." You smiled." "So how are you?" "I'm good." Your phone started ringing. You mouthed the words sorry before answering. "Hello." "Willow", you heard your brother's voice. "Where the fuck are you?" "I'm back at Stonewall,why? "So you just left without saying anything?" "Oh, yeah. Sorry some stuff happened with Reggie and Chuck and I got frustrated and left." "Well just so you know Dad and Alice are pissed so I suggest you call them and smooth things over, Ill see what I can do over here but your most likely gonna have to deal with like, 80 percent of their rage and fury." "Ok, thanks for the heads up beanie." "Your welcome Willow, see you tomorrow. Bye." "Bye." You put your phone back down on the table. "Sorry Jughead was warning me about my dad and Alice being angry at me." He nodded giving you an understanding smile. "So what exactly did Reggie say?" "Oh, he said , If youve ever heard the rumor about bisexual girls being crazy in bed let me be the first to tell you that its true and, Willow Jones proved that last night. Then there were a bunch of winky face emojis." Bretts face resumed his previous expression of blatantly furious. You looked at him and he looked at you and for a moment you both just sat there in your dorm in complete silence. "He's an ass, you know that. He has no right to make assumptions about you or say anything about your sexuality. He dosent have the right to say such idiotic bullshit especially when its based off of something so stupid." You expected his voice to be loud or angry but instead, it was just frustrated and it sounded as if he was trying to reassure you that what Reggie had said was stupid. "So you're ok with it?" "What?" He looked genuinely confused. "Your ok with the fact that Im bi?" There were tears forming in your eyes and you couldn't tell what exactly caused you to cry but you knew you were so sick of crying. 'He's probably sick of me crying too", you thought. "Hey, Hey." He moved closer to you and outstretched his arms. You moved to where you were sitting next to him before you leaned into his arms so your arms were wrapped around his torso and his were wrapped around your waist. "Whoever you choose to date or have any relationship with is your business and, I'm gonna be supportive regardless of who they are." He leaned back a little so you were both laying on your bed. "Thanks, you're a good friend Brett." Your voice was muffled by his chest. "You're not so bad yourself, nerd." "Oh, I'm the nerd huh?" "Yeah." You smiled into his chest , feeling better for the first time in a few weeks. "As much as I would like to just sit here and talk with you I have an algebra test that I need to take tomorrow and I haven't studied for at all." " Ok then. I wish you the best of luck. He sat up and you both moved your arms away from each other. "Thank you ." He stood up and grabbed your notebook off the desk. "Also there's a party this Friday to celebrate before our football game with Riverdale." "What are you celebrating if you haven't even played them yet?" "Our win. We win every year and this year will be no different." You rolled your eyes. "It's true." "Ok then." "So you'll be at the party?" "Yeah, why not?" "Cool." He stood there smiling like an idiot for a few moments. "Well, I'm gonna go." "Ok ,good luck on your test and don't mess up my notes." "Will do." Then he left. You fell into your mattress and fell asleep, too tired to prepare for the next week of school.

A/N I hope you are all doing well and I hope you liked this weeks chapter. Stay hydrated, stay safe and please use proper social distancing measures as well as wear a face mask.

Word count : 1464

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