The lounge

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You woke up for school earlier than you would usual your anxiety kept you up for the most of the night so you didn't really sleep. You got dressed in a striped sweater and black skirt. (Image above). You left in your dads old 1967 Chevy impala. He let you borrow it sometimes. You got to school and just wandered the halls before you saw Betty and Cheryl talking you didn't wanna eavesdrop so you walked to the library and just hung out there until school started. When you walked into chemistry everyone starred at you and was whispering. You ignored it and continued to go on about your day talking notes and listening to boring lectures. People continued to whisper and you continued to not care. When the lunch bell rang you went to the lounge where Kevin, fangs, Veronica, Betty, Archie, Cheryl, Toni , sweet pea and Reggie sat. You walked in and sat down by Kevin and fangs when he whispered in your ear, "How's it going Wills?" "Nothing but whispers and occasional glares or thank you's." Kevin laughed softly at that. You looked over to see Reggie teasing Veronica over her outfit and doing a impression of her. Then Chuck walked in. Everyone looked up at him and then after searching the room for your face he saw you. You looked up at him with a cocky look on your face and a smirk on your lips. You couldn't give a fuck about what he thought about you but he was an asshole and he deserved the broken nose. "Hey chuck how's the broken nose treating ya." "You bitch", he went to punch you but you sprang back avoiding his fist. "Ya know cursing really undermines your argument and makes you look stupid not that that's hard to do." You chuckled softly to yourself as everyone stared at you two. He went to swing at you then, you twisted his arm behind him and pinned him against the wall.  You spoke loudly so you weren't yelling but everyone could hear you clearly, " Chuck you deserved the broken nose and everything else bad that comes to you not just because you called me a whore and a fag and a bitch there were a lot of reasons for that broken nose and I don't care what you say you will always be a worthless piece of crap so unless you want another broken bone you will leave me and everyone else alone. And if anyone else has a problem with my sexuality let me be clear, I  Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck. about what you think of me because who I chose to date or fuck or kiss or have any form of a relationship with is no body's God . Damn business except mine." Then you released your grip on chucks arms and walked to the cafeteria to grab a water before class.
   The rest of the day was boring people stopped whispering about chucks broken nose and started talking about what happened in the lounge. You were so sick of the gossip you wanted to leave school more than anything. During 6th period you got called to principal honeys office. You thought of all the possibilities and all the reasons that you were called to his office. When you walked in to see the teacher you saw talking to Brett sitting across from Mr. Honey. "Hello Willow this is Mr.Chipping he's a teacher at stonewall prep." "Well Willow and I actually met yesterday." "Oh.., well." "Um hello, I didn't expect to hear back so soon." "Well your one of the few students who have applied so we were able to process the paperwork rather quickly. We looked through you student records and have seen that you've made a few student films on the history and current events of riverdale." "Yeah, well when you live in a town as interesting as riverdale it's easy to find inspiration." He smiled solemnly and nodded. "So after looking through you file and watching said student films we believe that with your talent and passion you'd be a perfect fit for the stonewall prep film program. You would also take required classes like history, chemistry, math etcetera. You would also have to attend our salons with the other students where we discuss classic literature because as I'm sure you know most great movies are based of great books." "That sounds wonderful, when would I be starting?" You asked excitement coursing through your veins. "Next Wednesday." "Oh." "Is there a problem?" "Um well I still haven't even told my parents that I applied let alone my friends." "Well that is the latest time we can have new students because we'd like to have a permanent roster and seeing as we are a prestigious school we must be punctual." "I understand. I'll inform them and thank you so much for your time." You were excused and left to see that school had been dismissed. You got home to see Everybody standing by the kitchen island talking. You walked over to see Betty and Alice discussing her possible internship at some newspaper company. "Betty it's just so far away from Riverdale." "It's only for a week and I'm already ahead in all of my classes." " Betty Jughead is already gone and now your trying to leave me too." You swallow hard your nerves starting to get to you. Alice turned around, "oh hello Willow." "Um, hi Alice." They all looked at you for a second. "Hey, wills where'd you go in sixth period?" "Um actually I went to the principals office." Fp's eyes became filled with anger the second you said that. "Girl do you know how hard I worked so you could get a good education I can't believe you would be so-" " Ok before you freak out I wasn't in trouble so if you could give me a minute to explain I would appreciate it." Everyone went silent and just looked at you. "Yesterday I applied for stonewall preps film program and I got in. I was sent to the principals office to speak to one of the teachers about my acceptance." "When did you even have time to apply", Alice questioned. "Yesterday when we went to drop Jughead off." "Oh." "I would be starting next Wednesday." "That's soon." "They have a certain window of time in which they can accept new students. So I was hoping one of you could drive me down there Tuesday so I could get settled in and get a tour before I start." " I can I'll take a day off at the sheriffs department." "Thanks dad."
The rest of the week was boring in comparison you were yet to tell anyone that you were moving to a different school. You were at home laying in bed on a Thursday night. You were writing and texting Kevin when he called you. "Hey Kev. What's up." "Nothing much. Cheryls throwing another party on Friday ." "How many party's can she throw?" "It's Cheryl Blossom what do expect?" Yeah, um Kevin I have to tell you something." "What's wrong Wills?" "I'm moving." "Your moving?! Like all of you Jughead, Betty and everyone?" " No I'm going to a different school I'm going to live in a dorm. Ya know that school Jughead's going to? Well they have a really good film program so I applied and got in." "Oh." "I'm really sorry Kev , I know it was really shitty not to tell you but if it makes it any better I haven't told anyone else." "Yeah, that's messed up but I didn't tell you about a lot of stuff before so it's fine. So is Cheryls party gonna be your last hurrah." "Yeah I guess so." " When to you start?" "Next Wednesday is my first day but I'm leaving on Tuesday after lunch." "That's soon." "Yeah I know." "You should tell everyone before you leave so your not ghosting them." "I think I will a Cheryls party." "Ok Wills it's almost midnight so I'm gonna go I still have a test I haven't studied for." "Ok Kev. Night." "Night." Then after a while you decided to call Jughead you still hadn't told him so you decided you might as well. "Hey beanie." "What's up dummy." "Oh, excuse me sir I am of very high intelligence." "Sure you are. What do you want to talk about Willow"  "oh nothing much,how are you doing?" "Good." "Cheryls throwing another party on Friday." "Oh, god are you going?" "Yeah it I'll be fun you should come too." "Sure I'll see if I can what time is it." "Like 10'o clock I think, maybe." "You have no Idea do you?" "The last party started around 10 so I'm guessing it I'll be at the same time." "Sure 10'o clock where at?" "I think they're having it at Archie's because he has a basement and a really good stereo." "So 10'o clock at Archie's house on Friday." "Yeah." "Ok then I will try to make it." "Ok night beanie." "Night dummy." After he hung up you fell asleep.
— Jughead POV—
"Night dummy." "Who was that?" "My sister she wanted to see if I could go to a friends party." "Willow?" "Yeah? How do you know her?" "Well one, we met when you moved schools so chill. You don't have to be so paranoid all the time." "Sure that's easy for you to say." Brett rolled his eyes. " can I come?" "Why the hell would you want to go to a party with people you don't know?" "I'm.a teenager , I need to blow off steam too." " Isn't there some frat party you could go to, or some wine tasting competition you need to attend?" "No and I've never been to a small town party so I want to experience it." "Fine , I don't really care do whatever you want it's not my party." "Yess."

A/N Hey is I made this one longer than usual and I was gonna add more but I felt bad for not giving you guys some new content so I already have another chapter in the works. Do you guys like the new cover? I hope you are all safe and well also , I just wanted THANK YOU for 326 reads. It means so much to me and I genuinely have not words that would express just how much I appreciate you guys. I hope you are all safe doing well please be safe and use proper social distancing measures.

Word count 1762

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