For Herself

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You woke up the next morning in Brett's arms. You could feel his breath on your skin, causing shivers down your spine. "Morning, darling," his voice was raspy and caused your heart to flutter. "Morning, Brett." You went to sit up but Brett's arms tightened around you preventing you from doing so. "Brett", you whined. " I have to get up, we have to go to class." "Nope not for like two hours, so please stay." You rolled your eyes, a smile creeping across your face. "Fine but if we're late you're the one who has to lie your way out of it." "Will do." You allowed yourself to relax into his embrace, you could smell him on your sheets. The scent of pine and faint vanilla. You laid your head on his chest allowing yourself to fall back asleep in this moment of peace and pure euphoria.
You woke up later and found yourself laying practically on top of brett and in a brief moment of panic you shot up resulting in you falling out of bed. Brett sat up in bed, "WHats wrong?" "What time is it?" "It's like seven-thirty, why?" " "What do you mean why? We have class in like thirty minutes. We overslept, Were gonna be late and then everyone's gonna wonder why we're late and -" "Willow." You looked at him before taking a few deep breaths. He always seemed to prevent you from spirling, or at least he always knew how to stop you from spirling. "I'll leave and head to class early so if you are late it won't look suspicious." "Okay" "He gave you a soft smile before standing up and kissing you on the forehead. You looked up at him and briefly kissed his lips. "Take a deep breath okay and Ill talk to you in a bit." "Okay, I'll talk to you in a bit." Then he turned in left. You quickly got dressed and left for the Salon.
When you walked in you saw Brett sitting talking to Donna and everyone was sitting around minding their own business. You sat down next to Jughead and opened your laptop. "Willow." You turned your head and looked at jughead. "What is it." Seeing as he was whispering it felt best to keep your voice hushed. "I think Brett is up to something." You glanced across the room a Brett who seemed bored at whatever Donna was saying you had to fight the urge to smile you liked when you could see the underlying aspects of his actual personality. "Like what", you questioned. "I don't know, lets talk about it later." You just nodded along with what he was saying. Class proceeded as usual which meant it was back and forth bickering between Brett and Jughead with the rest of the class remaining silent, only occasionally commenting on what the two students were saying. You were only half paying attention so when Mr.Chipping asked you a question it threw you off. "What do you think Willow?" You looked at him for a second, you didn't know what to say because you weren't paying attention to the context of the conversation. "The brat wasn't paying attention." You shot a glare at Brett before continuing on the excuse you were forming but before you could Jughead interrupted, "Obviously the  crow is representative of grief." "Look Forsythe for someone so smart you are so stupid." "Boys", Mr.Chippings cold voice cut into the conversation silencing the words about to leave Jughead's mouth. "I asked Willow what she thought not you two." "Well I think the Raven is how Poe coped with the loss of the person he loved but it was induced by the copious amount of absinthe he consumed." "I thought you said that there wasn't meaning in metaphors it was only how people projected their emotions onto literature." You looked at him his cold eyes focused on yours, "I think that in terms of Moby Dick, absolute but this is an entirely different author and an entirely different story." He looked at you before a slight grin took form on his face, "fair point." Before Brett and Jughead could go back to their bickering the bell rang throughout the building ending class. "Remember that I need everyone's five paragraphs on the symbolism in the Great Gatsby by tomorrow." "Shit", you muttered under your breath" "What's wrong Willow", Donnas fakely sweet expression made you want to throw up. "Save your breath, Donna." "Can we just put the past behind us Willow?" "It was like a month ago Donna." "Well how about I make up for it by helping you with your homework?" By now everyone had left the class including Mr. Chipping. You knew you had at least two other hours' worth of homework to do tonight and you didn't mind the extra help. "Fine. Can you meet me in the library at six?" Donna nodded which you took as a yes before you grabbed your bag and just as you were about to leave you heard Donna say something, "Oh, and I'll make sure to keep quiet about you and Brett." You were frozen in place you couldn't move it felt as if someone had turned your blood into ice. Then Donna walked past you a smirk evident on her lips.
You had changed out of your uniform into some comfortable clothes seeing as you two were probably going to be there a while. At just fifteen minutes before six Willow gathered up her things and summoned all the patience, she had before trudging off to the library. When she got there she saw a few different stacks of books as well as two cups of coffee, "You're actually on time." You snapped your head up and looked at Donna, She was wearing a pair of jeans and a   T-shirt, her hair was up in a bun with a few pieces framing her face, she looked nice. "What's with sounding so surprised?" She chuckled softly, "Nothing let's get started." You both sat down at the table and she asked you a few questions about what you were writing and she stayed next to you the whole time making sure you were understanding the material.  You were a few hours into your studying when you saw Donna's head shoot up, you only witnessed this because you had been staring at her for the past twenty minutes. "I forgot." "Hmm?" "I got you coffee." She stood up and walked over to the two cups before handing you one. "It's cold now, sorry." You took it from her before drinking almost half of it in one gulp before giving her a crooked grin, "It's fine." She burst out laughing to the point where she was having to use the table for support. "What? What's up?" "You have coffee on your chin." "What?" "Here", she walked over to you and used her finger to remove the coffee from your chin, it made your heart stop beating and your face warm-up, your breath hitched and you were praying that she didn't notice.
"I have a question for you", she muttered her voice soft and, you could feel her breath on your skin. "Hmm?" "What do you see in him?" "What", was all you were able to get out your voice felt trapped in your chest. "In Brett. What is that you see in him?" "Uh, I-" "Because if it's just for a casual hook-up I get that." "No, it's not like that at all." "Really?" "Yes and I don't owe you an explanation of my relationships." She moved away from you and took a step back so she was leaning on the bookcase, her hips resting on the shelf. "Fair, but can you answer me this one question, and then I'll drop it." Willow looked at her analyzing her every moment,  she seemed so calm and put together in this moment, and yet something about her body language made Willow on edge. She continued, "If your not just using Brett for a casual hook-up, how come you've been staring at me all night?" "I  haven't been staring at you all night", Willow said defensive. "Princess you're pretty obvious, I can feel your eyes wandering over me, I'm not oblivious." You looked at her for a moment, you stared at her. Her eyes, Jesus her eyes were the color of Carmel, they looked almost like amber, they were gorgeous something in her eyes made Willow made her wanna drowned in them.  "Willow." She snapped out of her daydream to realize that Donna was inches away from her face. Her breath was on her skin and maybe it was the sleep deprivation maybe it was the fact that she was curious as to what it felt like. Or in all honesty, it was most likely the fact that Willow was beyond the point of doing anything for anyone but herself so she kissed her. She kissed back, they held each other there for a few minutes, this wasn't out of passion or love this was desperate. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberry or maybe cherry, it didn't matter because regardless it was nice. Donna's hands were wrapped around Willows's waist since Willow was just the slightest bit taller. Donna looked at you before softly muttering, "do you wanna keep going?" Willow looked at her and for a moment she forgot about everything about Brett about Riverdale the only thing that mattered was what Willow wanted and more than anything Willow wanted this, whatever it was to continue. 

A/N So......

Yeah, I was finally able to post and write and yeah, I have some ideas for some merch, and if you would be interested in buying merch or have any ideas feel free to message. Also, I publish when I update and random stuff regarding this story on the conversation board so follow if you want. Oh and another thing, WE HIT 5K!!! I'm so happy and I just wanna thank all of you for this because it's all thanks to you guys. Anyway drink some water, take care of yourselves and I'll see you next week. :) 

Also, my friend @CrystalBest13 published an original story so if you could go check it out I would appreciate it. 

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