Big Brother

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You woke up earlier than usual the sun hitting your face and stinging your eyes. You went downstairs to see everyone sitting at the big dining room table about to eat breakfast. " Good morning Willow I was just about to come and get you",said Alice in her chirpy and slightly annoying voice. Once you all sat down and we're about halfway through the meal Fp spoke, "Willow where were you last night?" "What do you mean." "Willow, Betty got home from that party a hour before you did and I'm curious about where you were and what you did in that hour." "Uh, I was just driving around to get some fresh air I left my phone at home and didn't realize it till I got home." " Well next time can you let us know when your getting home late please we were quite worried." "Yeah sure sorry." After breakfast Jughead and Betty invited you to go hang out the rest of the gang. So you went along you didn't really want to but you didn't want to sit around the house all day so you went with them. You guys went to pops because it was Jughead's decision. You all sat down at a booth and Archie grabbed you a chair so you could sit at the end of the booth. After ordering some food and talking for a little while Jughead explained how he thought there was something weird about stonewall prep. Then Toni topaz walked in and stopped by your booth. "Hey Jughead good to see you. Could I borrow Willow for a second." "Uh yeah." You stood up and walked with her to the parking lot. "What's up topaz?" "I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you, I've never been outed like that and chuck is an asshole." "Thanks Topaz." You hugged her for a few moments and then you mumbled,"It means a lot." You walked back inside and sat down." "What did she want." "Just to talk." Everyone went silent for a few moments before Archie spoke up," Ok are we not gonna talk about the elephant in the room?" Both Betty and Veronica glared at Archie seeming to know what he was referring to. "What are you guys talking about?" Jughead was incredibly confused. "Well at the party Chuck told everyone about the fact that he saw Willow making out with a girl." " You stood up and walked out of the diner. You were angry at Archie and everyone and to make things worse it was pouring rain and Archie drove you all there. Jughead walked outside after you, "Willow wait up." You turned around so see Jughead soaked in water. "Look Wills can you like wait a minute." You walked towards him. "Wills why didn't you tell me." "Look I didnt wanna tell anyone but chuck outed me at Cheryls stupid party." "Look I'm gonna love you no matter what." "I know that but it's just it's a big deal." "Look I'm not gonna pretend like I know what you going through but I'm not trying to say it's not a big deal . I'm saying that no matter what I will always be your big brother and you will always be my little sister and I will continue to love and support you no matter what." "Ok." You hugged him and continued to sob into his chest. After you were both soaked head to toe you both went back inside and Archie seemed to feel guilty. "I'm really sorry Willow that was real shitty and it wasn't fair to you because you should get to choose when to come out." "Thank you for the apology Carrot Top and thank you Veronica and Betty for helping him write it." All three of them blushed. "I have had a lot of fun but I'm soaked and freezing so , do you guys mind dropping me off at home." "Yeah I don't mind." After heading back home you got bored and started organizing your room and your phone checking your emails, basically doing anything to keep you entertained. You went downstairs and turned on your favorite movie, The Breakfast Club. You fell asleep about halfway through and woke up about an hour before work started. You got up and took a shower and got ready. You worked at the bar underneath pops as security and if Veronica didn't mind you would occasionally play some songs on stage. Just as you were heading out Betty and Jughead got home. "Hey were are you going Willow?" "I'm going to work." "Oh well I feel like we haven't seen each other as much." "That's what happens when you move away Jughead." He had a strange look on his face. "Well I gotta get going you can leave the door locked, I gotta key. Love ya betts., love ya Jughead, love ya JB you called out into the house. Then you headed to work...

Hey sorry for the late update I made it a little loner than usual to make it up to the few of you reading. I hope you are all safe and well.
Word count 863

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