Problems of a modern badass

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God dammit, you muttered under your breath. You had fallen asleep at y our desk last night working on a project for film class. You got ready before grabbing some stuff for the weekend before heading to the parking lot. It was early enough for it to still be pretty dark outside, you were drowsy and you barely trusted yourself to drive a normal car let alone drive your motorcycle."problems of a modern badass." You started laughing, you weren't quite sure what you were laughing at you just knew you couldn't stop laughing. "Are you ok?" A groggy voice asked. You turned to see Brett standing next to you, his  usually neat blonde hair currently messy and sporadic. "Hmm, yeah I'm good how are you?" "Im good." "Your hair looks nice." You said, smirking at him." "Oh, shut up. Are you sure you're fit to drive?" You furrowed brows furrowed and gave him a confused glance, " yeah why wouldn't i be?" "Because you just spent a solid three minutes laughing like a sociopath over nothing." " I'm fine, I'm just a little sleepy. Plus you can't drive me cause I'm staying in Riverdale for the weekend." "Can't you just get a ride back with Foresythe?" "Fine. Whatever, I'm honestly too tired to argue with you so lets go." He rolled his eyes and you both walked to his car. You threw your bag into the back seat before sitting down in the passenger's seat. You scanned through the radio before finding a station that was playing The White Stripes before falling back asleep. "Willow." "Hmm?" "We're here, so you gotta wake up." You sat up and rubbed your eyes. "What time is it.?" "Like Seven fifteen." "Oh, okay." You grabbed your bag and you both walked into the gym. It was before the gym actually opened so you, Brett and Charles were the only ones there. When you walked in you could smell the accent of fresh coffee which seemed to wake you up in a matter of seconds. You both walked behind the boxing ring to see Charles in shorts and a T-shirt lifting weights. Charles noticed your presence and sat up. "Hi." "hey charles." "Do you guys wanna change?" "Yeah." You took your bag into the locker rooms and put on a maroon tank top and green shorts along with a sports bra. When you left the locker room you saw Brett punching a punching bag in nothing but exercise shorts. He had very toned abs and he was quite attractive. You shook your head and took a deep breath trying to gain control of your thoughts. "Hey Willow can you come here a second?" You walked over to the table where Charles was sitting and he handed you a small plastic card and a little booklet. "This", he said pointing to the card. "Is your ID and   badge don't lose it. This is the rulebook in case you need a reminder", He said pointing to the booklet. "Okay,anything else?" "Well you already know about everything you need." "What about training? What will that be like?" " Training will be strength exercises and endurance tests, the point of these exercises are to make sure that you are able to defend yourself. "OKay, got you."  You spent the rest of the morning lifting weights and working on endurance. You knew for a fact you were gonna be sore tomorrow. You changed back into your normal clothes and walked into the gym and sat down. "Do you want me to give you a ride to your house?" You glanced over to Brett to see his hair and shirt both soaked. 'He must've taken a shower.' He was wearing a white shirt which meant you could see his abs. 'Ok, seriously what the hell is wrong with me.' "Um, no I can just have one of my friends pick me up or something." "What's your excuse?" "Hmm?" "Well this gym doesn't open for another hour so what's your excuse for being here?" "I didnt think about that", You muttered. "Could you drop me off at pops?" "Yeah." After you both tell Charles goodbye you got in the car and drove to Pops. Before you got out of the car you turned to Brett. "Thank you for driving me and everything." He smiled and nodded, "Your welcome and besides I think both Foresythe and Charles would try to kick my ass if I let you get  hurt." You chuckled,  knowing that he was right. "Have a good weekend brett." "You too Willow." Then you stepped out of the car and into the comforting warmth of the diner. You sat down and ordered breakfast before calling Kevin and asking him to come and pick you up. It lived at the edge of town so you knew it would be a little while before he got here. The waitress brought you your food and you sat there and ate while you waited on Kevin. You had just taken a bite of your bacon when Kevin sat down across from you. "Hey Wills." "Hey Kevin. How's it going?" " I'm good." "Thank you for picking me up." "Oh, your welcome. If you don't mind me asking why did you need me to pick you up?" "Oh, well I was kind of tired this morning so I took the bus instead and then I walked to Pops and I didnt think I was gonna be able to walk from here to my house." He nodded and you passed you plate over to Kevin and he ate some of your eggs. "So do you want me to just drop you off at your house?" "Yeah, that'd be great." You guys spent the morning just talking and having pleasant conversation before he dropped you of at your house.You walked in and immediately collapsed onto the couch. You were exhausted and already sore from this morning and just wanted to take a nap. You were awoken to the sound of someone talking. You sat up and saw both Betty and Veronica talking in the chairs next to the couch. "Hey guys." Your voice was hoarse and you felt groggy. Veronica chuckled, "what time did you get here?" "Like eight maybe nine thirty. What are you guys up to?" "Well Veronica stayed the night last night and we watched Heathers." You gasped dramatically ," I feel betrayed.You watched Heathers without me." "Whatever." She rolled her eyes with the same level of sass that you had been talking to her with. "You should stop by La Bonne Nuit tonight." "Sure, anything going on tonight?" "Eh, I think we just all miss you playing guitar at the end of the night." "Aww thanks Veronica." "Your welcome." Veronica ended up leaving a little while later and Headed to La Bonne Nuit around seven. When you got to the speakeasy you walked directly to the bar and sat down across from Reggie. "Willow! It's good to see you." "Hey Reg." It's good to see you too. Hows everything going?" "Its good Riverdale is Riverdale but other than that it's good." You nodded. "Hows Stonewall?" "It's going pretty good, they have a really good film program and I havent had to beat someone up because they've been a homophobic ass." He chuckled,"good I'm glad." You both spent the night talking until a little before closing. Veronica walked over to the bar. "Hey can you two close for the night. Im exhausted and I have to work on my collage applications tomorrow." "Sure V." "Okay thanks Wills, Night." "Night V." She left and the two of you continued your conversation. "So what colleges are you applying to?" "The New York Film Academy and a few others I don't remember which ones specifically.You?" "I actually haven't looked at any." "Wait,why not?" "I don't know. I just havent had the time and I've been working a lot lately." "Oh, well what do you want to do?" "I've actually been thinking about psychology." "Really? That'd be cool." He nodded giving you a small smile."Willow?" You looked up from your drink. "Mhm. Yeah, whats up?" "Look, I really need to say something and so Im just gonna say it." You were nervous because you had a feeling it had to do with what kevin was talking about last week. "Yeah." 'Look Willow I really like you and you mean alot to me and I need to let you know that I love you.Your beautiful and smart and witty and amazing and you mean the world to me." You looked at him. Reggie had been one of your closest friends for a majority of highschool and as much as he meant to you, you never saw yourself dating him let alone being in love with him. "Reggie I um."
You couldn't put the words together, you were too nervous to talk and it felt like the air you were breathing wasn't getting to your lungs. "Oh." You watched his slightly hopeful face become sad and slightly upset."Reggie I don't love you. I'm so sorry and I genuinely want to remain friends." "Why." "What?" "I just, why?" "I don't know Reg I've never thought of you like that.You are and hopefully will continue to be one of my closest friends and you've helped me through alot and I appreciate everything I just never saw you like that." "Oh,ok." His voice was cold and his face went blank. You felt uncomfortable and confused; you just looked down at your drink moving the lime around with your straw. "Here." he handed you the keys before putting the last of the liquor bottles back on the shelf and taking off his apron. "Can you close up." "Uh,Sure." He then walked away from the Bar and up the stairs and out of the Speakeasy. "What the Fuck." You were confused. 'Why was he being so cold? I mean I get that he's upset but he was like a complete and total asshole.' You started crying, silent tears but tears nonetheless. You were tired and confused and maybe you had lost Reggie as a friend. You were just emotionally exhausted. You knew that Kevin was out with Fangs on a date and Cheryl and Toni were busy watching the twins. You sorted through your contacts until you got to his name. You clicked on the contact and put the phone up to your ear. "Hey, Willow. Whats up?" "Hey Brett can you stop by Pops please I really need to vent right now and I'd appreciate it if you stopped by." Your voice was hoarse from the tears and your throat felt scratchy. "Yeah of course I'll be there in a little bit." "Mhm thank you." Then you hung up and waited....

A/N Hey sorry it's been awhile, I've been kinda busy but I'm finally publishing so that's good news. My Birthday was last Saturday which was awesome. I hope you all are safe and healthy. Stay hydrated and if you need to talk or vent please feel free to message me.

Word count : 1854

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