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A/N ok before this chapter starts I would like to say some stuff. I HAVE AN EDITOR!! So yeah I have an editor who is literally one of the coolest humans ever and he's been so supportive and helpful. He makes my writing seem less like an incoherent blob and more like a actual fanfic which is awesome. So go show him all the support in the universe because I don't think this chapter would've been as good without them. Here's his username RADIOSPHINX on with the chapter.

Thursday, it was Thursday, you had to keep reminding yourself because it felt like you were reliving the same day for the past four days.
Currently, you, Jughead, Brett, and the rest of the students from the salon were sitting in the library, working on a project that Mr.Chipping assigned.
You were working on your assignment and then you heard Brett and Jughead start to bicker. "Foresythe shut up, I'm trying to work on my paper."

"Well how about you shut up because you are causing more noise than I am."
You rolled your eyes, "Both of you, shut up!"

They looked at you before looking back at their computer screens. Your computer started making a loud noise and then proceeded to flash a warning and shut off. "Not again." You muttered. You grab your charger out of your bag and plug it into the outlet near your desk. Your computer isn't turning on and you knew it was gonna be awhile before you could turn it on.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Jughead, my computer is just really old and crappy."

"Wait is that my old computer?"  You nodded as you sat in your chair fidgeting with your charger trying to get your laptop to charge. "I thought you said you were gonna get a new one."

You looked at him and gave him your most annoyed look. "Well, it was between a new laptop or rent, so I've been using your old one for a few years now."
"Wait, your parents make you pay rent?" Donna looked at you with the most pitiful look you had ever seen. It made you sick.

"No, Donna. For a while I had been saving up for a new computer and during freshman year I had found one I liked and was looking forward to buying it. Then, my mom left my dad and he continued to be a hopeless drunk with no job, which meant no income, so I started paying rent with the money I had been saving."

"Don't talk to me like that."
"Like what, Donna?"
"Like Im a child." Donna grumbles.

"Well sometimes you say some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard." You shot back, not taking her sass.
"Well atleast Im not trailer trash like you."

"Excuse me?" She gave you a side look that you wanted to slap off her face.
"You heard me."

"So I lived in a trailer, atleast I didnt have to buy my way into this school."
"I didn't buy my way in."
"Yeah, you did. If you didn't have rich parents you wouldn't be here, but let's say you made it in for your writing ability. People will continue to assume and tell you that bought your way into anything you've ever done. That's the difference between you and me. I came from nothing, I had nobody." You say to Donna, very clearly annoyed.

"Well I mean I -" Jughead starts speaking but you cut him off quickly, proceeding to complain.

"Jughead, you left me with our drunken father so you could go live with your girlfriend, you don't get to say you were there when you left me behind." You say to Jughead quickly before you focus your attention back to Donna.
"I got in on my talent, you got in on the backs of your parents."

"You're trailer trash, bitch. You got here because the administrators pity you. You're a charity case just like your brother and just like your grandfather."

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