Food fight

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"So, when you say hanging out do you mean we go see a movie or.."
"Whatever you wanna do, honestly, I just like hanging out with you. I also get to avoid talking to my parents which is awesome."
He smiled and nodded. "What exactly is there to do In Riverdale?"

"Well there's a drive-in movie theatre and there's a diner and if you're feeling really adventurous you could always go swim in a really gross and kinda creepy lake."
"I'll take my options into careful consideration."
"Good to know." You interlaced hands and you ended up dosing off a little while later.
When you woke up you heard bretts voice and could smell Pops. "Hey, sleepyhead."
"Hey, sorry for falling asleep on you."
"You're good, I got you some food cause I don't think you've eaten anything today."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, it's in that bag by your feet I'm gonna pull over so I can eat."
He pulled over and you handed him his food.

"Ok, despite my general disdain towards this town they do make pretty good burgers."
"I'm pretty sure that's the only reason people stay in this stupid town." He laughed. You threw a fry at him. He rolled his eyes before tossing back another fry.
"You started it." You threw a few more fries at him.

"Ms. Jones I would think very carefully before you throw another fry." You threw a single fry at his chest. "This means war."

He squirted a ketchup packet onto your shirt. "Why, I only threw a fry at you!" You wiped some of the ketchup off your shirt before smearing it on Brett's face. This led to an all-out food fight that ended with both of you covered in ketchup and mustard.

"I smell like a burger."
"May, I remind you that this was your fault."
"Was it now?" He nodded.

"Well despite the fact that you are completely and utterly wrong we should probably find somewhere to get cleaned up."
"We could swing by your house and take showers."
"My parents are both currently at home." You thought for a little bit before getting an Idea.

"We could go to my best friend's house, he doesn't talk to Betty or any of the Core four much and I trust him."
"The core four?"
"Betty, Jughead, Archie, Veronica. Kevin came up with the name a while ago."
"Okay um, where am I going?" You gave him directions to Kevin and before you arrived you called Kevin.

"Hey, Kevin can I ask you a big favor?"
"As long as it isn't something to do with any murder mystery investigation, sure."
"No, nothing like that, I was wondering if I could borrow your shower." "Uh, yeah what's wrong with yours?"
"Nothing, it's just I'm with someone right now and I'd prefer if Alice or dad didn't find out."

"Willow Jones, do you have a boyfriend?"
"No, maybe, I don't know things are complicated, can you just promise you won't tell anyone and that you won't ask too many questions."
"Thank you, I'll be there soon." You hung up.

"Well, I didn't want to make any assumptions. I just didn't know if we were dating or if you were my boyfriend."
"I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend, we've already been on like three dates."
"We have not."
"Pops, Cheesecake pancakes, and the gas station." He started listing the quote dates. You laughed and smiled.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend" you declared before leaning over the console, giving him a quick peck on his ketchup covered cheek.

When you guys entered Kevin's house you were bombarded with questions.
"So are you guys dating? How'd you guys meet?"
"Kevin, you agreed to not ask questions."
"Sorry, you bring over a mystery man and expect me not to be curious."

You guys both took your showers and left before saying goodbye to Kevin. You spent the rest of the day driving around, talking, and just being stupid teenagers. You and Brett decided that you would go to the party a bit earlier and then Brett would come by sometime later. He dropped you off at your house before heading over to the base. When you entered the house you were met with Alice's tight embrace.
"Hey, Alice." She let go of you, "Hi Willow it's good to see you."

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