The Party : take 2

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"I still can't believe your moving." "I'm just moving schools Kevin and I'll come back to riverdale every weekend and during breaks." Currently you , Kevin, the core four, some of the serpents and Reggie sat in the lounge talking about your move. You had talk basically everyone who would've cared about your move. "So Cheryls party?" "What about it Reg.?" "Why is she throwing another party?" "Look it's Cheryl Blossom at this point she doesn't need a reason to have a party." They all laughed at your comment. "Also stonewall and riverdale are in the same area so I'm pretty sure they play against each other in football so I'll definitely becoming down here for games." "Oh.My.God Willow Ruby Jones wants to go to a football game." "Shut it Kevin." Wait, your middle name is Ruby?" "Yes it is." "Wow in comparison to Jughead's name I expected something like, Montanellia." "What kind of name is that?" "I don't know but Ruby sounds better." "Obviously." You said rolling your eyes playfully. "So I think we can all collectively say that we hate mr.honey." "YES." You all said together. "Good thing you don't have to deal with Mr. Honey at your new school." "Yeah." "What's your new teachers name?" "Mr.Chipping." "Oh, is he the one guy with black hair who was in mr.honeys office on Monday, cause damn he's hot." "Kevin!" All of you burst out laughing till tears brimmed your eyes. "Well I have to get going , Mr.honey wants me in his office to discuss the blue and gold." "Good luck B." "Thanks V ." "So are we all going to Cheryls party?" "If we don't bombshell will probably have someone bust our kneecaps or some crazy shit like that." "Willow?" "Huh?" "Are you going to Cheryls party?" "Yeah it I'll be one of the last parties I'll ever go to." "You and Jughead are some of the most melodramatic people I have ever met." "Oh, shut it carrot top."
After school you all went over to Archie's house to help prepare for the party.  Betty had insisted that  she help you get ready so with the help of Veronica, Betty and Kevin you all decided on a tight denim skirt , fishnets ,maroon tank top and a flannel with your serpents jacket and leather boots. You were helping set out cups when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." You opened the door to see Jughead and Brett. "Hey beanie, I'm glad you could come." "It's good to see you . So I brought Brett with me?" "Why?" "Hey I'm right here." "Ok, sorry why would you want to come to a party with people you have never met?" "As I've explained to your brother I am also a teenager who needs to blow off steam and I have never been to a small town party so I would like to experience one." "Let me sum up the experience for you, it's a loud party with crappy pop music , cheap booze and dumb games." "Now that sounds highly entertaining." He said with a coy smile. "Whatever, do what you want I don't care." "Willowwwww!" "What's up sweet pea." "I can't find the booze." "It's in a cabinet above the the stove." "Thanks." "Wait how do you know where Fred keeps his booze?" "Archie let me hide some of dads liquor there when dad was a ragging alcoholic." "Oh." "Wait you're dad , the sheriff is an alcoholic?" "Was an alcoholic he's been clean for three and a half years." "Cool." "Well the party starts in like fifteen minutes so do whatever to prepare yourself. Hey Cheryl is chuck coming to the party?" "Hell no , why would I ever invite that homophobic pig?" "Just curious Blossom." "Who's Chuck?" "Chuck Clayton is
Riverdale's  very own homophobic, football playing, player, asshole and I kicked his ass last week because he called me a fag." "You two might actually get along", Betty stated a cold look on her face. "Hey calm down with the accusations ponytail, while you may think I'm a jerk I would never call anyone such an insulting term and just do you know , I'm not homophobic." "Good to hear" ,you muttered under your breath.
The party began a little while later and you were doing what you do every time you go to a party; chilling by a wall and fidgeting with your phone. "What's your poison ?" "Huh?" You looked up to see Brett standing in front of you a bored expression gracing his forest green eyes. "Rum." "Really ?" "Yeah , What did you expect?" " I don't know maybe wine." "Eww god no that stuffs  disgusting ." "Agreed. So we've figured out why I'm at this party, why are you here?" "We'll this party is like a last hurrah before I go to stonewall." "I heard you got in congrats." "Thanks." "Well someone named Reggie offered to play pool with me in the basement so I'm gonna go , oh and feel free to come watch. He winked at you before leaving for the basement. You rolled your eyes before following him to the basement. You saw that most of the party had crowded around the pool table , you made your way through the the crowd. When you got to the front you say Reggie looking disappointed while Brett cheered. "That's game . Would anyone else like to challenge me not that it's really fair chance seeing as I am the pool champion." "I will, you took a few steps forward so you could play." "Willow it's really more of a guys game." "Excuse me , Reggie you didn't win so what does that say about you?" "Uh.." "Exactly , in fact why don't we make it a little more interesting Brett let's play strip pool." "Your just dying to see me naked, aren't you princess?" "In your dreams. So you understand the rules? Every time you sink one I take of an article of clothing and every time I sink one you take off an article of clothing." "Stop Flirting and play already!" Someone yelled from the crowd." "You heard them princess." You rolled your eyes, "I'm breaking." You broke landing 1 ball , "I'm stripes" the game continued with you in the lead. "Oh and that's game!" Brett stood in his boxers and you stood in your bra and jeans your clothes were being held by sweet pea . "What the hell!" You turned to see Jughead , his eyes filled with rage." He grabbed your arm and pulled you to another room. "What the hell are you doing?" "Having fun beanie calm down." "No your practically naked in front of a crowding teenagers!" "I'm having fun, I'm not naked I'm just not wearing a shirt." "How are you this stubborn?" "We're  related idiot." He glared at your, his face red. "Hey Willow ." "What the hell do you want Brett." "Calm down Jones I was just congratulating your sister on her win, and I look forward to seeing her at stonewall." Then he left. "W-What is he talking about?" "Well you see before you dragged me out of there I was cheering about how I had just beaten Brett in a game of strip pool." "No about stonewall." "Well I recently got into the stonewall prep film program so , starting next Wednesday I'll be attending stonewall." "Did you ever plan on telling me?" "I was going to this weekend , I don't get why your so angry." "Because your not acting like yourself and I'm worried." "What would you rather me act like a scared little girl who works two jobs to make sure we don't get evicted?" "Don't be like that." "Jug what do you expect from me ,you know now don't you so just leave me alone." "No let's talk about this!" "No! I want space and for once your life I need you to respect what I want." "You can't run away from your problems." "I'm not Jug. I want space and I want to stop trying to baby me, I understand fully that your worried about me but, guess what. I'm a teenager I'm gonna make dumb choices and stupid mistakes and your just gonna have to get over it." "Willow." "No , I'm not gonna argue with you anymore." Then you left looking for sweet pea before your phone started ringing. "Who is this?" "It's Charles your half brother." "Yeah I know who you are what do you want?" "Well if you knew who I was then why did you ask?" "I'm going to hang up now." "Sorry that wasn't the point, can you come down to the station?" "Why ?" "We need to talk."

A/N  sorry for the extra drama and long awaited update. I have I few things I've been wanting to say but I find that posting a whole chapter as an authors note can be annoying so I'll say it here.
1. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for 1k views it means so much to me honestly.
2. Would you be interested in a face reveal?
3. If you guys could follow me it would help me inform you guys on story updates, authors notes etc.

so stay safe use social distancing measures and have a good day.
Word count 1536

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