The party

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It was the weirdest week of your life. Everyone had been calling Jughead 24/7 to make sure that he was settling in and to see if he was ok. Everyone was still trying to get used to the change but Jughead would be coming to riverdale this weekend on  Saturday so it wasn't that big of a deal. All week you had been dealing with the continuous bullying and torture of chuck Clayton. Despite the fact that he claimed not to be the womanizing asshole he once was he continued to harass you. To make things worse Cheryl was throwing a huge party to celebrate the fact that she got into her dream school and somehow you got roped into going. You drove there on your motorcycle you had got for your 16th birthday from your dad. Once you got there you instantly regretted going. The original plan was to go there with Kevin but you could see that he was to busy shoving his tongue down fangs throat to notice you. So you walked over to where the alcohol was and filled a plastic cup with rum and stood in the corner nursing you drink and that's how you spent most of the party until Cheryl made everyone play in the game of sins and secrets. You sat on the floor with your head resting against the couch , Cheryl and chuck were explaining the rules and then chuck looked at you. "What about you Wensday Adams are you hiding anything." "Nope." "Really what about last week when I saw you kissing serpent scum." "I kissed someone what's the big deal", you said rolling your eyes. "I mean I don't judge you she is hot." At that you began to freak out he had just outed you to the whole school. "So are you like a fag or something or is I just experimenting because I would love to get in between that." You stood up slightly shaking because of your anxiety and walked up to him and spoke your voice shaking ever so slightly," Shut. The. Fuck. Up " " your a whore you know that,Willow." Then you punched him in the face causing blood to ooze from his nose and blood was smeared on your knuckles. "Fuck you." Tears were spilling from your eyes and you walked to your motorcycle you needed to drive anywhere to get away from it all. After a while of driving around riverdale you decided to call Jughead and talk to him, he was always there for you. Then you realized that you had left your phone on the charger at home. It was a Friday and you had nothing better to do so you decided to drive to stonewall prep and talk to Jughead. On the drive up there you got to into your own head started thinking of the millions of possibilities of how everyone would take you being Bisexual. Some of them were great others not so much. You ended up crying again due to overthinking which triggered your anxiety which triggered your depression. You got to stonewall prep and walked to Jugheads dorm , your eyes red and puffy from crying. You knocked on the door and after a few moments the door opened you expecting to see Jughead you flung yourself into his arms. "Umm hey are you ok." "Jughead I'm sorry it's just-." And then you looked up to see blonde hair and no beanie. Then you looked at his face and it was a mix of confusion and a awkwardness in his green eyes. "Oh my god I am so sorry I just thought you were Jughead and I've just had a really shitty night." " Your good we've all been there." " Have you seen Jughead anywhere?" " No Forsythe left like a little while ago." " Oh sorry to bother you, thanks though." "No problem are you sure your ok?" " Yeah thanks for asking." "Have a goodnight." " You too." Then he closed the door and you walked back to your motorcycle. You were embarrassed and confused and tired and just wanted to go home and go to bed. When you got home you saw that Jughead was sitting on the couch talking to everyone and you walked over and sat down with the rest of them. They were too interested in what Jughead had to say to bombard your with questions and you felt lucky for that. He was talking about Brett and how he was apparently one of the most mean and rude person he had ever met which didn't make a lot of sense because he seemed nice to you.  After a little while of listening to Jughead you went to bed , as you were heading upstairs Betty left and followed you. When you got to the second story she spoke in a soft voice, "look I get if you don't wanna talk about the party I understand that but just know I'm here for you." You turned to her and asked in a quiet and scratchy voice ," Did you tell them?" "Who?" "Mom and dad." "No of course not, it's your choice when you want to tell them." You hugged her it felt nice to finally know you had at least one persons support. " Thanks Betty." Then you went to your room and went to bed.

Word count 893

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