Cheesecake pancakes

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The first half of your day was stressful and honestly by lunch you were ready to just go back to the dorm and go to bed. Getting used to a new layout of a new school plus new students and new teachers was the most exhausting thing that a high school student or any student for that matter could go through. You didn't eat breakfast but instead, drank four cups of coffee and the effects of the caffeine were just starting to wear off. You had sat down at a table in the back of the cafeteria  and you were currently eating your lunch and listening to some music. You were looking through your music library, trying to decide on a playlist when someone tapped  you on the shoulder. You turned around to see your older brother.  "Hey, Willow. Can I sit here?" "Yeah, sure,'' you said scooting over to provide room for Jughead to sit. You both sat there in awkward silence before  Jughead spoke up. "How's your first day so far?" "It's ok, stressful,annoying but overall okay." "Good, I'm glad" "Yeah." You guys hadn't made up or talked since the party on friday. You hated arguing with your brother but you were gonna do what you wanted and he was gonna have to get over it. "I'm sorry Willow." "What?" "I'm sorry for getting upset with you on Friday and for being a jerk." "Thank you." "Its was really petty and stupid of me to get angry at you. There's alot going on here that I'm not sure you know. I don't want you to get hurt and I just want to be able to protect you." "Jughead we've had this conversation over and over again and I don't know how else to tell you that I don't need protecting. I can take care of myself, I'm not some damsel in distress who needs to be saved. I'm your sister and I want you to stop trying to parent me. I want you to stop babying me and I want you to respect what I want to do." "I just don't want it to end up like freshman year. I don't want you to get hurt again." "Beanie I can take care of myself and that was a one time thing. I promise you and myself that it will never end up like freshman year. That was a one time thing and it will never happen again." "Promise?" "Promise." You smiled feeling glad  that this whole matter is resolved. "So what are salons and is there anything I need to prepare for?" "Salons are kind of like a book club. We read and talk about a book and that's about it. We do writing exercises and stuff like that. It's honestly the best class. Right now we're reading Moby Dick." " Oh,nice. I love that book." "it's pretty good." Just as he said that the bell rang. "Well time to head to class." You threw away your trash and followed Jughead to class.When you got there you saw Brett sitting with three other students. "Why,hello Willow it's good to see you. How's your first day so far?" "Hey Brett, my first day is going well." Jughead glared at Brett before introducing you to the other students. The girl with brown hair was named Donna. The guy with short black hair was named Jonathan and the girl with black hair was named Joan. "It's nice to meet you all." Before anyone could say anything else the door opened and a person who you presumed to be Mr.Chipping walked in. "Sorry class, I had some things to attend to. I hope you all have gotten to know the new student, Willow. If you could all take a seat we can continue where we left off yesterday." You sat down next to Jughead and grabbed the copy of Moby Dick out of your bag."so yesterday I asked you all to tell me  what you thought the whale meant, the bell rang before you all could finnish answering the question. So that's what we will spend today doing." "I believe we left off with Brett. So would you please tell me and your peers what you think the whale means?" Brett just looked at you with the most cocky expression on his face. "The whale is representative of the unknown. Captain Ahab is chasing after the unknown, trying his hardest to get answers to unanswerable questions."                                                                                                     You rolled your eyes, you would have been okay with what he said if he hadn't said it the most obnoxious way possible. If he wasn't saying it with such a cocky attitude as if his answer was obviously right. "What about you Willow? What do you think the whale means?" "I think the author really never intended for it to mean anything, Herman Melvile wrote a bunch of other books similar to Moby Dick that were just about fishing and I think is kind of ridiculous to think that this particular book meant anything or that this whale meant anything else. I think that people try to interpret pieces of literature or try to make it seem like the author meant something deeper because it's strange for it not to be. People don't like things to just be as they are. I think that people use the whale to project what they are scared of because that's the beast they're trying to tame."  Mr.Chipping smiled, seeming amused by your answer. He continued to ask about your other classmate's opinions until class ended and you headed back to your dorm. You had put your phone on silent before you left lunch so it didn't ring during class. You saw you had a missed call from Charles and you called him back. "Hello,Willow?" "Hey Charles I just got done with school sorry for calling you back late." "Oh,your fine I just wanted to let you know that you have training this Saturday." "Ok where do you want me to meet you for training?" "At Archies gym at nine in the morning." "Okay, thanks Charles." "Your welcome, I'll see you this weekend,Willow." "Bye." "Bye." You hung up and sat down at your desk to look over your homework.  You decided to go to the library to work on your science report, so you grabbed your bag and headphones before heading to the library. You had already done all the paperwork for a library card last night when you unpacked. You found a large table towards the back of the library,surrounded by bookcases. You sat down and grabbed some books before opening your laptop and getting to work. You spent a few hours working on your report, you wanted to make a good impression on your new teachers so you made sure your research was thorough. Just as you were thinking about heading back to your dorm you heard a familiar voice. "Hey,Willow" You looked up to see Brett holding a cup of coffee and a bag of chips. "How are you?" "I'm good, how are you?" "Im good,I'm working on my science report." "What's it about?" "Plant Taxonomy, which is a topic i'm interested in but I don't like writing a paper over it." " I get that." You smiled,"Hey,weird question but can I have a sip of coffee?" "uh,sure." He handed you the warm coffee and you sipped the cup, the hot bitter liquid warming you up. "Thank you." "Your welcome. Do you mind if I sit?" "Yeah, go ahead." He took a seat and you continued to work on your paper. "So hows your day going?" "Its good, im adjusting to a new school and a new environment.Did you get a call from Charles?" "Yeah. Do you wanna carpool?" "No,I'm gonna stay for the weekend so I can visit my family and friends." He nodded and handed you the bag of chips. You took a few before handing them back to Brett. "Thank you." "Your welcome." "How's your day going?" "It's pretty good, nothing really interesting going on right now." "I get that." You both sat there talking and just enjoying pleasant conversation for a few hours when you checked the time. "It's almost seven aclock." "Wanna grab dinner?" "Um, is there anywhere to eat around here?" "there's a few little diners and restaurants around if you're ok with driving for a little bit." "Sure I'm gonna go put my books and stuff in my room." "Ok. Do you want me to meet you back here or outside near the parking lot." "If you don't mind meeting me back here cause,I don't quite know where the parking lot is." "That's fine." You put your things in your bag before going up to your dorm and dropping you things on your bed and heading back downstairs.You walked with Brett to his car. You both got in and he handed you his phone. "My phone is connected to the car speakers so you can just pick a song to play." You opened his Spotify and then looked up a Rex Orange County song and played it. "Where do you want to eat?" "I'm honestly ok with anything." "I think there's a little diner that serves breakfast 24/7 if you're down." "That sounds amazing." "Ok. By the way this song is really good." "I know, he's doing a few concerts starting in September." "I think he'd be cool to see in concert." You nodded your head in agreement. You both spent most of the drive taking turns picking songs and just talking about music. When you got to the diner the waitress seated you at a booth next to a window and handed you a menu then glared at the both of you for a moment and walked off. "Well she was a delight." You both held back laughs before looking over the menu. "Brett." "Yeah." "Look at the breakfast menu." "What about it.?" "There are cheesecake pancakes." "What about it?" "1. Cheesecake pancakes sound fantastic and I'm concerned about the fact that you're not excited. 2. My mom used to make cheesecake pancakes every year for my birthday." "Aww,thats so sweet." "Was that pun intended ?" "Absolutely." You both ordered your food before continuing on with your conversation. "Thank you for this." "Oh,your welcome. Thank you for coming with you." "Your welcome." "So you're going to school for screenwriting." "Yeah, I wanted to write novels for a while but I honestly just preferred writing scripts." "Oh, were you a theatre nerd?" "Yes." "What's your favorite?" "I like Hedwig and The Angry Inch, Hamilton is pretty cool too." "I've never seen either." " Hamilton is on Disney Plus and I think Hedwig is on HBO." "Are you saying I should watch them?" "Absolutely." "So What's your dream job?" "A writer for Saturday Night Live would be really cool. What about you?" "I'd like to write a graphic novel." "That would be cool, what would it be about?" "Um well I like the Calvin and Hobbes theme where it's like the adventures of a little kid." "I love Calvin and Hobbes." "I loved those books my mom used to read them to me as bedtime stories." "That is the most adorable thing I have ever heard of." He smiled. "I mean I'm a pretty adorable person so what did you expect." You rolled your eyes and a few moments later the waitress brought your food. You both spent the rest of the night eating dinner and talking. By the time you got back to your dorm was nearly midnight and you were yet to finnish your science report.

A/N I hope you are all doing well and are using social distancing measures. I'm trying to post on every Monday but I won't be able to next week because I'm going on a road trip to Colorado but after that I'll start updating regularly. Stay safe and stay hydrated.

Word Count: 2006

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