Long island ice tea

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You sat at the bar sipping on a gin and tonic when you heard footsteps. You looked over at Brett, he gave you a reassuring and sympathetic smile. He walked over and sat down next to you. "Hi." "Hey." Your voice was scratchy. "How are you doing?" "I have no idea. I'm emotionally exhausted and confused." "Do you wanna talk about it?" "You nodded." "Ok do you mind if I make a drink real quick?" "You can bartend?" "Yeah. I can make a few cocktails." You smiled half heartedly," what can't you do?" "I can't whistle." "Wait really?" He nodded giving you a bemused smile. "So what did you want to talk about?" Your face fell as much as you wanted to talk about everything you honestly didn't know where to start. "I um..., I don't know." "Look if you don't want to talk about it that's fine I don't wanna pressure you into anything." "No I do I just don't know where do start , there's a lot of confusion and emotions I haven't quite processed." "Well why don't you start with the reason that you called." " Ok well, you know that one guy named Reggie, you played pool with him at the party." "Yeah, he had black hair right?" You nodded. "Well he works here as a bartender and I came to see him and some of my other friends and we just were talking and Veronica, I don't know if you met her yet she's one of Betty's friends. " I met Veronica at the party." "Ok well she asked us to close since she had to do some stuff tomorrow and so me and Reggie continued to talk and then he was all like I don't know how to tell you this but I'm just gonna say It and then he tells me he loves me! I had thought like he might have a had a crush on me but he loves me?" And you know me I'm a socially awkward person so I start stuttering and tripping over my words. Then after a minute I was finally able to pull myself together and tell him that I never thought of him like that and I wanted to remain friends and then he's like why. I just said I never thought of him like that. Then he gets all cold and just stops talking to me before he hands me the keys, asks me to close up and leaves. And now I don't know if I lost my friend or said something I wasn't supposed to. I'm tired and confused and just, I-" "Ok I'm just gonna stop you there for a second. There's nothing you could've said that would've been wrong. You weren't the one who acted like a complete ass. You simply explained you weren't interested. I've never spoken to Reggie other than some smack talk in a game of pool but he seems like a bit of a jerk, and I get it takes a lot to tell someone you're in love with him but that doesn't mean you get to be a douche. You have the right to feel however you want but you should know that you shouldn't feel at fault for his hurt feelings." You stayed quiet for a little while before uttering the words thank you. He nodded, "I'm always here if you wanna talk, I know we just met but just so you know." "Thank you Brett." "Mhm. Here." He passed you a drink. "What is this?" "Long island iced tea." "Oh , thank you," He walked around the bar and sat down next to you. " Anything else?" "No I'm just exhausted and I know for a fact that I'm gonna be sore tomorrow." "Yeah training sucks." "How's your day going?" "It's pretty good so far I'm working on some stuff for classes and really nothing else." "Mhm." You both continued talking about nothing and anything and Brett continued to make cocktails that you both sipped on. By now you were pretty tipsy and you started feeling sick. "You ok?" "Yeah I'm good", your speech was slurred and you sounded way drunker than you felt. Brett had a smug grin on his face and looked at you with raised eyebrows. "Really?" His voice didn't sound as slurred as yours was but he wasn't sober by any means. "Maybe we should get you home." "Yeah. Wait, no my parents would be pissed if they saw me as drunk as I am." "Well, can you just crash with one of your friends?" "
"No, they are all too busy to pick me up and I am too drunk to drive without dieing." "Well I could drop you off at your house." "Brett you're almost as drunk as I am, I don't think you're fit to drive." You both burst out laughing relizing how stupid this situation was. "We could get a motel." Brett looked at you gigging you a suggestive smirk. "Not like that! Were just both drunk and theres one like a few blocks away from here." "Sure why not." He drove the both of you in his car making sure to drive slow. You walked into the motel, the lobby was cold and it smelled like mold and tobacco. You both walked up to the little desk to get a room. The woman sitting at the desk looked to be in her mid thirties, she had bags under her eyes and she had pounds of makeup caked onto her face. "What can I do for you two?" "Could we get a room." "Sure, we got a room with one bed and it'll be 23 dollars and check out time is tomorrow at eleven at the latest." "Um, well we were actually thinking of a room with two beds." "Sorry sweetheart, we're all booked up. We got one more room and either take it or leave it." ".Ok fine whatever" Before you could pull out your wallet Brett had already paid for the room. "You don't have to do that." He shrugged, "I don't mind." After you got your keys you both walked to the motel room. You walked in the room and kicked off your shoes. "I can sleep on the floor if you're more comfortable." "Nah, your good." You took your hair out of your pony tail before stripping down to a T-shirt and jeans. You turned and looked over to see Brett in his boxers and a shirt. You pulled off your skinny jeans before laying down under the blankets." "Goodnight, Willow." "Night Brett." You snuggled into the pillows before falling into a drunken sleep.
You felt someone's arms wrapped around your waist and you could feel someone's breath on your neck. Your eyes fluttered open and as soon as you saw the sunlight you felt your head start to throb. The lovely effects of the alcohol had worn off by now and all was left was a throbbing head and a sick stomach. "Morning." Brett mumbled his voice sounded slightly hoarse and it was kinda cute. "Shhh don't be so loud but, good morning to you too." You sat straight up and ran to the small bathroom attached to your motel room and threw up into the toilet. You heard Bretts footsteps before you felt him lift your hair up and away from your face. "Thank you." "Mhm." You sat up and layed you back against the bathtub. "I'm never drinking again." "I don't think you can get through college without drinking." You rolled your eyes before cringing in pain." You stood up, walked out of the bathroom and put your clothes back on and grabbed your phone. You had a few missed calls from Veronica and Betty but nothing really concerning.''Ok I have to get going so do you mind dropping me off at Pops so I can get my motorcycle." "Sure." Brett put on his clothes before you checked out and left the motel. You guy drove to Pops and you both said goodbye before you exited the car and left. You drove home and tried not to throw up, the brightness of the sun and freshness of the air making you sick. You got home and parked your bike before heading inside. Both Alice and Fp were sitting in the living room. "Where have you been?" You cringed in pain, he was so loud. He noticed your reaction. "Are you hungover?" "No I just have a headache." "Where were you last night?" "I was hanging out with a friend." "Who?" "My friend from stonewall. He's pretty nice." He looked at you. "Willow Ruby Jones did you lose your virginity?" You turned your eyes wide with shock and you winced. Your headache that had been moderately painful was now back to absolute torture. "Please for the love of god be a bit quieter and, no I did not lose my virginity last night. Even if I did it wouldn't be anyone's business except mine."
You walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of Ibuprofen and a glass of water, you took a few of the painkillers before walking back over to the living room. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go take a shower before I head back to school." Before anyone could say anything else you walked upstairs and took a shower. You spent the rest of the evening packing up your things and getting ready for the next week of school. You walked downstairs and saw both Kevin and Veronica sitting in the living room looking nervous. "Willow." "Oh, hey guys whats up." "We heard about what happened last night with Reggie." "Oh. Wait, why I haven't told anyone." "Well he posted something about your guys late night excursion." Your brows furrowed in confusion and your face went cold. "What do you mean? Reggie told me he loved me and I told him I wasn't interested." "That's not what he said." Kevin handed you his phone so you could read Reggies Instagram story. 'If you guys have ever heard rumors about bisexual girls being crazy in bed let me be the first to tell you its true and Willow Jones proved that last night.' "That son of a bitch. I swear to god nothing happened last night. I was just hanging out with a friend last night." "Not even Reggie would do something like that." "Yeah, Willow it seems more like something Chuck would pull." "Well obviously he did it Kevin, who else wrote that post!" "Ok calm down Willow." "No im not gonna fucking calm down, he just pretty much told the entirety of this stupid down that we had sex when we didn't." "Do you wanna go talk to him?" "Yes."

A/N I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please stay hydrated and use proper social distancing measures as well as wear a mask. I hope you all have a fantastic day.

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