The girl with the snake tatoo

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When you got back to your dorm you changed into your pajamas and sat down and started watching something on Netflix. You were halfway through an episode when someone knocked on your door. You stood up and answered the door, opening the door and seeing Bret standing in his pajamas, which consisted of navy blue pajama pants and a t-shirt.

"Hey Brett, how's it going?" You asked, trying your hardest not to laugh.
"Your brother's an asshole."
"I know, I've lived with him for seventeen years. What did he do in particular?"
"Forsythe and Ponytail are having sex."
"Yeah, and I have homework to do so if you could talk to him that would be a big help."
"Nope, no way. I've walked in on them way too many times, I'm not doing it voluntarily."
"How many- "
"Too many, Brett, you would think they would learn to lock the door or just not have sex when people are around."

He stood there with a crooked smile. "You could stay here if you want."
"I wouldn't want to bother you."
"I don't mind, plus where are you gonna stay for the night?"
"Look you don't have to, I'm just saying."
"If it's ok, I'd like to stay."
"Ok, well you can sleep on one of the bunks and there are some extra blankets in those drawers over there," you said before sitting back down on your bed.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
You both sat there in comfortable silence before your phone started ringing. You looked at the contact name before answering.

"Hey, Veronica what's up?"
"Hey, Willow, I was just double-checking to make sure you were still coming to the party."
"Yeah, it's at La Bonne Nuit, right?"
"Yeah, at like ten."
"Okay.... Oh, um, can I bring someone to the party?" You ask.

"Yeah, I don't mind at all, just as long as they're not a complete asshole."
"You really think I'd be friends with an asshole?"
"I'm just saying."
"Well, I'm gonna go, see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Willow."
"Bye, V." You hung up and set your phone down before laying flat on your back.

"Are you okay?" Brett asks.
"Yeah, I'm just tired and don't really wanna do anything or go anywhere tomorrow, but, I already promised Veronica I was going to her party."
"Well, I can go to work in the library for a while if the light is bothering you."
"No, I'm just tired in the sense of liking people."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."

"Hey, can you help me with something?" Brett asks another question.
"Hmm, what is it?"
"Can you help me with my math homework?"
You burst out laughing. "What?" You looked over at Brett while tears brimmed your eyes from laughing. As soon as you saw his puppy dog eyes you stopped laughing,
"No I'm not laughing at you, I'm just absolutely horrible at math."
"Oh, so the stereotypes about gays being bad at math is true," Brett says.
You threw a pillow at him, a grin plastered across your face.

"Oh, shut up. It's not my fault math is the most complicated subject ever."
"So it's the subject's fault."
He laughed and the sound made your heart skip.
"Just cheat, the answers are on the internet." You suggest.
"I'm not cheating."
"Why not, Mr. Goodie two shoes?"
"I am not a goodie two shoes."
"You totally are."
"Are not"
"Really", you said as you rolled your eyes.
"What's the craziest thing you've done?"
"I've done drugs."
"How the fuck are you in the FBI?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. What about you."

"I mean technically I'm in a gang and I've stripped before." You saw the shock and surprise on his face. "Really?"
"Yeah, it's how you get into the gang."
"Did you have to wear lingerie or something?"
"Why, are you curious?" You asked, a smirk creeping across your face.
"I'm not curious- I'm just.."
"Curious." You answered. "I also have a tattoo."
"Really? Can I see it?"
"Umm, yeah sure." You tugged your shirt off, revealing your bra as well as your tattoo. The blush on his face from earlier was nothing compared to his blush now. He stared at your tattoo for a little while, the look of admiration filling his eyes. You got the tattoo a few years ago, it wasn't the traditional serpent tattoo. Toni had helped you come up with the idea a little while before you got it. It was a black and white tattoo of a snake twirled around a crescent moon.
"It's gorgeous."
"Thank you." You were both blushing but neither of you pointed it out.

He seemed to realize that he had been looking at your tattoo for a while and turned his attention back to his computer.


You ended up going to bed a little while later because you knew you would need sleep. "Goodnight, Willow. Sleep well."
"Goodnight Brett gets some sleep, don't stay up all night."
"I make no promises."


You woke up the next morning to the sound of someone softly snoring, it took you a second to realize it was Brett. You sat up and looked at him, he was sprawled out on the bed, his leg dangling off to the side. The morning light made his blonde hair look like the color of gold. You smiled to yourself before getting dressed and packing a bag. Brett was still asleep and you weren't sure whether or not you wanted to wake him up.
You sat down and wrote that you were leaving a bit earlier and that you would text him the information if he still wanted to go to the party. You stuck the note on his laptop and just as you were about to head out he spoke up, "Willow."
You turned around and walked over to him. "Hey, Brett, I'm sorry if I woke you up."
"No, your fine I need to get up anyway."
"Mhm." He stood up and stretched. When he did his shirt rose up and you could see his abs.

"Okay, quick question, how are you so fit if you never work out?"
"I work out once a week." He states.
"Look, Instagram fitness models workout more than you and still aren't as a buff."
He laughed giving you the most obnoxious hair flip despite him not being able to flip his hair.
"Are you still planning on going to the party?"
"If that's okay with you?"
"Yeah, I don't mind."
'I think I'm gonna head down there a bit later."
"Okay well, I'll see you then."
"Yeah. Um, Willow."
"Be safe." You walked back over to him,
"I promise I'll be safe. I know how to protect myself at parties."
"'Kay ."

You were focused on his eyes the way the light hit them made them look even more like emeralds. His lips were light pink and they looked so soft. You wanted to kiss him more than anything. You weren't sure why but you were desperate to know what his lips felt like. Your eyes flicked back and forth between his lips and eyes before you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, finally able to find some restraint.

You pulled away just a little bit, your eyes locked. Your breath was unsteady and it felt like time was slowing down, your heart was pounding so loud you were surprised Brett wasn't covering his ears. It felt like this moment would last forever like this moment was frozen in time.
" Willow look I think you're a genuinely amazing person and I've done some shitty stuff, some messed up stuff I'm not perfect and I will never pretend to be. I get that I've only known you for a few months but I really really like you and your worth trying to be perfect. Your one of the most amazing people I've ever met and I can barely go a day without thinking about you, hoping to see you, wanting to see you, needing to see you."
His eyes were searching yours trying to find se for of agreement or hope something, anything. "I don't want you to be perfect, I want you to be mine", then you kissed him. His lips were soft and his breath was warm. His kiss enveloped you as if everything around you disappeared. There was nothing except his lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you threaded your fingers through his hair. You pulled away for air, your lungs burning from the lack of oxygen.
You both smiled at each other, your faces were inches apart.
"Damn that was a smooth pick up line."
"I mean it me we're talking about what do you expect.Oh and by the way you're a really good kisser."
"Mhm." "Hey, I really have to get going but do you wanna come with me and we could hang out before the party."
"I'm all for this."
"Okay well, we have to get going."
"Okay, I'm gonna go get my bag."
"'kay." You followed Brett out of your room and stood in the hallway while he was changing. After he finished changing you both walked outside the crisp fall winds sending chills down your spine.
"Hmm?" He grabbed a red hoodie out of his bag and handed it over to you. You smiled before putting it on, the scent of cologne and coffee making you feel a sense of comfort and safety. You both got in the car and turned on the radio...

A/N Hey sorry for the messy updating schedule school had kinda stressed me out and taken over my life but I'm back. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed the chapter also if you could check my conversation board thing I'm doing something special for 3k and I want your guys help deciding. All editing credit goes to RADIOSPHINX give them all the love and support. Stay safe, stay hydrated and use proper social distancing measures.

Word count 1684

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