My Chérie

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You hung up on Charles and after fifteen minutes  You finally found sweet pea. "Finally!" "What? , oh hey willow what do you need?" "Where did you put my clothes?" "There in Archie's room I didn't know where you went sorry ." "No your fine thank you sweet pea." "No problem Willow." You went to Archie's bedroom and changed back into your clothes before running downstairs and left the party. You were glad you could avoid any questions or awkward conversation. You walked to your house , grabbed you keys, got on your motorcycle and headed to the base. You got there the cold air, chilling your spine which added to the creepy feeling of this whole experience. You walked inside to see both Brett and Charles sitting at a table." "Hello Willow, how are you ?" "I'm good Charles , why is Brett here?" "Well that's actually why I asked you to come here. Why don't you sit down and we can discuss this." You sighed, pre-annoyed at the conversation to come. "Sure do you have some coffee?" "I do indeed." You sat down at the table while Charles made a pot of coffee. "So thank you for coming here, Willow." Charles's said as he handed you a cup of coffee. " Can we skip the chit chat, I would like to know why you called me at twelve in the morning and why this asshole is here." " Don't act like you don't love me Willow", Brett winked at you and you cringed in disgust." "Well I heard you were going to start attending Stonewall prep. As you've probably heard from Jughead there's definitely a dark side to stonewall." "Yeah." "Well... Brett is a actually a secret agent that we have stationed there." "So Brett is not really Brett?" "Well my name is Brett Weston Wallis because I'm still a minor and it's a lot of paperwork to change it even for a job." "Oh." "So does Jughead know?" "No the only people who know are in this room." "Why not tell Betty? I mean isn't she in the junior FBI program?" "Well, due to Betty's detective history she can get to involved with a case." "Oh , so why do I need to know this?" "Because you are going to attend stonewall and we thought you could help with the investigation." "Ok well what are you two even investigating?" "See the school has a rather long history of disappearing students." "So ?" "Well, with Bretts insight we are learning more about the dark side of stonewall." "Like?" "Well the past few teacher's who have quit or have tried to quit have either disappeared or, committed suicide." "Really?" "Yes there is also a secret society that Jughead is just starting to learn about." "Ok , so there's more to stonewall than either Betty or Jughead know , I get that. But why not tell Jughead, he's Bretts roommate for crying out loud." "You are more logical in your decision making than Betty or Jughead. "Ok so what are you asking, why am I here exactly." "Well , I want you to help us investigate at stonewall." "You do?" "Yes, I was at chucks party i saw you break his nose. You clearly know how to defend yourself, your intelligent and can think on your feet. You would have to come back to riverdale once  a week but, Alice and Fp would probably expect you do that anyway so it wouldn't be that much of an inconvenience." "Ok anything else?" "You just have to sign some paperwork and do some basic training but you can do most of the training when you come back to riverdale." "Ok if you don't mind could we do the paperwork tomorrow I'm already in a decent amount of trouble,  and I would rather not have to explain why I wasn't home until 2am." "Yeah that's fine just come by here tomorrow." "Ok thanks see you later." You left the base , despite the amount of coffee you drank you were exhausted. "Hey Willow." "Huh?" You turned around to see Brett jogging towards you. "Hey Brett." "So since me and you have to work together I think it might be a good idea for us to get to know each other." "We'll get to know each other at school." "Yeah but it would make more sense to get to know each other now so we don't have to get to know each other in secret." "Ok we can get to know each other tomorrow but I have work so you'll have to come by pop's tomorrow." "Ok, Pops is that one diner at the edge of town right?" "Yes , pops is one of the only restaurants in all of riverdale." "Ok well here's my number so you can text me when you wanna meet." "Okay give me your phone." "What,why?" "So I can give you my number." "Oh here." Brett handed you his phone and you put in your phone number. "It's a date" , you rolled your eyes and walked back to your motorcycle. You drove home , parked and prepared for the argument of the year. When you walked in you saw both Alice and Fp sitting on the couch. "Hey, I'm home." "Where have you been?" You walked into the living room and sat down in the recliner by the fire place. "I was talking with Charles about scholarships." "Really?" " Yes, he has connections with the Harvard admissions officer so we were talking about what scholar ships I could look in to if I wanted to go to Harvard." "Look you should've called us but I can't really ground you because your only spending a few more days here so there's honestly no point in punishing you. "Ok." You headed upstairs and took a shower. When you got out of the shower , you checked your phone to see that Brett had texted you.
Brett: Hey it's Brett
Willow: I know you gave me your number
Brett: What time do you want to meet at pops?
Willow: my breaks at like 1:15 so how about then?
Brett: ok
Willow : ok, goodnight
Brett: goodnight
Brett: can't wait for our date😉
You rolled your eyes and fell asleep.
You woke up early and put on your work uniform consisting of a Pops t-shirt and ripped high waisted jeans. You threw on some shoes and went downstairs to get some breakfast. You sat down at the kitchen island and poured yourself a bowl of cereal. "Hey kiddo." "Hi dad , look I'm really sorry about last night." "It's ok , it's just we worry about you a lot and I get that Alice isn't your mom and sometimes she can be a bit controlling but she really wants what's best for you." "I know I'm really sorry ." "Your a good kid we just need to work on communication." "Ok well I need to get going but, I'll text you when I'm on my way home." "Ok see you later kiddo." "Bye dad." You grabbed your keys and left. You got to the diner and put on your red and yellow skates. You got paid extra if you wore them when you were serving and you were actually a really good roller skater.  The morning shift was slow and practically no one came in the diner and if they did it was to order coffee. You were seating an elderly couple when the bell rang. "Could you excuse me a moment."  You skated over to the front door, "Hello my names Willow I'll be your server-" "Willow." You looked up to see the familiar blonde hair and green eyes. "Hey, Brett um can you give me a sec my brake doesn't start for little bit." "Yeah go ahead, take all the time you need." "Thanks , um take a seat anywhere and I'll get your order in a second." "Ok , no rush." He gave you a reassuring smile before taking a seat at a booth. You took the couples order and then went over to Brett. "So have you decided on your order?" "Yes I will have a chocolate shake , cheese fries and a water." "Ok , I'll get that for you in a minute." "Thanks." You gave Pop Tate the order before getting a water and walking over to Bretts table. "Hi." "Hello Brett." "So you work here?" "Well I usually work security at the bar under pops but Veronica is having my wait tables." "Oh. Wait, there's a bar underground." "Yeah it's an interesting experience." "So are you on break?" "Yeah it started a minute ago." You sat down in the booth , across from Brett. You both sat in silence for a moment and , while it wasn't awkward silence it wasn't quite comfortable silence either. "Ok Willow , favorite movie." "Of like all time or like something I could watch over and over again without losing my mind." "Both." My favorite movie of all time is The Godfather and the movie I can watch on repeat is coralline." "Both are really good movies." "Did you expect anything less", you smirked and he chuckled softly. "What about you?" "What about me?" "What are your favorite movies?" "Um my favorite movie of all time is It and the movie I can watch on repeat is any of the divergent movies." "You like those movies?" "I like making fun of them."  By then the waitress had brought Bretts food to the table. "Oh and, by the way you ordered the best cheese fries in the universe." "Did I?" "You did." He shared some of his cheese fries and you too continued to learn about each others interest and hobbies. "So you play electric guitar?" "And base and acoustic." "So what would you be doing if you weren't writing?" "Something in music." "Like music production?" "Yeah that would be fun. Hey, this has been really fun but I have to get back to work." "Oh, well I look forward to seeing you again." "As I you." "Goodbye my chérie." "Goodbye Brett." You smiled slightly as Brett left the diner both, of you with a grin on your face and in an incredibly good mood.

A/N  Hi. I'm really sorry for the late update because of the longer chapters it takes me a while to update and recently my internet wasn't working so I wasn't able to publish until today. I hope you are all doing good. Be safe , stay hydrated and use proper social distancing measures. Also if you want updates about when I'm publishing follow me I post about this book on my announcements page. I hope you all have a good day.
Word count : 1774

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