Really love you

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You were sitting in the library, working on some homework when your phone started ringing. You looked at the contact to see the words "unknown number" on the screen. You decided to answer it, and just as you were about to tell some telemarketer to "fuck off," they spoke up. Except they weren't pitching some insurance or telling you that they were a Nigerian prince in need of help, they said your name.
    "Willow." Your heart stopped for a moment, thinking about who would be calling you and how they got your number.
    "Who is this, and how did you get my number?" You tried to come off as calm and cold, but you just ended up sounding panicky.
    "Willow, it's me, your mom. I've been trying forever to get your phone number." The voice said.
    "It's me. I promise I was calling to see how you were doing." She replied with a fakely sweet tone.
    "That's it?" You ask.
    "Well, unless there is something else you wanna talk about?"
    "Oh, so now you wanna talk?"
    "What is that supposed to mean?"
    "You ran off with JB to Toledo, and then when you came back, you didn't even acknowledge it, and now, you calling me in the middle of the night for no other reason than to see how I'm doing."
    "You can't still be mad at me for that. It was four years ago, Willow. You have to get over it." She replies angrily.
    "I don't have to get over it, It's been four years, and you still won't apologize. You refuse to acknowledge it is making it harder to get over, so why don't you admit that you were a bad mom?" You were now upset.
    "Willow, I did the best I could for you."
    "No, you left Jughead and me with dad, and you took JB with you. You left us because you couldn't take another day living like this," you said, quoting what she said before she walked out of the door.  "You walked out of my life. You don't just get to walk back in." You Added.
    "You survived, didn't you?"
    "Barely, but you wouldn't know that would you?"
    "You're as melodramatic as your brother." Her voice sounded negligent and exhausted. "Look, Willow, if you're just going to whine about how your life wasn't perfect, I don't want to hear it."
    You went mute. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't tell if you were surprised or shocked or if you had anticipated it.
    "Hello? Willow, are you there?"
    You couldn't say anything. Your throat felt like it was clogging up, and you couldn't get enough air to your lungs. Your heart was beating a mile a second. You hung up before rising up and nearly sprinting to Brett's dorm. Without knocking, you tossed open the door to see Brett sitting at his desk chair and Jughead sitting on the bed.
    They both gazed at you with a mixture of confusion and worry. Brett starred at you. He wanted to know more than anything why you were upset and did everything he could to prevent himself from jumping out of the chair and hugging you.
    "Willow? What's wrong?" Jughead asked.
    You turned your attention to Jughead, "She - She called an-and she wanted to talk..." Your words were stutter-like, and you could barely get out a coherent sentence.
    Jughead stood up and walked towards you before hugging you tightly, "Hey, it's okay. Take a few deep breaths." Eventually, you were able to pull yourself together. Jughead offered you a seat.

    "Brett, can you give us some privacy, please?" Jughead requests.
    "Forsythe, I have just as much of a right to be here as either of you. Willow shouldn't even be here." His voice was cold. It made you cringe. Brett saw you out of the corner of his eye and felt awful. His expression softened for a moment before he resumed his previous cold glare.
    "Brett." Jughead's tone was impatient.
    "Fine, Forsythe, I have to go to the library anyway." He stood up before grabbing his bag and walking out. As he closed the door, you felt something fall on your leg, and you hid the piece of paper before turning your attention back to Jughead.
    "What happened?" Jughead questioned.
    "Well, I was working in the library, and someone called me... It was our mom. She-"
    "Mom called you? Why would mom call you?"
    "She just said she wanted to see how I was doing. Then, I told her that it was ridiculous to try and call when we haven't spoken in forever."
    "Reasonably so," Jughead adds.
    "I don't know what happened. I just started freaking out. My heart was pounding. It felt like every time I took a moment to breathe that I wasn't getting enough air to my lungs."
    "So, you had an anxiety attack?"
    "I think." You said.
    "I'm sorry, Willow."
    "Thank you, but don't worry about it. I'm more concerned about how mom got my number more than anything else." You made a mental note to talk to Charles about the incident later.

    You and Jughead talked for a little bit before you left for your dorm. You were walking when you remembered the note Brett gave you. You grabbed the slip of paper before reading it,
    "Hey, Willow, I'm going to go to your dorm. If you want to talk, we can." You smiled at his concern. When you got to your dorm, you saw Brett lying sprawled out on your bed. A book lay open, face down on his chest, while he softly snored. You walked over to him and lifted the book off his chest, causing him to stir a bit. You grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of him, making sure he was comfortable.
    You were about to walk over to your desk to start working when you felt someone's hands on your hips.
    "Willow." Brett softly mumbled.
    You turned around and smiled at him. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands outstretched towards you.
    "Yes, Brett?" You asked.
    "Come here, please?" You looked at him, your eyebrow cocked.
    "Pretty please?" You chuckled before motioning for him to move over. He moved, and you laid down. You faced him, and he proceeded to wrap his arms around your waist.
    "I grabbed your stuff out of the library."
    "So you did have to go to the library?"
    "I remembered you mentioning something about wanting to study and assumed you left your stuff in there."
    "Thank you."
    "Mhm," he was half asleep and was nestling his head into the crook of your neck.
    "What happened?" He requested.
    "What do you mean?"
    "You burst into my dorm sobbing."
    "Oh yeah, I got a call from my mom. I haven't talked to her in a while. She got mad at me because I was upset. After all, she just called me out of the blue for no reason to see how I was doing." Willow stated, sarcasm dripping off her lips.

    "I'm so sorry, Willow."
    "Thank you, don't worry about it. I'm more concerned about how mom got my number than anything else."
    "You could ask Charles about it." He suggested.
    "That was what I was planning on doing."
    He just nodded before repositioning. His head was lying on your stomach, causing you to laugh. Despite your efforts to hide your laughter, he still heard.
    "What?" He questioned in a childlike tone.
    "Nothing, you're more affectionate than usual."
    "Sorry." Brett apologized.
    "No, don't be. I'm just curious as to why." It took a moment before he answered, a thoughtful expression evident across his face.
    "I don't know. I feel bad about earlier. I wanted to comfort you, but I couldn't."
    "You shouldn't feel bad. I know that if I had walked into that room and it was only you, you would've comforted me in a second."
    "I still feel bad."
    "You shouldn't, though. You're comforting me now, and I appreciate it." He lifted his head from your stomach and moved closer to you.
    "Willow, you're amazing." His voice was quiet and soft. The look in his eyes made your heart flutter. He was hovering above you, his lips inches from yours. You kissed him. It was delicate and sugary. For the rest of the night, the two of you just cuddled, talked, and kissed. You fell asleep sometime later. You were laying next to him your, head on his chest.  He looked at you. Every little thing about you made him smile.
    Whether or not he was aware, he was really in love with you.

A/N : IM BACK AND ALIVE. So yeah I'm gonna try writing more consistently I just lost motivation as well as school stuff taking up all my time. This chapter was like 80 percent fluff but I don't care it was fun to write. Drink water, stay safe WEAR A FUCKING MASK.

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