Personal gain

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You got to work just as a line for La Bonne Nuit was forming. You used the phone booth and got in 15 minutes before it opened saying hi to Toni and Veronica. You walked up to the bar to see Reggie in his formal attire, " Chucks an asshole." "Yeah a blind person could see that." He raised an eyebrow at you. " Look I just wanna let you know that I'm here for you if you ever need to talk." " Thanks Reg." " No problem, you let me talk to you when my dad was being an abusive asshole. It's only fair." You smiled nodding your head. " I also don't wanna be on your bad side seeing as you broke Chuck Clayton's nose." "Wait, I broke his nose?" "Yeah he has a stupid bandage over it just to get some sympathy." " Oh that's pathetic." "Did you expect anything less from Chuck?" "No", you both laughed a little before your guys shift Started. Work was boring and slow as ever seeing as no one dared cross Veronica. Towards the end of the night Veronica walked up to you. "Hey V." "Hey Willow, I'm really sorry." " Why does everybody keep apologizing when they have nothing to apologize for? There is only one person I wanna hear apologize and right now he is dealing with a broken nose so it'll have to wait." " You broke chucks nose?" "Yeah , the asshole deserved it." You smirked. "Um also I'm bisexual not gay bi." "Okay I'm here for you." "I know V." "Hey do you wanna go play a few songs?" " Yeah thanks."
You walked up on the stage and sat down at the piano thinking about what you should play. You smirked looking at the white and black keys before your fingers started moving as if they were dancing and you began to sing. You sang teenage mind because it had been stuck in you head all week. After finishing the song Veronica closed up and you headed home. You walked in to the house it was around five in the morning so everybody was asleep and all the lights were out. You walked upstairs to your bedroom and after changing into pajamas you promptly fell asleep

You were sitting in the living room as Jughead was making sure he had everything he needed before he went back to stonewall. You were forced to go with him and Betty to drop him back at stonewall. You thought it was pointless and you had tried to argue that you had better things to do like study and finish homework when Alice claimed that you should have done it Friday before you went to Cheryls party. You hated Alice so much she wasn't your real mom or even your step mom because Fp and Alice weren't married but yet she acted like she could control everything about your life and dad didn't seem to care. You understood why Betty was always fighting with her. She was quite frankly and to be blunt a bitch. Jughead had finally finished packing and so after long drawn out goodbyes you betty, and Jughead got in the car and began the drive to stonewall prep. Betty and Jughead sat in the front and you sat in the back listening to music while Betty and Jughead talked about how much they missed each other and gross couple nonsense. After a little while of driving you had finally arrived at stonewall prep and you all went in but after entering Betty and Jughead claimed they needed to go talk so they asked if I could sat by the front office. You hated that they treated you like a little kid and if they were just gonna go have sex in Jughead's dorm they could have left you the car. You sat down by the main office and to your dismay you looked down to see Your phone battery was at five percent. "Great." You were hoping to be able to just listen to music on the drive back and not really have to talk to Betty. It wasn't that you didn't like Betty or anything but you were more of a private person and so it made you a bit uncomfortable whenever someone would ask you questions about what was going on in your life. You knew she only meant well but sometimes it felt like she was just being nosy. You looked up to see Brett walking with some teacher with black hair. Brett glanced over saw you. "Mr. Chipping have you met Jughead's younger sister?" "Who?" "Her names Willow." You glared at him before he led mr.chipping  over to where you were sitting. You stood up and looked at Brett with confusion. "This is Willow." "Oh nice to meet you I'm mr. chipping your brothers teacher, he's a great writer." "Yeah he is." You felt awkward and uncomfortable you didn't know why Brett even introduced you. "Are you a writer?" "Not like in the novel sense. I prefer to write scripts like screenplays and such." "Oh, well stonewall has a great screenwriting and film department if your interested?" "Absolutely." "Well you can apply to be a student for the rest of the year. There are applications in the office. Brett would you mind helping her get an application?" "Sure. Right this way." You followed him into the office and he helped you get an application, as you were filling it out you asked him a question. "Why'd you do that?" "Do what." "Introduce me to Mr.Chipping. I don't even know you why are you trying to help me." "Who says I'm trying to help you. As far as you know I could be using you for my own personal gain." You rolled your eyes and finished filling out all the paperwork before handing it to the secretary and leaving the office. You sat back down where you wee earlier before Betty walked over to you. "Hey , sorry that took so long. Let's go home." Both of you walked back to the car. Betty babbled on about some cheerleading nonsense as your mind wandered off thinking about earlier events and you slowly drifted to sleep.

A/N Hey sorry for posting super late I've been really busy because of some family stuff but I'm gonna try to figure out an actual posting schedule soon. I hope your all safe and well.
Word count: 1071

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