Grand Tour

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You had two more  days left at Riverdale before you transferred to Stonewall prep. Kevin and you had planned to spend the whole day after school hanging out, your favorite movie theatre was doing a special showing of the breakfast club and Kevin knew how much you loved that movie. You were currently sitting in the library talking to Veronica about moving and how it took her a while to adjust to a new school. "Look , veronica I'm not moving to a whole other town. Stonewall prep is only thirty minutes away." "Ok. If you need anything, just call me." "I will Veronica , don't worry." The bell rang signaling that it was time to head to class. You honestly hated that you were moving, not because anything other than the fact that you had to deal with everyone pretending to be your friend. People kept coming up to you in the hallway or at the end of class and saying stuff like , "Willow, I heard you were moving and I just wanted to say I'm gonna miss you and I hope you stay in touch." You hated it , they would then proceed to get all teary eyed and hug you. It was the most uncomfortable thing ever like, they didn't care about you until they heard you were leaving.By the time that school was over you had received 7 hugs from people you didn't know, 14 numbers from strangers and two random people sobbing uncontrollably into your shoulder plus,fangs. It was like the worst version of twelve days of  christmas. You were grabbing your bag out of your locker when Reggie walked up to you. "Hey Willow," You turned to reggie giving him a soft smile,"Hey, I just want to let you -" "I'm gonna stop you before you can say anything else because I have had to deal with people telling me how much they were gonna miss me all day and if I have to hear it one more time I'm gonna slap the living hell out of someone." Reggie looked at you and just laughed. "What?" Reggie continued to laugh as you glared at him." "Would you mind telling me what's so funny?" "It's just you and jughead are like the exact same person and for whatever reason I find that hilarious." "We are not the exact same person." " oh, no of course you're not the exact same person but, you guys are incredibly similar." " What makes you say that?" " This weekend I was talking to Jughead at the party and he had the exact same attitude that you had." "oh." " Anyways, I just wanted to say that it was an honor to work with you." " You make that seem like I've just been fired." "Well I wanted to say that I was gonna miss you but then you threatened to slap the living hell out of me and I don't want to piss you off so I don't know what else to say." "It's different when its someone I'm friends with and someone I actually care about." "Aww you care about me?" "Oh, don't get all mushy on me." "Can I give you a hug?" "uh,why?" "I don't know, it seems like that's what people do when they say goodbye." "ok." You both briefly hugged." "Thanks for everything Reggie." "You've got nothing to thank me for." "You've been incredibly supportive of me and you've had my back the whole time I've known you and for that I thank you." He let go of you and you both just stood there for a moment in comfortable silence before Kevin walked up to your locker. "Hey Wills, you ready to go?" "Yeah." "Bye Reggie." "Bye Willow." As you guys were leaving Kevin just smirked. "What?" "Nothing." "Kevin Keller, why are you smiling?" " It's just I've never seen you hug someone." "You were watching us", you practically yelled your cheeks flushed ever so slightly. "Yeah, that was the most awkward way I've ever seen a guy confess his feelings." "What? He wasn't confessing his feelings, he just came to say goodbye." "When are you leaving?" "I'm leaving tomorrow during sixth period, why?" "exactly. Why would he tell  you goodbye when you're not leaving until tomorrow?" "I don't know but why does that mean or even imply that he's in love with me?" "Well, it's not just that.                                       He also asked to give you a hug." "So? I give Sweet Pea and Toni and Archie hugs all the time." "Are you and Reggie as close as you and Archie or anyone else that you listed?" "I mean we're not super close but we're still close." "sure you are." "oh, shush it Kevin." He smirked. You both had gotten to the car by now and you had already asked to be the DJ so you played some chill music as you guys drove to the theatre.  You and Kevin were big theatre nerds and were currently discussing which musical would be best to do this year. "You could do Hedwig and The Angry Inch." "As much as I love that Musical Mr.Honey would never allow that." "Screw Mr.Honey! Hedwig and The Angry Inch is a compelling musical and speaks to our generation on many levels." "I'll keep it in mind." You guys pulled into the movie theatre parking lot and headed inside. You were sitting in the movie theatre when Kevin leaned over and whispered in your ear," Bender is so hot." You turned to him before whispering," I like Brian more." He looked baffled. "How could you say such a thing?" He whispered harshly. "Guess I'm more into blondes." After the movie Kevin Dropped you off. "Hey can I come inside? I wanna grab a copy of Betty's notes for our test tomorrow." "Oh,sure." You guys went inside, and Kevin went upstairs to get notes and you sat down in the living room and turned on the tv. Kevin came back downstairs,said goodbye and left. You sat there scrolling through intagram while some stupid reality show played in the background. At some point during the night you fell asleep on the couch only to be woken up a few hours later by Fp. " Hey Willow." "Oh,hey dad",you said your voice was groggy and your back hurt. "What time is it?" "It's three in the morning. Why are you sleeping on the couch?" "Kevin dropped me off and I must've fallen asleep." " Well you should probably head to bed." "Okay." You Wandered off to your room, collapsing into a pile of blankets and pillows.
The loud sound of The White Stripes blared through your headphones, you were on a morning run. You were hot and sweating like no tomorrow,your tight ponytail was slick with sweat.You liked going on runs around Riverdale, before anyone was really up and moving. You got home,got ready for school and left. You didn't have anything to do so there was no real reason for you to be at Riverdale High but, you knew it would be nice to see your friends before you leave. You were sitting in the back of your science class helping Toni with her Homework. "I'm gonna miss you Topaz." "I'm gonna miss you  too." "How are you and Cheryl?" "We're good.I think we're planning to go to Greenland for christmas break." "Really? That sounds awesome." "Yeah. Anything else going on with you besides , of course, moving." "Well I'm going on a tour when I get to stonewall today." "so, you're leaving today?" "Yeah I'm moving in today and for whatever reason they haven't given me a tour yet so they are taking me in one when I get there." "Oh, nice." "Yeah." " After class we headed to lunch, as you were walking in the hallway Veronica walked up to you. "Hey, Veronica." "Hey Wills, how are you?" "I'm doing good. How are you?" "Im well." "what's that",you asked, pointing to the small white cardboard box she was holding. "Well this is my little going away present, it's a specially ordered magnolia cupcake." "Aww, thank you Veronica. What flavor is it?" "It's one of their specialty cupcakes. It's a Hummingbird cupcake." "Thank you, again." "Your welcome." She gave you a brief hug before grabbing your hand and leading you to the cafeteria. "To Lunch", she said and you smiled feeling lucky to have such caring friends. You spent the rest of the day just talking to friends and checking in with teachers about leaving. You left school during your English class. "Hey dad." "Hey kiddo, you ready?" "Yeah lets go." When you got home you grabbed some of the clothes and things you wanted to bring to Stonewall. You put them in the car and then after a little while Fp decided it was time to go. You both got in the car and you turned on the radio and just chilled while he drove the car. "Hey Willow." "Yeah dad." "I just wanna say I'm really proud of you." "Thanks dad." "I know I haven't been the best of fathers and I want to apologize for that but, I want you to know that I am really proud of you and despite everything you've been strong and have persevered." "Thank you dad for everything." "Thank you for being so amazing." You smiled, you felt good about your life and where you were at as a person. When you guys got to Stonewall Fp parked close to the entrance so you could carry in your stuff easier. You both walked into the front office and sat there and waited to meet with the dean. You were both sitting in the office when Brett walked into the office and looked at you before giving you a brief smile and walking over. "Hello you must be Willow's father." "And you are?" "I'm Brett I will be giving Willow a tour of Stonewall." "Oh well we were actually waiting to talk to the dean, he wanted me to sign some papers." "Oh, well while you're signing those papers I could take her on the tour if that's ok with the both of you?" "I mean it wouldn't make sense to waste time waiting on you to finnish signing papers." "Ok I'll meet out by the car so I can help you unpack." "Ok, well I'm gonna go, see you in a minute." "Well follow me",Brett said before turning around and leading you out of the office. So?" "So?",Brett asked, seeming very confused. "You are my tour guide aren't you? You're supposed to give me the grand tour." "Oh,really? Is that what I'm supposed to do cause I thought I was just supposed to make you stare at a wall for fifteen minutes." You rolled your eyes and playfully hit his arm,"oh,shut up." "Violence is not tolerated at Stonewall Prep Ms.Jones so I hope you learn not to attack your students." You glared at him momentarily before he broke out laughing. "Sorry, I didn't think you would take me that seriously." "Anyway, anything I need to know before I start tomorrow?" "Well each department like math,science, history etcetera has its own hallway and electives are at the back of the english department." "Okay, anything else?" "The dorms are on the second floor of the building and so is the cafeteria while all the classes are downstairs." "Okay." "Uniforms are required except on the weekends and there is a student lounge with vending machines and a few coffee pots for late nights or if you don't feel like going to the cafeteria. The student lounge and the Library used to be upstairs but they had a renovation and they are now downstairs near the math departments hallway. I can get you a map if you need it." "I would appreciate that, if you don't mind." "Oh, I don't mind at all." "Thank you." "Ok there are two sets of stairs that lead to the second floor one is across the building and the other one is over here by the math departments hallway." You both headed upstairs so he could show you the dorms. "You were walking down the hallway when a girl with long brown hair walked up to the both of you. "Hello Donna this is Willow , Willow this is Donna." "Hello Willow it's nice to meet you." "Hi Donna it's nice to meet you too." "Donna also attends the salons that we go to." "Oh,cool." "Well I hope your first day goes well and I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye Donna." "Bye Brett, bye Willow." "She seems nice." "She's pretty ok." "Am I talking to FBI agent Brett or Stonewall Brett?" "You may never know." "You smirked." "This is your room." Brett said showing you a room that was a bit bigger than Jugheads and you smiled interanily at that, it had a bunk bed and two desks at the foot of the bed. "It's nice." "Well this is the end of your grand tour. How'd I do?" "It was perfect." "Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it." "Thank you." 'I'll get you that map either today or tomorrow."                                                                                 "Ok,no rush. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go get unpacked."                                                          "Well I'm gonna go if you need anything you can go to the front office or you can just ask and I'm sure someone will be happy to help." "Ok,thank you Brett." "You're welcome,Willow see you later." "Bye." "Bye." You headed outside to get the stuff out of the car. "Hey, how was the tour?" "It was good the school was a lot bigger than I thought.It has an upstairs." "Really?" "Yeah,it's pretty cool." "Nice. Ok so where is your dorm?" "It's upstairs but, I didn't bring a lot of stuff so it shouldn't be too bad." "Okay." He grabbed the one box you grabbed and you grabbed your bag before the both of you headed to your room. After the two of you had gotten your stuff to your room you both said your goodbyes and he left. You spent the night getting unpacked and preparing for tomorrow . You were just setting up your desk when you got a knock on your door, you opened it to see Brett standing there. "Hey Brett." "Hi Willow. Can I come in?" "Yeah." He walked in and sat down in one of the desk chairs. "I like your room." "Thanks." "I brought you a map for tomorrow." He handed you the map. "Thank you so much." "Your Welcome are you settling in alright?" "Yeah it's going alright although, I haven't met my roommate." "Oh,yeah I forgot to tell you since you were a last minute enrollment you don't have anyone rooming with you." "Oh,nice." "Yeah." "Hey, I have a question." "What?" "What's  it like rooming with my brother?" "He's kind of annoying and it's like he's still going through that emo middle school phase. I'm convinced he never sleeps." " Yeah,sounds about right." He just smiled. "Hey I think I'm gonna go. I got some stuff I wanna catch up on." "Ok , well I'll see you soon." "Ok,bye." "Bye." Then he stood up and left and you got ready for bed. You were hopeful and anxious about tomorrow but as of right now you just wanted to go to bed.

A/N  Hey sorry for the extra long chapter I wanted to make up for my lengthy absence. I hope you are all doing well and are safe. I hoped you liked the chapter and if you have anything you want to ask or say about the chapter feel free to comment or message me.

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