first day..

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Your dad shooed you out of the house. He wanted to finish packing and decorating without your help, so he made you go to school. Which happens to be your first day, and you went.
From what you herd around town, the school is a delinquent school. Full of very troublesome kids.

Walking along the street, your shoes kicking a rock as you walked. 'Shall you, rock, be a friend of an enemy?' You looked at it as you walked. It seemed to not have hurt you within the 5 seconds of staring. 'Friend it is.' You smiled. But your happiness was cut short when you rock friend got kicked too far and a car hit it going by. "Rockie...." You smiled sheepishly. 'Cant even have a friend without them leaving, or dieing.' You thought.

You appeared at the school. Looking from the gate you expected It to look worse. No shattered windows or the constant smell of cigarettes or weed.
You saw a guy by a fountain. His pompadour making him stick out like a sore thumb. He noticed your gaze and walked over.

"Hi im joskue higashikata. Are you new?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. He grinned lazily. "Whats your name?"

"Y/n l/n." You said, he did a little finger gun thing you found kinda cool. "Alright I succeeded in finding you. I was told to take you to the principals office." He said while you couldn't stop staring at how unique his uniform his.

"How can you tell I'm new?" You asked. He pointed to your outfit. "Everyones attire is different. It may be a uniform but people change them." He said now stopping infront of a room. The gold plaque saying 'principal.'

"Alright ill see you later y/n." He said with a goofie smile, you gave a peace sign. "Duce." You saw him walk away, you entered the room questioning why you did a peace sign and said duce. 'He has an effect on people ha.'

seeing a man with puffy blonde hair, he looked up and smiled. "Ah ms.l/n!" He spoke. He had a accent it was kinda cool. "Heres your schedule.--" he went on about where the classes are and wrote a note. "Take these to your teacher and they wont mark you absent or tardy." he said handing you the papers. It signed the name 'speedwagon.' With a smiley face. You thanked him and left.

"187?..187..." You walked around lost. 'Brando. What kind of last name Is that? Like why not Brandon? Maybe that's more of a first name.' you thought now taking a seat at a little table.
You saw few people walking about. One caught your attention the most. A big, and when I mean big, I mean small head big body type. His dark blue hair seeming sheep soft. And his body a brick wall. You figured he was a teacher. He couldn't be a student or an old man.

You got up and made your way to him. "Excuse me?" You asked, he turned around, 'holy fuck.' You thought, The height. Lord oh lord. "Yes?" He asked, ah the literal voice of a carnog mother.
You smiled nervously. "Do you know where room 187 is? I'm new." You said looking at the tall man. He smiled softly. "oh yes, thats up thoses stairs to your right then across the hall. Its a hard room to find." He said with a small chuckle. "Alright thank you.." you raised a brow. "Mr.Jonathan." he said with a smile. You nodded. "Thanks Mr.Jonathan!" You said and then began walking off.

Opening the door, the class was silent. Woah. Its weird. The class next door is basically playing games I think, loud as fuck.
The man who you saw put down the chalk and stared at you. "Why are you 20 minutes late?" He asked, ah so this is gonna be lovly. "Because I'm new?" You said walking in. He glared at you making you nervous but you got over it. You showed him the pass you got from the principal. He sighed, "well introduce yourself miss y/n."

You looked out to the class and saw some different kinds of people. Wild.
"Hey im y/n, Im just here because my dad wants me out. Hope to get to know y'all. " you spoke with a sheepish voice, seeming relaxed. Mr.brando pointed to a desk in the back by the window. You walked to it and sat down.

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