Cotton candy skies

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'Woah...' You stared at the amazing scenery. The view this little hill gave was amazing. Looking over the town was so unique. The small refreshing breeze, the amazing smell of nature. It felt so at peace. You looked over at Joseph and saw him staring out just like you were doing. "Ya know.. This is the place i come to, to let everything out." He said with a small smile, he stood up straight. And began to yell.

"I DONT KNOW WHAT IMMA DO WITH MY FUTURE! I DONT WANNA THINK ABOUT IT!" he yelled into the distance. He kept going on for a bit. It seemed rather stress relieving. You tried it.

"I HATE HOW MY PARENTS ALWAYS HAVE TO RUSH ME! I HAVING SOME KIND OF REPUTATION TO AHOLD!" You said not really having much to say. You both had a good laugh after that. Laying in the grass relaxing, it was soon to be that time to go. The trip home was amazing. Once you got out of the car, he rolled down the window. "Hey y/n?..." He asked acting cheeky. You humed looking back at him. "Wanna go out again sometime? You do-" you cut the boy off by kissing his cheek. "Id love to Joseph. Ill see you!" You said walking into your house. He was red but happy. "Niceeee!" He then drove off.

You didn't regret what you did. You were very proud of yourself actually. Heck you even decided to call a friend of yours to tell what happened. And he did listen to every bit of it, it was giorno after all.

"yea, it was great. I should show you that spot sometime. It was amazing." You said still amazed by the hill. Giorno gave a small chuckle. "I'm glad you had fun y/n, but I wouldn't get so close to that Joseph." he said slowly. You herd the unsure in his voice. "Why?"
He told you what's all happened to his ex's, and what he could do to you. In which you responded. "Well I'm not in a relationship with the boy. It was just a hang out after all." You said with a shurg. "Pftt y/n people dont kiss people on the cheek at hangouts." You could feel the boy do little air quotes. You rolled your eyes, "if thats true y/n, youd owe me." and when he said that you went pink as his school uniform. "Uh um-" you didn't know how to respond, he coughed. "Hey I gotta go. I guess ill see you tomorrow." He said, you hummed. "Buona n-notte? Giorno." you questioned your good night not knowing if you pronounced it right. He smiled knowing that youve been learning. With a light blush and a smile he responded, "bouna-notte amica." He Said then hanging up. "Amica?" You raised a brow.
You put the home phone away and got some water then went to bed. You didn't sleep till late thinking of today's events.

On your way to school, you were the one who was "voted" to take out your classes trash. And with no complaints you did it. Today felt weird. Or that classroom did. Mr.brando looked oddly happy and it was unsettling. So you took out the trash not wanting to get involved with the happy brando. Seeing someone Sit by the dumpster caught your eye. You leaned over and saw the hat. "Hey jotaro." You said walking infront to where he sat. He looked up and hummed. You looked next to him. Joe, he had a tiny rip, but was fixed up by the man himself, jotaro. he saw you look at the rip. "I dropped Joe." He said slowly. You left out a little chuckle. He scoffed. You sighed with a smile. "Its fine. Hes not crying right?" you quoted your mom. "or bleeding." You sat down in front of him for a little before class. "Hows your sister?" You asked seeing her earlier this morning. He looked at you and back down. "annoying but my sister." He said, clearly having a smile but no one could really see it. You both just enjoyed the silence. You got up and dusted yourself off. "I'll see you during science jotaro." You said giving him a sheepish smile. "Jojo." He said, you nodded and gave a small thumbs up. "Ight duce jojo." You said then walking to class. You felt sleepy from laying in the morning Sun. You can tell the bell rang minutes ago. You saw giorno and his friend mista walking together. He noticed you and waved. You gave a small wave back. "Aent you supposed to be in class, y/n?" He asked, you smirked knowing his game. "Arnt you supposed to be in class, giorno?" You said with a smile. "Ooh smart." Mista said with a childish grin. 'Hes a actual bean. My god?' You thought looking at the boy.

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