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He sat you down on the beds mattress. "Thats my bed.." Lily said walking to giorno. "Oh sorry, may I use it for y/n?" He asked looking at her. She nodded instantly.
You tried to move against giorno. "Stay down y/n, or you'll trip." He spoke with a sheepish voice. You gave up.

"Only i-if you lay with me?" You asked with puppy eyes. Giorno smirked, "only if you move off lilys bed." He spoke. You looked at lily. She smiled. Before you could answer giorno picked you up. The lights were all off. Besides the ones by the beds. Lily must've done that. He sat you on your bed. Lily mumbled something that you couldn't hear but giorno definitely did and what ever it was he turend bright red. "Giorno are you sick? Your red. Like hot red." You touched his face. "She uh she didn't say anything." He spoke. He didn't know a child would say such things.

"Break her bed not her heart." -lily.

He put covers over you. "Wait! You said..." Your words faded out. "I came to see if you were okay after ya know.. But seems to me your perfect as always.." He said annoyed but not mad. He didn't like how you were drunk right now. "Y/n, why are you drunk?" He asked, you did a little sniffle. "Someone bought me a cocktail and I didn't wanna waste it. It was strawberry banna too.... I couldn't stop sipping on it..." You felt guilty of it, speaking aloud... "Just say no y/n." he said with a pitty expression. You sat up. "Listen giorno. I didn't wanna waste someones money, and our bartenders time and energy. I couldve given it to someone else, yes. But thatd be r-rude." You hicked again. "And if you dont wanna stay because I'm drunk... Then thats fine. Ill be here as always." You turned to the calander on your wall, same with those Polaroids. "Plus you know I'm fine giorno. Im not a princess.." You looked down. "I can fight-" you were cut off by him hugging you.  "Yeah but your my princess.." He said in your ear.

Lily watched from her bed. A grin on her face. 'Jotaro can definitely win against this boy!' she thought with confidence.

You leaned into his hug. "Depends if your the dragon, knight, or other prince?" You said with a blush. He sat next to you on your bed. "What do you want y/n, your very selfless." he said looking at you. "I'd like a dragon." You said with a toothy smile. Giorno laughed. "Well i dont know if I'd be a good dragon." He said looking at the pictures. "Youd be a very pretty dragon. A pasta dragon!" You chuckled so did he.

Seeing a picture book, you took it out.
You and him looked at old photos of you and your family. He saw one that you had a black eye and a big bruise on your head. It was a family photo. "What happened here?" He asked pointing to it. You Gazed over it. "oh that night before that photo was the night my parents go into it real bad... And i tried to stop it being young and hating them fight. I told my mom off and she slammed a beer bottle onto my eye then knocked the side of my head with the same bottle." you said casually. It was one of the many times she did it. You just felt numb to it. "Im sorry if it u-" you stopped him. "Its fine giorno. Few days before this picture i had gotten in trouble with another family... And also my room was unclean. And so... Beer bottles were common in the eyes, head, and shoulders." You touched your face remembering a lot of stuff that Bruised. "but, I had my dad when he was there for me. Was." You said. Giorno looked at you sadly. "I never knew, I'm sorry y/n.." He side hugged you. You leaned into it. "But everything is good now, i have friends, lily, a new home.." You smiled, looking at the blonde. You felt drowsy, and fell asleep In his arms. Just like blowing out a candle you were asleep. He closed the book and laid you down. It was around 12:45am. He knew he had to leave because youd probably flip if he was sleeping next to you. Or youd be normal and just play it off.

He gazed over to lily, she was playing onna game boy. "your still up?" He asked. She did a little hum. "She can take away the TV but never my stolen game boy." Lily grinned. She took It from that girl hina. Giorno turned to her. "You know its not good to steal." He said doing a little glare. She paused her game and sat up. "Yeah i know but i think i deserved It. Jotaro even said i could!" Lily said with little sparkles in her eyes. Giorno chuckled. "well jotaro isnt the best idol. That man is practically heartless, but..." He took a breath. "But hes that bad guy whos a good guy from what y/n tells me." His eyes moved to you. Lily laughed. "Jotaro is scary and can beat anyone up! He's cool like that!" She said trying to do a glare. "Yeah but he gets alot of hate for it. If your nice and respectful to people it comes back around. Unless its necessary." Giorno spoke slowly realizing that hes talking to a kid. But lily knew well.

"Yeah i know giorno. But thats the reason I got suspended. I gave that girl chances to back off or stop, but no nasty brownie haired bitch cut my hair! YOU SEE THE UNEVEN ENDS!" lily said all getting worked up. Giorno held back a laugh. 'Jotaro what hace you taught this child?'

Giorno slept on the couch. Lily and him talked and played Pokemon till around 2:30am. Lily was spred out on her bed, her snail pattern pajamas looking comfy. Giorno almost the same but on the couch, in normal clothes. His hair was down which was a new scene for you.
It was now 10am, you were already late but you decided to just skip. You opend the windows feeling the nice warm air flow in. You went into the kitchen and made some soup. You herd a yawn. Seeing lily walk around from her bed, you smiled. "Morning." 

She smiled. "Giorno beat me at Pokemon!" She pouted. "Italians have quick thinking thats why." You joked. She perked up. "Hes the pasta people?" She asked, you almost spitted out your soda. You laughed. "AH whered you hear that?" You asked the girl, she flopped on the bar stool. "Before I got suspended, we learned about cultures and this kid in my class said, 'so their pasta people?' And our Teacher said yes." She spoke with a clueless smile. You rolled your eyes. "Speaking of Italians, go wake him up." You pointed to the sleeping beauty.

Ngl I didn't know tf I was writing in this chpt cuz Its spanned over a few days- n Idk it just a weird chpt- believe me next chpt is gonna beeeee goooddd eheheheheh ╮(╯▽╰)╭

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