dio x reader-bday!

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April 4th! Its the boy, dios, birthday!!! So enjoy!!

You sat at your work desk tired. Its almost midnight and its only the 3rd of April. Shutting off your computer you pack up your stuff and began to leave. You were the very very last one on your floor. You turned off the lights and left. You saw a man in a room down the hall. His blonde hair caught your attention. His head was on his desk. He was asleep. Maybe dead? This company is ass. You opend the door. His computer having several tabs open. A picture of 3 kids was on his desk. You sighed and shook the man. He shifted. "Hey its almost midnight..." You said tiredly. He sat up. His face having a very sharp tone to it. He had dark circles under his eyes, he looked brain dead. "I'm sorry to bug you but I gotta lock up our hall.." You said looking at him. He nodded. "Thanks." He said, you walked out and once you did, you herd him get on a call.

"No.. Maybe. Cant you figure it out yourself? They... Before my birthday too." you looked back at the blonde man but then left leaving the keys on the rack.

That night you couldn't get that mans face out of your mind. Your cat meowed for food. You got off your phone and fed him. You lived a simple life. Very bland. You wish it wasn't. You wish something magical would happen. Zombie apocalypse, yes, become a anime magic girl, sure... Maybe thats past reality. You looked out to your small apartment. It was sad. You wish you had a house but thats not gonna happen with your budget. You sighed washing your hands. You lived alone, always kinda drifted your own way. You always believed in magical stuff, the unreal.. You shut up about it in elementary, knowing people found it weird.


You looked up from your phone. It was almost time for you to clock out. Shutting off your computer you packed up. It was April 4th. Walking down the hall you felt déjà vu. Like youve done this before. "I mean I do work here." You sighed, you see a room with the mans head down, on his desk. Again he was asleep.
You went in and shook him. "Hey.." He didn't move. "Heyyy." You sighed. "If your dead you wont get the bacon in the bottom lobby." And once you said that, the man sat up. "there's food down there?" He asked. You nodded. "Wanna go?" You asked instantly noticing the dark circles. He looked hesitant. "Sure." You smiled as you opend the door. He was behind you. Putting up the keys on the rack, you both made it to the staff lobby. There was sweets and breakfast foods sitting on the table. You smelt them cooking earlier. You look at the man. He was fairly built, and his blonde hair was a bit long but it fitted him. His eyes could probably cut a hoe, but they have a look of brain dead. Yeah this job sucks balls. But it pays okay.

He had a plate full of bacon, hash browns, 2 mini cupcakes, 3 pankes with syrup, and a cup of coffee. You smiled. "Haven't eaten lately?" you asked. He nodded slowly. "Pay has been tight. Having 3 kids is tough. Plus today's my 30th birthday." He said sadly but smiled sheepishly after. You ooohed. "Well happy birthday! I know a good place we could go to if you have time?" You asked. He knew it was gonna be midnight within 2 hours. He nodded. "Alright good. Because 3 kids, you'll need a break." You joked. He sighed, "yeah that sounds nice." He ate all his food as you both small talked.

You both hopped on your motorcycle. You drove to a liquor store and got a fruit mix jack Daniels. Handing him the bag, "keep those safe." You said with a smile. He humed. You speed down into an alley way. You knew a lot of secret shops. Hopping off you walk in. few minutes later you came out with a little box and bag. You had one more place. 'man i know i may be going over bored... But I have the feeling to just do this.' You thought stopping by the last store. You took a while in the store. It had a lot.of nick-nacks. You bought a little bat plush, and a golden star and green heart charms on a ring. They looked cool. And the last thing was a cool snake designed belt.

You came back out and he was on the phone. "listen I'll be home a bit late. Work. Giorno just... Okay. Be safe." He ended the call. "Giorno?" You asked setting the stuff in the seat basket. He jumped a bit. "Yeah, he's my first born. Apparently one of my kids broke the tv because their excuse, 'something broke it not us.' And i dont know till i get home." He said rubbing his head and pulling at his hair. You grabbed his hand from his hair. He looked up at you. "Dont worry about it for now. I think youll relax here in a few." You spoke with a smile. He stared at you and smirked. "Mystery woman. I like that." He joked. You grinned. "Yeah. Mystery man, teeth are oddly pointed." You smirked. He was embarrassed that you noticed. Glad you can't see him be flustered.

You stopped at a little river. Parking behind a tree, you got everything and he got off. It was a mini hill over the city, and a small river stream. You patted the grass next to you. He looked weirded out but went with It. You handed him the box and sack.

He stared at you. "Open it." You glared. And he did. It was a big donut that was yellow and had a little green candle. The number 30 written like a child wrote it. The sack held a lighter. You grabbed a bottle opener off your keys. Handing him a drink. "I dont drink liquor." He said, "try it. It tastes good." you said with a small smile. "No." He said with a smirk. You pouted, the bottle was taken from your hands. A smile on your lips apparent. You lit the candle and sang happy birthday.

"Happy birthday dear....." You paused looking at him. "Dio." He said with a big smile. "DEAR DIOOOOOOO happy birthday day to youuuuuuu!!!!" You did a little clap dance thing making him laugh. "Alright let's eat some of the donut cuz that shit was 20 bucks!" You said with a sigh but heck, its worth it. "You paid that much over me?" He asked. You hummed. "Yea? Why not, I mean their also worth it." You took a pice off and put it towards his mouth. "Try it." You said with a smile. He opened his mouth and ate it. His eyes lit up a little.

"This is good! Gorden Ramsey would maybe just maybe like these." Dio said taking another few bites. After a bit of drinking and talking and being funny. You hand him one gift at a time.

"Are these charms?" He asked, you nodded. "Well it seemed that green or purple would fit you so I got those." You said looking at the small unique rings. "But that's not it my fellow worker. I may now introduce!!!!!!" You did the girl on the game show walk. "A BRAND NEW BELT!" you said in a hosts voice. He smirked. You handed it to him. "Oh and this, because I noticed your k9 teeth." You handed him the fluffy half white and half black bat plush. He awwed. You blushed.

"Honestly... I may not know you, but... This is the best birthday and best thing anyone's ever done for me." He said looking at you, you smiled. "I'm y/n." You said with a small smile. "And your welcome man. If anything I think we both needed this. And I couldn't stop thinking about you the other night to be completely honest here." You said with a small blush. Dio looked at you with wide eyes. No one had actually been so kind.

You both just sat staring at the night sky. You didn't drink as much as he did either. Which was the plan. He was dancing around to some music off your phone. And you joined him. His face was a bit red from the drinks and he was wearing a long sleeve. It was summer after all. A slow song came on.
You were grabbed by him and pushed into his chest. he stared slow dancing. You don't know how to do that so you kept messing up. "Just relax." He mumbled by your ears. So you did. Your hands rested on his neck, while his rested on your waist. You leaned against his chest, hearing his heart beat speed up. The song ended but you both just held each other. "Hey its like past your birthday at 3am, we should head home." You suggested looking at the blonde who was just staring at you. He hummed not paying attention. He was zoned out. But you both just stared at each other. He slowly got closer, putting his hand on your face. your heart was beating so hard. You didnt know if he had a wife? He had kids- but- your thoughts cut off when his lips pushed onto yours. The coldness of his lips felt so welcoming. You held it for a while. Backing off at the same time. You were red, and he was too. "that was hot.." He hicked.

"That sound is the sign to take you home." you out all the trash in your bike seat basket. He got on behind you, he told you his address before falling asleep behind you. Parking the bike in the drive way. A blonde boy came out. "Dad?" He asked. You elbowed dio. He groaned. You put his arm around you. "Hey, you must be his kid. Show me to his room." You said kindly. The boy nodded walking in.

The house....Was a wreck... You sat dio down on the bed, tucking him in.
You walk out shutting the door. 3 boys outside of that door. The donut haired one came up too you, he must be the oldest. Giorno.
"Who are you?" He asked. "your dads coworker. I know who you are. giorno." You said with a smile. The other too 'oohed' you smirked. "Now lemme see that TV..." You said as they lead the way. A single dads life looks tough. You cleaned the kitchen as the boys temporarily fixed the tv and picked up the front room. You ended up passing out in the front room on the couch.

After that you and dio got together and you moved in with him. He was happy he wasn't alone anymore. And so were you.
"I love you so much my dear."

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