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Happy birthday to our boy giorno ^>^


You and mista looked at each other and back over the sea of people in the mall. "Meet back outside?" He said, you hummed. "Yeah." You both nodded and zoomed in opposite directions. You smiled. It was giornos birthday, he needed something special. Youve been slightly stressing about it, but buccellati helped saying get something unique. You thought to give him a few things. You are from america, which amazes giorno. So you thought since he may like it you'd get him something like that. Walking into a skater like shop, you saw the wall high up decked with shirts. Old bands, manga, normal ones.. And one stuck out to you. It was homer Simpson eating a donut. It made you think of the boys hair, so you grabbed a large and looked around more. These skater like shops are freaky. Like edgy freaky... You chuckled seeing a bondage set. 'Wait.' Your mind wondered.....

Your face lit up red and you smirked. 'I should think that way of the boss.' You turned away, 'plus wed have to be something that we aren't.' you bout a lot of baseball gum. Leaving the store you saw a Disney and cartoon shop. You immediately ran over there, you weren't much of a Disney fan, for It only being 2002.. You preferred nickelodeon or boomerang. But you did enjoy Disney things. Seeing a lilo and stich whole setup made you light up. You loved lilo and stitch. You grabbed a stitch plushie and a Hawaiian car girl. It made you smile. 'Just like dad had.' You looked around more. You checked out and headed to the food market and got corndogs. You see a kid crying to his mom in the stores across the walk way. It was a funny scene to be completely honest. You thought of an idea, 'this'll definitely get his attention.' You smiled with a small blush.

You finished your food and bought some random but cool things you'll possibly will never use. You see a thrift, noticing the music section you ran over there. You hand your stand hold out the records. Your hands were full. 'Hmm... No... Nah.. Perfect!' You smiled grabbing the Record. You liked thrift so you bought some clothes there too.
Your eyes caught a sight of the earrings. 'His ears are pierced yea?' You saw some golden lady bug earrings. They were rather beautiful, it had a set of 3 for 4. One was the lady bugs, another were basic square ones, and the last ones were these tiny shiny green petals. You bought them and left. You looked at all the stuff you bought. Including all the energy drinks you bought a few minutes ago. You saw mista out side looking though his stuff. You both came here to get him gifts but under a challenge. You had to get him a gag gift. The funny thing is, in that random bust of spending on useless things was that bondage set. You were gonna put a note in the package for him. Mista smirked.

"So? Whatd you get him?" He sounded confident as the two of you walked to your car. "Hmm oh I dunno, the better gag gift, literally." You chuckled. He huffed. "Alright confident." You sat in the drivers setting your stuff in the back, "okay on 3 show the gift." he said, you giggled.




He whipped out a pack of protein shakes. You busted out laughing, it was a big inside joke. He saw yours and smirked. "Damn y/n, freaky." He winked, you winked back with a blush. "Only for the finest." You said putting back in the bag. Mista was one of your closer friends besides giorno. You and him get paried alot for missions.
Getting out and into the house, you both dragged to the door. He had alot of bags too, you both most likely spent a lot of money on bull shit thats random. Its an addiction with so much power. You and him sunk to your rooms. But you we're stopped by the donut haired man himself. "Hey y/n, need help with those?" He asked looking at your bags, you shook your head furiously. "N-no! I got it tha-thanks!" You blushed a bit running up stairs quickly. He raised a brow with a smile. You shut your door scaring your lizard. You then got to bagging.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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