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The other girl and her family came back in.
They looked, normal but upper class. But you didn't judge until they spoke. The girl sat between her parents. Her brown hair tattered and she was more beat up that lily. You grinned. You don't know why but you felt proud. They sat there, the old woman talking telling them what she told us until jotaro cut her off.

The mother spoke. "Their just punk teens! That's definitely not her parents!" She said gesturing at us. I mean jotaro looks old for a 17 year old. The woman looked at her computer. "Says here that, y/n l/n, is her guardian." She spoke. "I dont know this man but im guessing hes with y/n." She said speaking of jotaro.

The two adults scoffed.

"Well.... Since hina didn't prove a really threat, shell only have detention for a week. And lily, since you had the first hit onto hina, you'll be suspended for also a week." The woman said. You stood up, everyone looking at you. "Listen here miss. Saggy bag. Lily was tired of getting bullied by a short bus child. Hi-na, wasnt respecting lilys personal space and that hina was annoying lily and which had the reason to bash her in. call me insensitive but ptsa parents should be having their child undergo special treatment." You spoke noticing the ptsa sticker on the ladys bag. The parents scoffed. "Stop being petty and picking sides. Next time show maturity." You glared making the old woman sink and same with the parents. Jotaro got up and so did lily. jotaro looked at hina. He gave her a icy glare, she sank into the chair and turend around. Lily watched in awe. walking into the train, you and jotaro bagan giggling. "Oh that girls face when you glared!!" You said in a giddy voice. Jotaro grinned with pink cheeks. "But y/n you snapped!" Lily said amazed, "you told them off hard!" Jotaro and lily looked at you with a nod. "dont let anyone tear you down." you said with a serious face. Jotaro continued your sentence. "This world isnt pretty and shine as you think it is. Bitches are annoying." He sighed, you punched him. "Language." You mumbled. Lily smiled. "Bitches are annoying!" She said proudly. Jotaro smirked. You turend red at the people looking at you three. She said that very loudly. "Y/n, you can go back to class since its still lunch." jotaro said, "you sure? I can stay with you-" he cut you off. "Focous on your education. I'll be fine." He said, "lily walk mr.jotaro home alright." You said getting off closer to the highschool, lily waved as you got off.


"This is our humble home!" She smiled running to the kitchen. It was nice, since it was nice and warm out and It was breezy, windows were open with a little fan to let in that fresh air smell. It was overall cozy. Jotaro and lily played card games. He taught her poker, black jack, spades, 21, back alley and more. "I mean since your not at school you gotta learn something. So your mom cant get mad." He smirked. "Oh your right!" She smiled. "Want a vanilla or chocolate pudding cup?" She asked walking to the small kitchen. "Chocolate."

A man came in hearing noise. It was mr.k. "who are you." He asked darkly, putting his hand on his belt. Lily walked next to jotaro handing him a pudding cup. "This is jo-jotaro. y/n had him watch me while she went to school." lily said. Jotaro sighed. He explained the situation. "Alright but I'm keeping my eye on you." the man closed the door slowly.  "lets play black jack again!" lily yelled sitting back down on the carpet. jotaro smiled. "Alright i bet-"


"Whered you go y/n?" Giorno asked seeing you pant as you got to the gate. You grabbed the blondes shoulder catching your breath. "One sec.."

You both sat at the fountain. "Remember how I said id be taking care of a child?"


"Well she got suspended and I didn't wanna go alone, so who ever I saw outside of the office before I left, was jotaro. So me and him went and basically scared the shit out of preppy parents and the shit elementary principal." You smiled remembering their face. Giorno chuckled at your expression. "And so i let jotaro take care of her." you said that and giorno gasped. "Careful he may raise a delinquent." He joked. You raised a brow kinda taking defense of jotaro. "He's not bad, he has a soft side like everyone else. Dont miss judge him man." you said with a serious voice. Giorno noticed, "sorry. Well id be happy to meet her sometime." He spoke getting up, his pink suit was a darker pink today. "Yeah, anytime works just stop by." You said also getting up and back to class, which you enjoyed. Once you got home, you saw the cutest thing. They were asleep on the table, you cleaned up the paper and cards. You looked in the kitchen and see many pudding cups. you sighed. 'Great.'

Picking up lily, you sat her on the mattress. You looked over at jotaro. Waking him up, he looked cute. You walked in the kitchen. "Its 4 you know." You said with a smile, getting stuff out for breakfast food. "Really?"

"So what did yall do when I was away?" You asked putting Bacon on the skillet. "I taught her card games and easy winning methods." he said proudly. You rolled your eyes. "Its a good skill to have, think about it." He said taking a seat at the counter. "For a 6 year old?" You laughed. He nodded. His hair looked cute in a mess. "Well i think your her new idol, she had your hat on when i came in." You grinned. The bacon and eggs cooled as you got out a fork and syrup. "Lily!" You yelled from the kitchen. "Dinner!" And as you said that she sprang into the little kitchen. her little nose held high, the bacon did smell good. You looked at the two sit at that low table. You thought for a bit, 'Im definitely not a average highschool student am i. doesn't mind having a kid. Some stand spiritual stuff... Extra romantic stuff too...' You sat down with them.

It was around 11:30. Jotaro was at the door. He was fixing his hat. Lily looked sad. "bye jotaro." she said with puppy eyes. He gave a small chuckle. He patted her head. "I'll be back sometime. Dont worry kiddo." he looked at you. "Cya tomorrow. Train station remember." He said and you nodded having a reminder. "I know, be safe walking out." you said as he opened the door. Lily waving and looking sad. "Don't miss him too much lily. You'll probably see him often." You said with a tired smile. "Especially this week." You said thinking of how the hell shes gonna be watched. You cant skip anymore..

'Josukes mom?' You shook your head. Lily ran into the bathroom. You started to clean up. 'Holly would adore lily. And that shell be at jotaros, which would make her happy.' You thought. It was midnight, you let Lily stay up since shell be home anyways. You worked on homework.
You saw a light come out from outside. You squinted out the window. you could barely make it out, but I looked like a man. a old man. He started running off from your stare. 'Sketchy.' You felt shivers go down your spine to your gut. You saw lily was asleep, you turned off her lamp and locked the main door and windows. Turing the kitchen stuff off. Since the kitchen was apart of the room, it wasnt much of a hassle. The only actual room is the bathroom. There's a wall between the kitchen and the beds, but the rest is open. Its very small, but comfy.

Sitting on the mattress, you sat your water next to you on the floor. And you went to sleep. If any. You felt paranoid all night. That man never leaving your mind. You felt gross and got up. You needed to figure out the week. 'ill walk her to jotaros tomorrow.' you laid back down and forced yourself to sleep.



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