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You left josukes place early so you could get ready and stuff. You missed his bed. It was comfy, and warm, and it felt like home. And that you didn't mind the smell of cheap cologne.

Today was the beach day. You decided to go and get jotaro. Walking out to his house you knocked on the door. After a few he opened the door. "Morning." He said. He sounded to be inna good mood. "Jotaro close the door! Its hot!" Another guy voice spoke as you entered the house. A cherry haired boy came to view.

"Y/n?" He asked, you went wide eyed. "Kako?!" You said, you both pointed at each other and you laughed. Jotaros face was full of confusion. You ran towards Kakyoin. "HOW THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?" You yelled hugging him.
"Its a long story..." He said slowly hugging you back. "Ive got time." You said sitting down next to him. "No we don't y/n, today's that trip.." Jotaro said looking for something. You sighed knowing you can't argue back. "Well its weird seeing you.. How was ya know.." You said quietly. He sighed. "I left shortly after you. But my childhood wasnt the same after." He said slowly. You hummed. You knew he had something bugging him, he did tell you when you were younger. But you couldnt remember. And whatever it was you didn't care about it and still became his friend. He was one of the small boys in that mini gang. It was out of place to him, but he meant good. He wasnt in it for long. A few months in, and once you left me mustve too.

Your thoughts snapped out of it when a door slammed. jolyene came out looking furious. She looked around the room. "Where's jotaro?" She asked, her voice clearly annoyed. I looked around the room, then at Kakyoin. We both shrugged. "You'd think we'd notice a guy like jotaro leave the room." You joked, Kakyoin nodded with a smile. "In his own house too."

You looked at the clock and see first period will be starting soon. "Oh fuck." You said with a white face. You saw jotaro walk back in with a store bag. 'Clothes cool.' He looked irritated. "You ready?" You asked quietly. He nodded and you waved to Kakyoin as you left.
You both walked to the school. Buses out front. You saw your teachers. "Y/n..." Mr.brando growled. 'Woah thats.. Ya know imma not think that.' You thought become a bit pink. "Yes???" you asked. "We were gonna leave you but here you are. Get on." He ordered. "Yessir yessir." You did a march to the bus making mr.brando annoyed. You got on and saw a certain blonde. "Ciao, buongiorno giorno!" You said looking at him. He smiled seeing you so early. You decided to Sit next to him, why? Because you felt the need to annoy his dad, and that you haven't talked to the Italian in a while. You needed to update him.

He looked happy to see you. "I have shit to tell you." You said with a smile. He raised a brow. "Oh yea. Like what?" He grinned. "How you can now owe me that kiss?" He asked with a small smile. You turned pink and smiled sheepishly. "No, but next time you walk me home maybe, just maybe..." You winked. "Such a tease." He rolled his eyes. "So---" you then explained what happened at josukes, being quiet that he wouldn't hear. He was on the same bus but in the back. You sat up front with giorno.
The Italian listened carefully. You finished with a small smile. "His bed is really comfy. By the way." You said quietly. you looked at him for a second, his face was kinda shaded over. "Giorno you okay?" You asked. He looked at you with a serious glance. "Y/n... Did you sleep with josuke?" He asked in a serious voice. It kinda scared you. Youve been so used to his very relaxed voice or even sometimes a energetic one. This one never...
"No, he slept on the couch. He moved me to his bed after I passed out." You said looking him in the eye. He nodded. "Good." Giorno said under his breath. After that the ride to the beach was kinda awakerd. You pulled out a book and began to read it. Half way about to doze off, giorno brought you back. "Thank you for not lying to me." he said quietly. You looked at him and smiled. "Giorno i could never lie to you. There's no purpose in that." You said with a small smile. he looked out the window, viewing the traffic we were in. You put your book up. You actually felt sleeply. The heat of the bus was a factor, and that you were reading. You decided to take a nap. Leading your head back on the seat you decided to nap.

Giorno looked over at you, he smiled a bit blushing a tad. He put your head on his shoulder so you'd be more comfortable. The boy couldn't stop smiling, and it showed. the bus stopped by the beach. "Y/n." He said, "y/n.." He saw your eyes open slowly. Your e/c eyes shining in the early noon sun. 'I could wake up to that everyday.' He thought. "Were here." He said. You yawned and nodded. You both got off and you smiled. Seeing the other bus get here ment one thing, seeing the man himself, Joseph ran off the bus and drop his clothes in the process. You couldn't help but laugh. Mr.Jonathan and brando told everyone wed be here till dusk.

"Hey y/n!" Josuke came to you, okuyasu and koichi behind him. You smiled. "Howdy y/n!" A accent you remembered very well. "sup johnny."
You looked at josuke for a second. He was wearing these baggy purple shorts with a white top, he had these heart shaped sunglasses on too. Johnny was wearing something similar but the shorts wernt swim shorts, just normal shorts, swimming shoes, and a band shirt.

you were about to introduce johnny to josuke when giorno came up to you, jotaro following him. You couldn't help but stare at jotaro. Youve never seen him without a jacket. It was... Quite the view. He had on dolphin swim trunks and no shirt. He didn't have his hat though. It really made you think about his hat.
Giorno gotten changed into better attire. He had a one piece. It was short sleeved and short on the pants too. It was a pink color but white striped. His hair was let down too, not his famous donuts but his braid. You didn't realize how bulit he really was because of his uniform, but he was nicely built. "Hey you two." You waved, jotaro had a small smile while giorno waved back. You grabbed your bag. "Ill be back-" you said walking towards the bathroom.

You actually didn't know what to do. Not changing but who to hang out with. 'Maybe we could all hang out..' you thought pulling out your bikini. You had to buy this one. It was a top that had
F/c back ground color with a cute flower design around the bottom edges. The bottom was like shorts but very very short shorts. They were also f/c with little white lacy flowers stitched to dangle off the ends of the shorts. You thought the design was cute and it was cheap so you got it.


The group saw you walk off with your bag. "What's you guys relationship with y/n?" Giorno spoke up, asking the question they all had. "Why don't you go first Goldie." Josuke Said seeing him and y/n talking on the bus, and him putting her on his shoulder. Giorno nodded. "Shes a good friend of mine which i deeply care about." He said looking at all of them. He then locked his eyes on josuke. He coughed. "Shes a close friend who i like. Id bend over backwards for her." Josuke said having a soft look in his eyes. Jotaro growled quietly. Everyone turned to the man, unimpressed. "Shes mine and thats final." He glared. They were all glaring till johnny spoke. "it seems were all at a meet. She should be able to choose." The american boy said looking at everyone. "We forgot a person." giorno said, they all looked at him. "Joseph." He pointed to the boy in the speedo talking to Caesar. They all hummed. "Ill fetch him." Josuke said walking towards the built boy.


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