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(Question: who all thought first time seeing narancia. Who thought he was a girl at first?


"My ability?" You asked. They nodded.
You held out the little bolt. It wasnt sparking like it was eailer. It looked like a cool charm. Dio went to touch it but it shocked him, you laughed. "Bitch!" He yelled. "Sucker."

Jonathan even laughed a bit. Speedwagon coughed. You three hushed up. "Youll be trained. We cannot have someone with such an ability walking around with no control." He spoke with a small smile. You nodded and understood. "Go in the mornings, lunch or after school. This teacher is our health teacher by the way. So be respectful." Speedwagon said with a bright smile. "Do you have any questions?" He asked. You nodded. "You see I have a kid to take care of-" their expressions widened. "Not mine weirdos!" They relaxed. "I have to walk with her as a escort. Its my job and that's why I was late the other day." You said, dio raised a brow. "Why not today?" He asked. "Because she got suspended yesterday." You said sheepishly. They all hummed, "but thats for this week. We can discuss plans another time. For now im fine with training." You said staring out the window.  "Alright. Until then your dismissed." he said and you got up and left. But before you did, dio approached you. "Make sure you give my son his blazer back." He said glaring at you. You held your hands in defense. You undid the little lady bug. revealing the blold stained tank top and the bloody top of the skirt. "Youd like to keep your job, right?" You looked at his amber eyes, he scoffed. "That's What I thought. And i will. Damn." You walked out. Seeing them wait on you. "Hey your back." Mista said, they all looked up and saw you. "Yeah everythings good. i just have to train." You said with a smile. You waved to the group. "Imma head to class. I'll see you guys later." You said walking off. You were deep in thought about your uniform. You may pull a jotaro. Just have the coat, then have normal pannts and t-shirt. Maybe..

You walk into your class, since dio wasn't there, there is a sub. You saw a girl sit in your seat. Their new. You walked to them. You didn't wanna intimidate but It happened, you were kinda grumpy from your ruined morning. The girl stared. "Scusa, but thats my seat." You said looking at the brown haired girl. She shook her head no, "wheres your name on it?" She asked being a smart ass. You glared. Joseph watching quietly. You pointed on the chair thats connected to the seat. She scoffed and picked up her stuff. You flopped down and sighed. The sub just had the class do Busy work. You fell asleep for a good bit. Joseph woke you up. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah now that ive had my 20 minute nap." You yawend. Your probably were grouchy from lack of sleep also. "So hows lily?" He asked. You smiled. "Shes suspended and staying with jotaros mom." You said quietly. His mouth dropped open. "Jotaros?!?" He practically yelled. You hit his head. "Shush- sheesh-". You laughed. "His moms a sweet woman, completely opposite of the man himself." You chuckled. "Have her stay with my mom!" he smiled cheekily. "Mrs.lisa Lisas your mom i forgot bout That." You said remembering. He grinned. "Up to lily. Jotaro is her idol at the moment." You spoke with a chuckle. You told him about the conference at her school. He looked shocked but giggled. "that's what that cunt gets." he said proudly. You both played thumbwars till he talked bout that murder this morning. "Yeah that was me." You said casually. Joseph was shocked. "H-how?" You told him what happened. The shit smelling goo, and you having to train. "That's why your wearing that lowerclassmens blazer." He said annoyed. "Jealous much Joseph?" You teased. He smirked with a small blush. "perhaps." You let out a little laugh. "Oh shush- its just clothes. And ill be giving it back to him." You smiled. He nodded. "Good, because id let you keep mine." He winked. "You'd let me keep your full wardrobe if we did that." You winked back. "Yeah yeah you right."

it was after school. You tighetend giornos jacket around your torso. You ran inside and got washed up and changed clothes. You wore a nice pair of jeans and taking inspiration from Caesar you wore a crop with a long sleeve vest. You styled your hair to where you felt comfy in. putting on some sneakers you locked everything up and headed out.

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