¡fiesta salsa quinceañera!

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You finished the room. You made a pallet on the floor since there isnt a mattress yet, and you put in new couches you found at a thrift store, same with a few dressers.
"Joseph, can you help me with the dresser after your done with the stools?" You asked watching him walk through the door with 3 stools. "Yea!" He said all hyped.

You asked Joseph for help because he's one of the strongest guys you happen to know. And he only accepted if you went on a date with him as payment. And you said yes, because yes.
The landlord, Mr.K, came up to you. You had a lot in the lobby to move in. He saw Joseph walk into the room pushing the dresser. You grabbed some water bottles from the bar. "So y/n, a blonde boy now him? Should I allow you to stay here?" He smirked evily, you blushed, "Im just kiddin. Hahahaha." He laughed. "Also, tell me once your done. Because my little girl said shed help." He said putting out a cigarette. "Shes in my office if you wanna meet her." You nodded following him, you ran to Joseph. "Here, ill be right back." You handed him a water bottle and followed mr.k to his office.

A little girl with long black bunned hair came to view. Her fluffy round white shorts and overall top with a white tank under, was cute. Her blue eyes definitely matched her fathers. She looked about 6. And she was.

"Y/n, this is lily. And I'm sure you know about her mother, please take care of her when I cannot." he paused looking down at her. She was all smiley, the gap between her front teeth reminded you of josukes friend gappy.  "lily you be nice to y/n, treat her with same respect you do everybody else." He said with a sharp eye, she nodded walking to you. "Alright, now go finish your room." He said basically kicking you out.

"Well, dont you have someone to meet." You smiled walking in, "yoooo Joseph! Id like you meet someone." You smiled he looked at you, "and?-" before he could continue, lily peaked from behind you, "HES BUFF!" she yelled in shock. You started to wheeze, Joseph smirked and laughed. "And who are you, miss train conductor?" He asked crouching to her eye level. "I am lily! I will be living with her." She pointed to you, "now who are you mr.buff?" She asked inna funny voice. He grinned and did a funny pose. You smiled with pink cheeks finding this cute.

-the rest of the day, the three of you had fun. Lily helped with decor. Joseph and her would play around. It was like a mini family. lily said something that shocked the two of us. "Why can't you two be my family." She said with a big smile, Joseph looked at you weirdly and you had the same face back, but smiled. "I'm not sure you want this loser to be your dad." You punched his shoulder. "I dunno, see how happy she is y/n, maybe you shouldn't be her mom." He joked, you gave him the bird laughing. "Y/N NOT AROUND THE CHILD!" Joseph yelled, you bursted out laughing. "Shes fineeee-"


Joseph actually came to visit a lot after, that date never happened- you both forgot.
Its now Monday again. You already moved out of the hell house where your parents are. Putting those Polaroids on the wall. Lily was still asleep, "lily wake up." you said as she opened her eyes slowly. Her hair a mess. You had to take her to school, since her dad was in basically deep shit, he wanted to protect her from kidnappings.

You held her hand as you walked to her elementary. Her hair in low pig tails. You saw a certain group of people. "Josuke!" You yelled, he turned around seeing you. "Yo morning y/n." he said then looking down at lily. "Woah y/n I didn't-" okuyasu was about to finish that sentence when koichi punched him. "Shes my land lords daughter. I'm her body guard." You smiled, she waved. "Hiii!"

The group found it adorable. "Shes like gappy its cute." Josuke said referenceing her teeth. "Yea that was my first thought too." You laughed. "Lily this is josuke, the man with the money sign is okuyasu, and the midget is koichi." You smiled koichi looked hurt but rolled his eyes. Josuke bent to her level and smiled. She went to touch his hair but you stopped her. "Lily, lets get going you can meet my friends later." You said with a small smile.

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