Jonathan x reader: bday

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(His bday is also on April 4th!!!)


You watched over the animal shelter. It was only 1886. You, for a woman, had opened a animal shelter. You had a big heart for animals, and life in general. You had a costumer that always came in to play with the dogs or cats. He was a very big man. He was a true gentleman if you ask me. His name was Jonathan joestar.
He was always sweet to you, and thanks you for letting him come by. You two became friends also. Hed take you out to lunch or invite to dinner with his family. Which you never took for granted. His father was even kind enough to tell of your little shop to his business friends and you gained popularity.
One night Jonathan came in. It was before close which was normal for him. You waved. "Hey Jojo." You smiled. He smiled back. He must've been in his young adult ages too. He seemed tired. You didn't wanna press so you left him alone. He played with the new puppies. "Whats their name?" He asked, you looked over at him. "Ones thunder, and the other is jack. I found them in a alley way on my way home a few nights ago." You said looking at the grey and white Pups. Jonathan practically squealed. "I wish I could take these cute pups home." He said with a soft look, you smiled sheepishly. You had found the man attractive, dont get me wrong even his masochist brother looks good. But not like Jonathan. Jonathan had a very wholesome and protective feel to him, it was nice to have people like him in this rotting world. "the only cute thing I've ever brought home was you." He said with a small blush. Your eyes widened. "Aw." You couldn't help but plop next to him, making sure your comfy. "That's sweet of you Jojo." You looked up at him and smiled. And he did back. And over then next week or so he stole your heart. You feel hard. Harder than the Titanic.

Who knew today was gonna be the last day youd see him. You didn't know, but you felt the need to be around him. And not take it losely.
"Hey Jojo." You smiled as he walked in. He looked happy. Extremely happy. "Something going on?" You asked in a bubbly mood. He smiled, "yea actually were having a little cruise. My family and some friends are going." he said happily. You both talked till it was dark. "Hey ive been meaning to ask.." He said looking from you to the floor, his face a peachy color. "Would you like to be mine? I know its sudden but I really like you--" you stopped his rant and kissed him. You did that out of excitement. He liked you back. You broke away, a red mess. "Of course I'll be yours only if your mine." You said with a smile and he nodded with a geeky smile. "Well that made my birthday better." He smiled.

You were shocked. "YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" you felt bad. "Don't worry y/n, you were my birthday gift.. If things hadn't worked out I always have next years birthday." He said with a small sigh. 'so positive.' you grinned. "Jojo I swear! Let's go out." You said grabbing your purse and keys. "like to eat?" He asked, you hummed. "Yessir, I know this amazing Italian place." You said as you made sure the dogs were all cozy. You blew out the candle by your desk and locked rooms. And now you were on your way out.

You both got there and ate while talking. Laughing, knowing more of back story's.
After a while you both headed to a little bench in a park. You leaned your head on his shoulder. "I love you Jojo." You said quietly. He looked down at you and smiled, "good because I love you too." He kissed your head and you both enjoyed each other. You were back at your work, which is also your home. Out side the door.

"Thanks for the amazing birthday y/n, you and today really means a lot." Jonathan spoke looking at you with curved lips. You grinned. "Anything for you Jojo." You smiled unlocking the door. You herd him turn away. Before he could go anywhere, you hugged him from behind. "Dont go yet." You whispered. "I feel... I feel as if I'm going to lose you." You said sadly into his back. He turned around hugging you. "I'm not going anywhere y/n. You know that." He spoke softly as both of you stayed like that for a while. It was now completely dark out. "Bye Jojo. Be safe on tomorrows cruise." you said with a smile. "I will. And you my love." he said with a cherry smile. you kissed him one more time, him kissing back. Both holding it for a while.
"Bye Jojo. I love you." You said watching him step back. He nodded, "I love you too y/n, good night." He waved and gave a smile before getting on the carriage.

After that day, you can't forget what all happened. You never saw him again. News came to you that he died on a burning ship. You knew why you felt the way you did now...

A year later you sat with the grown pups, a little cake in front of you. "Happy birthday and anniversary Jonathan." You said smiling at the cake. It was april 4th 1887, you sang happy birthday. Afterwards you felt as if he was here. The feeling of calm and wholesomeness. "If your here Jonathan, i love you so much. Jack and thunder have grown so much. I may just keep them." You spoke with a tear running down your cheek. Wiping it away, you felt the candle being blown out. You were shocked.  smiling you cut the cake. Giving a few vanilla pieces to the dogs.

And Jonathan was there in spirit, you felt it. You didn't feel as sad as you usually did. You felt bubbly and happy every year on April 4th. You didn't get married or have any kids. Or not till you were in your late 30s and adopted a baby boy. He grew up wanting to be like Jonathan. So you helped with whatever he needed.

He always questioned why you always got cake and a candle on April 4th. "Because... It was the day I had true love and the same day I lost true love." You said blowing out the candle. "See Jojo. Im not alone, I hope your watching. Jack and thunder are getting old now. Happy birthday and anniversary." You said happily. Your son watched sadly as you cut the cake.

And when your son was in his 20s he took care of the shop and became a business man. You had a lot of people help you for his schooling. "Son, here. If you ever need to go for work under business." you hand him a paper. It said:

'Speedwagon foundation, sur. joestar.' 
It was in print.  your sons last name was under joestar. Even though he's adopted by you, you wanted him to have a better life. And with that he left. You were now in your 80s almost 90s. Still celebrating jonathans birthday. You herd a knock at your door. "Yes?" You asked from the desk. A buff boy walks in with another older woman. "I'm Joseph jostar. And-" he went on about such and such and to your son. "Wed like to know where hes at." He asked. You hummed. "Italy." You said remembering the last letter he sent.
They saw the little cake with the blown out candles. "Is it your birthday miss?" The woman asked from behind the built youngster. "Oh no... It just a special persons birthday and their watching from above." You said with a smile, the dogs yawend. They looked around seeing the cages and dog food. "Want a slice." You asked. Joseph nodded, you explained how your son is here and the past.

They walked out deep in thought. While you sat in the dim room over the cake.

...."Happy birthday jonathan."

-----yea its sad-----

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