its not a prank

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You and jotaro left, seeing holly and lily wave. You both split ways. You actually left early. You needed some time to think. And you told jotaro that and so he stayed a bit after you left. You saw giorno and his group by the fountain talking. You averted your eyes. That was a spot you wanted to sit at but nope. You didn't wanna go to class yet so, the roof. You got up there and stared over the morning hues. It was nice and cool. Fall was coming. Its already almost fall... Shit.

You thought of all the friends you made, the shit that's happened. Lily, and your family. Your grades are pretty good, you felt proud of yourself. You knew it'd come to an end eventually... But not now. Today was that day you and jotaro will visit the aquarium. You were actually happy about it. Everything felt like it was going so fast. You smiled at yourself. 'Wonder what younger me would think of me now?' You questioned. You herd footsteps behind you. You glanced over your shoulder. The man from last night, was clear as day to you. You backed up and hit the heating system. "Found you." he said. The scratchy voice making you gulp. He was walking closer to you, you felt kinda paralyzed. A blue aura was around him. 'His ability.' Your body gained composure. He was about to grab your shoulder, but you kicked him in his nono square. "Ill make you sex offender shuffle to prison i swear to god!" You yelled hopping over the vent. He stood up, gripping the box. He sent these black beams at you. One hit your shirt. It started moving like goo. The smell was awful. Your face scrunched. "So you can see it huh?" he said still in the place he was. Your brows furrowed. You slowly took off the sweater. Once it hit the ground the goo made the whole thing dissolve.

The man shot more. You were thinking. Or trying to. 'Either his ability is done by movement, gravity, or temperature.' Your stepped on a beam while jumping over a bench. 'Perfect.' you took off your brown shoe. Your raised it up, nothing, down. Nothing. The movement wasnt anything either... So temperature.. You ran off. The man trying to catch up. You saw another heater, it was being used. You must be above the art room. feeling it, you hold the shoe over it. The black goo encaging the shoe almost your arm. you let it go and it dissolves. 'shit.' you saw him fire mkre at you. You ran but got hit on your shoulder. Fuck, you hiss.
"Its like icyhot! Fuck!" You yelled out of pain. The cold burn intensifying. You saw a door to the stairs. He saw you run to there but you got hit in the back, you yelled in pain. But continued into the stairs.
You make it to the 3rd floor. Your neck was covered with the goo. you started gagging. 'Heat makes it flip and dissolve... The cold is the same. That means room temperature.' You thought walking to the next floor. You herd foot steps behind you. More beams flew behind you. You ran to the front. Giorno and his friends were still out there. you ran to them. "GIO-" you were cut off by the beam hitting your throat. You screamed getting their attention. They all ran to you in shock. your body stung, it was horrible and you were getting really worked up. Giorno went to touch you. "D-dont touch me or itll pass to you. It explodes to sudden change of-" you got shot again, on the back of your leg. You didnt hiss or cry this time. You were tired of this mans bull shit. They all watched you straighten up. A (color) aura around you. Giorno watched next to you. The others ready to cut a bitch. the man came outside. His golden teeth and grey hair clashing horribly.

"Ran out to your friends huh? Pitiful. I just wanted to know where the child is." His voice is the sound of sand paper. You fell to one knee. Your body slowly getting hot. Slowly. Its not sudden. The goo started to chip. "it Hates sudden change in temperature." you said slowly. "Its starting to chip as you can see." You mumbled. Your aura getting bigger. You started to stand up. "Y/n- you shouldn't-" you cut giorno off. You snapped to him, you were pissed off. And everyone can see it. You ran at the man, feeling something in your hand, you shoved the man into the school door. You got the object and shanked it through the mans torso and slit his throat getting blood everywhere. You felt the stuff disappear. His body color became white. The group watched in disbelief. "I told you i can see stands, giorno." You said looking at the thing in your hand, it was a bolt. Like a lighting bolt. It was tiny, but you swore you felt something heavy and huge in your hand. You walked to them, "that was so cool!!!!" Mista and narancia oohed. trish and giorno had a shocked like expression. You looked at your tank top you had on.  It was stained red. Your shoe was gone too. thats gonna cost a lot. There was a scream. A group of people saw the body. you felt a jacket over you. It was giornos. "Lets walk to the gate. Les suspicious." Trish said, you all nodded. You looked over at gio. He may seem skinny, but he was built. Not like mr.Jonathan or Joseph, but hes still built. You looked down at the sleeves and smiled. You felt oddly giddy. You all talked until a student came up to you. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt but there's been a murder, students must be in class." The girl said pushing up her glasses. 'Stuco kidd.' You all thought seeing the white and kept uniform. I believe that their new. There was a highschool that mixed with ours. Theirs got torn down i believe.

We all stared her. giorno whipped out his Italian. the girl was confused. The others did as well. She looked at you. You forgot how to speak certain words so you just did sign for pizza and the first 5 letters of the alphabet. She sighed. She tried talking syllable by syllable. But we all acted clueless. The principal came out, mr.Jonathan and brando with him. "Im sorry miss, they're being rude, giorno, mista, trish, narancia, and y/n. Come with us." They said looking at mainly you. You all nodded. The girl watched, she looked at your missing shoe and taterdx and red staiend skirt. She glared knowing.

There only used to bee around 500 students. Small. Now there's 1,500. The new school made everything harder. Everyone watched as you all entered the office. They all sat down.

"Well its obvious who did this." Dio looked at you, and you did a little 'yea no shit.' Face. "The new kids cannot know the secretes of the students and staff. I know what I saw earlier. Your not in trouble because it was a stand user after y/n. But let this be a warning." speedwagon said sternly. "Yall can leave expect y/n." he said to the group. They all watched you, then left.

"Now, your ability." brando started.

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