Joe mama

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PIt was the last day of the potato bag presentation. And you and jotaro failed. You already knew you both did.

The teacher came around and looked at Joe. She made a frown seeing the ripped bag. Many students had the same result, failed.
You sighed knowing this would effect your grade. So you raised your hand. "Miss is there some possible extra credit?" You asked, most of the students having relief that you asked that. "Yes after class I'll discuss it to those who stay after." She said and continued with her work.

It was around lunch and you saw giorno and that pink haired guy. Caesar said his name was diavolo. Him and giorno, from what I've herd, are rivals. Gang wise and personally wise. You walked behind them acting as If your on your way to lunch. Listing in to the arguement.

"No you just need to stay out of my business." Giorno spoke annoyed. Diavolo huffed. "Yeah no- I'm just here to say that your packing on our turf. I don't care if your classes are here." The pink boy spoke with a salty tone. You raised a brow. "Diavolo, I'm sure a lot of people wish your parents didn't miss the abortion date." Giorno spoke which caused you to chuckle. they herd you but you hid by the stairs. Holding your mouth you started wheezing as you walked down stairs.
By the time you reached the cafeteria, you were still laughing. Leaning against the wall you had to catch a breath. You felt a tap on your head. It was johnny. "Howdy y/n, you okay?" He raised a brow. You started laughing again. "I-im great i- pfffttt." You couldn't control yourself. You dont know why you found that so funny but here you are. You clutched your sides. "I cant-" you wheezed. "Breathe?" Johnny smiled finishing your sentence. You nodded.

Getting lunch you and him sat by the windows. "So what was so funny?" He asked with a smile. "well-" you explained what giorno said, which causes both of you to make a scene and die laughing. "That's the funniest shit ive herd!" johnny said laughing. People in the cafeteria were looking at you weirdly. You herd a cough behind you and saw giorno, which caused you to choke on your food. "Hey y/n." He smiled sitting next to you. You can see johnny trying not to laugh but failed because you started smiling. You both burst out laughing. Giorno looked confused. "What's going on?" He asked. You coughed trying to catch yourself. Think....

"Johnny asked what does it mean to be dummy thicc." you said which caused johnny to wheeze. Giorno laughed. "Uh huh." He smiled. He got up, and looked at you. "I gotta go, arrivederci y/n." He winked and waved. You waved back and looked at Johnny intensely stare at the Italian. You noticed that face, he didn't like giorno. It looked obvious. Maybe not hate but just a degree of disliking.  "Do you not like giorno?" You asked johnny which seemed to make him slightly jump. He gave a shaky smile. "Its not that, its uh... Something else." He said nervously. You raised a brow. "Something else???" You hummed, leaning back on the chair you sighed. "Gonna tell me?" You looked at him as he took a bite of his homemade spaghetti. "N-no." His face tinted pink. You smirked seeing that. "Hm is it love? The only way you can show giorno affection is by hate or ang-" before you could finish your funny sappy voice johnny let out a strong "nope!" He knew where you were going and you laughed. "Alright alright."

"Keep your secrets then." You smiled putting your trash in a baggie. You waved to him and walked towards josukes group. "Afternoon y'all." You smiled sitting down next to the alien man. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Until science.

So the way I said, 'until science.' Was because you knew josuke liked you. you figured jotaro seemed to enjoy your awakerd presence too. You sat in front of jotaro, and josuke was towards the front many rows in front of you. And you could see how annoyed josuke would get when jotaro swapped seats with the girl next to you.  And today he did just that. He would talk about different kinds of Marine life, and even laugh about it. It was the end of class and you were about to see josuke and gappy, but jotaro grabbed you hand. "Hey remember how i asked if you wanted to go to the aquarium together. Are you still available for that?" He asked covering his face with his hat.  You remembered alright. You squeezed back his hand and smiled. "Of course! Im still down." You smiled brightly. He looked at you and hummed then a small smile appeared causing you to have a tiny blush. "Saturday, meet by the train station around 11." He said walking off. You hummed, looking back at your desk, you felt bubbly all of a sudden. The door slammed open, revealing a crazed Caesar. "Y/N! HIDE ME! THAT MANS GONE INSANE!" He helled running to you. People in your class staring at you two. Josuke popped behind him, "I think shes too small to hide you." He joked. Caesar still hid behind you. The class filled out. Joseph peeked his head in the door way, he gasped. "Caesar I can see you." He laughed mockingly. You and josuke nodded, and posed in front of Caesar. "You shallth not pass!" You said with a smirk. "Yeah man!" Josuke added. Joseph hummed walking towards you. "What do I have too do?" He sat on the desk next to yours and did a seductive pose. And since he wasnt wearing a uniform and its that crop and jeans. A lot was exposed to you. Yeah you saw him at the beach, but sometimes, when someone wears clothes that hide their skin. And you get an opportunity to see skin it feels amazing. Like drinking underage is more fun than at the age of 21 because its like sneaking and trying not to get caught, like a game.

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