~Pink ssn~

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You know.... You'd think today was gonna be a great day. Your dad didnt rush you out for his reasons, heck he even made breakfast. You were up early too. Meaning you left early. Which was weird. You made sure you had everything while you walked. It was way too early to see if jotaro was gonna walk with you.
Making it to the classroom you seemed to have scared dio a bit, as if snapping him from sleeping. He looked at you, "miss y/n. Your early." He stated, you hummed. "Ive came to report on that mission I've dreaded so much." You said, the smirk on his face became really noticeable. "Now you have another mission. Mr.Jonathan is down the hall from here. Go ahead and give those to him since your so early." He said looking back at his papers. You sat your stuff down walking to that room. You remember mr.Jonathan, big buff teacher who looks like he should be a pro football player. Or boxer, or wrestler.
You opened the door seeming to scare him also. "Oh good morning can I help you?" He asked with a smile, that even made you smile. "Ah Yeah... These papers mr.brando said to give to you." You said handing him the papers. "One ride of a mission." You sighed thinking of that rainy day.. Jonathan seemed to smile. He went into his shirt collar and spoke calmly. "Clear, were clear men." He said then you both laughed. 'God why cant i have this teacher?' You rolled your eyes. "Alright bye mr.Jona-" you didn't finish your sentence when you herd a stomach growl. You turned around to him, you could see he was red from embarrassment. "Have you eaten yet?" You asked, "no... I was in a rush this morning." He said slowly. You pulled out an orange. "Here I already ate, you should eat this." You said with a smile, he looked up at you surprised, but gladly took it. "Here." He took out a healthy bar from his desk. He lightly tossed it too you, which you caught. "Sorry if that's all i have.." He said with a sheepish grin. You waved your hand. "Your good, ill see you sometime mr.Jonathan." you said with a smile. He waved as you left, munching on the orange. You went back to your classroom which had people in. You even saw a certain joestar. "Joseph! good morning!!" You said as you got to your desk. he smiled saying good moring back.
"Your here early?" You kinda asked. "I'm always early?! Perfect attendance." He said with a toothy grin. You smirked, "uh huh if you mean by 20 minutes late." You smiled he rolled his eyes. "Whatever also y/n, would you like to go eat together. I know a kick ass burger place where you cannot die." He said winking at you, you laughed. Caesar went through your head but looking out the window he was having a blast with other girls. "Yeah sure! Im Down to kick ass food!" You said with a smile. He grinned and blushed a bit. "Good picking y/n! You wont regret it!" He practically yelled.

The day was good. You hung out with Joseph for the most part. Till you got to biology. A dark figure sat behind where you sit. You recognized that jacket. And hat design. Jotaro. You sat down and gave a small 'good morning jotaro.' He did that hat pulling thing as a response. At least he herd me.

You see josuke up a few rows of you talking to the other josuke, but he goes by gappy. He looks less tense than a day ago. You smiled. He turned to you and caught your stare. 'Shoot! Caught!' You smiled at him with a small blush. He smiled back and waved.

"Alright! We have a project! Imma pair you up and then tell you." Our teacher said. She listed off names. "Jotaro." She said, "y/n." She looked at you then back at the board finishing.

"see this beautiful bag of potatoes? Its your new child. Isnt it beautiful ~ " she joked. "well with your partners today you'll come up with the name, and its designed face. And then you'll take care of it for 3 weeks." she finishes, "supplies are up here."

You see jotaro get up to get supplies.
He came back, "the name... You should name it." You said, he looked at you hoping you'd pick. "Joe." He said with a small smile. You almost laughed but kept your cool. "That works for me, hmm I'll do the eyes you can do the mouth." You said handing him a marker. But first he got out a cigarette and Traced it over the mouth then putting it back. You raised a brow not questioning it. You drew these horrid anime eyes. Like not scary or small ones that seem normal, oh no, nonono- big, round, anime ass eyes. You could see the grin on jotaros face not trying to laugh. "go ahead, laugh i know." You said with a big goofie grin. "But he's truly beautiful. May get attached." You said with a small grin. Jotaro hummed. "I'll take care of it for the first week, you the second and well switch day by day on the 3rd." He suggested, you nodded, "that works." You said. A big clash was herd on the other side of the class. Josuke had knocked over a big shelf full of books and supplies. His partner just stood there.
Mrs. Lisa yelled at him, "stay after to clean up." She said, you walked past jotaro to see josuke. You held out your hand. "You okay?" You asked him, "yeah just my dingus of a partner was playing around with a beaker on our desk and was about to get on me." He said taking your hand. "Ill help you after!" You said with a serious face, josuke became pink. "you don-" you cut him off. "No! Itll be fine, plus itll be fun! And youll be done faster!" You said with a smile, he sighed and smiled back. "Alright thank you y/n your amazing!" he thanked you, you smiled.

Both of you stayed after class, you told jotaro a good bye as he left with Joe. And you had to find Joseph. He said he'd wait. Which was fine, he was set on the burger date.
'I really just called that a date?' You nodded to yourself.

Both of you cleaned up and hussled. You both were picking up books. You went to grab one so did he. Your hands touched. You looked at him and he did to you.
His features again are very noticeable up close. "Y/n your pretty." He said, you blushed. "Uh i-i- think- yo-you so too- pa-papisita-" you tired flirting back but were too embarrassed. Yeah your good at flirting when you make the first move, you coughed to take a second. He found it kinda funny. "I meant your also quite the good looking." You said with a smile not moving your hand back yet. "Papipista? Whered that come from?" He said with a smirk. You grinned remembering giorno and you making up random words in Italian. "Oh it just fits I guess." You smiled. You looked at the clock and jumped at the time. "Oh shit!" You pulled you hand back, making josuke disappointed. "I have to go, I'm really sorry josuke! Ill take out the trash on my way out!" You said with a small bow. "Its fine. I'll-" you cut him off already grabbing the bag. "No, I got it! Plus its the last thing we had to do." You spoke picking up your bag. He smiled knowing youd be stubborn. "Alright i guess ill see you later y/n." he said looking away from you. You waved saying a small bye. You walked out and down the hall you saw Joseph playing with his hair. "BURGER BOY LETS GOO!!!" you yelled running at him. He straightened up and gave a big smile. "Took ya long enough. Shouldn't get yelled at In class." He teased, you rolled your eyes. "Mind coming with me to the trash." You said looking at the trash bag. He nodded. You two kept making jokes till you got there.

"Oh god! Thatd be horrible why- how can you come up with that!" He said grossed out. "Horror flicks give a lot of ideas." You said with a scary grin. You tossed the trash in and shut the lid. "Burgers!" you cheered. You walked towards Joseph but your skirt got caught on a bent piece of mental. You inhaled quickly, seeing Josephs jacket he wore today, you grabbed it quickly. "woah- y/n?" He turend around and raised a brow. "You okay?" He asked. You sighed but laughed. "Yeah, I think i caught something.." You said looking at him, both of you just kinda stared at each other. You ruiend the moment by having to sneeze. 'Damn.' You thought, but then questioned why you thought that. He helped you up and you can easily see how red he was, same with you.

You both got into the car and drove a while away to this food joint. Which was fantastic. Once you got your food you two both enjoyed them in the car.
Blaring the music, and just having fun. He turned it down, making that his que to talk.

"hey do you have some extra time on your hands?" He asked putting his food wraper in the bag. You thought. It was getting late... But why not. "Yeah always." You smiled and so did he, "good because I think this time is perfect to see it." You raised a brow and he started the car.

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