tasty gum

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You slept in. Not by accident either. You really felt tired and slept through your alarm. You got up and put on your uniform. You stayed up all night working on your uniform. you didnt sleep till 4am.
Seeing it to your liking you took your time leaving. Walking down the street you see a girl exit jotaros house. Her hair up in buns with pink bangs. "You should start going or you'll never pass due to attendance!" She yelled scurrying off. You walked to the front of the house. 'Should I ask him?' You questioned.
Your feet moved of their own to his door step. You rang the doorbell. This time hearing footsteps. The door opened slightly. "Jotaro?" You raised a brow. He hummed. You sighed. "You wanna walk to school together? If you want to-" he shut the door on you. 'Wow okay... Um.. Damn.' You thought walking to school having a good day. You hung out with giorno and some of his friends, which wasn't bad at all. You decided to not go to the last class of the day because you felt tired as fuck.
Walking to the roof you saw josuke lay down against a little wall space over seeing the school yard and town. You grinned, coming behind the little wall you slowly run your hands down his shoulders. He jumpes up quickly. "What the hell y/n?!" He said annoyed a bit. you put your hands in the air in defense. You smiled. "Alright alright. Ill just skip somewhere else." You said sadly. You haven't hung out with him in a while, which kinda makes you bummed a bit. Hes fun to be with. He watches as you walk away, he sighed and grabbed your wrist. You turend to him and he smiled. "We can relax together." He said then smiled but you can tell its fake. "You sure josuke, I can go some-" he put a finger over your mouth. "SShh." Him and you relaxed where he was. You both enjoying the peace. "So howd you come here?" He asked, you looked to him. "I ran over a person." You said with a smirk, thats ironic. "Oh- thats understandable." He smiled. You both enjoyed the breeze and peacefulness. The bell rang, you sat up and stretched. You looked to the purple boy, he was asleep. You couldn't help but stare, he had a cute face. And the hair definitely made it better. You smiled becoming a bit red thinking that.
"Hey josuke.." You tapped his shoulder. He didnt Move. You sighed. You poked his cheek. He woke up immediately. Your hand still on his face. You backed off a bit, now red. His face dusted pink. "Uh... The final bell rang.. I just wanted you to know." You said then standing up.
He smiled sheepishly. You looked at him, "hey I have a question..." You asked, he looked at you. "I knew you didnt want me here, its obvious. And if you don't wanna tell me that's fine. But I'm willing to listen." You said to him, you were genuine. Josuke stood up slowly.

"No no, your fine y/n, its just a lot is going on within my family at the moment. I just wanted Time to myself you know." He said slowly. You nodded, "I understand. And if you feel like that next time, just tell me you need space." you said with a smile. He looked at you and it seemed to let off his chest a bit. He came to you and hugged you. You hugged back. You smiled, "I'm sure what evers going on you'll get though it." you said backing out. He nodded and smiled. "Thanks y/n." You nodded, you waved to him and he smiled watching you leave. Walking down the stairs you see giorno and his father, dio.

You walk past them not wanting to talk much. You felt physically exhausted. So once you did you slowed your pace a bit. You herd giorno call your name, you looked back and waved, but you kept walking.

You yawend as you got to the gate.
You herd foot steps running to you. "Hey y/n!" you turned behind you to see the boy you saw a second ago. "Wanna hang out?" He asked with a small pant after. You shook your head no, "I'm sorry, I'm just really really tired. I stayed up really late last night.. We can definitely hang out tomorrow!" You said with a small smile. Giorno looked saddend but he can tell that your tired. you had a question for the boy actually. "Also do you know italian?" You asked before leaving, he nodded, "i was in Italy for a good portion of my childhood before i moved here." He said itching the back of his neck. You smiled. "Id love it if you could teach me sometime. Up to you though." You said with a small blush on your face. He obviously lit up looking happy. "Id love too y/n. Ill see you tomorrow!" He said walking back towards the school, you waved saying a small bye.

the walk home felt so dragged. the girl from this morning came out. She looked irritated. "No! I'll be fine!" She yelled, and since I just so happen to be in front of their house she looked at me weirdly. "Also that girl is here to pink up your homework!" She yelled. She remembered seeing you and giorno give jotaro his work. She walked off leaving the door open for you. You gulped walking towards the door.

You can see jotaro walking to the door. He saw you walk in, you gave a small wave. He looked at you before walking away, you followed.
He lead you into his room, which was very, very.... Sealife like. It was unique.

"Shit." He mumbled, "I'll be back." He said, you nodded and sat down at the edge of the bed. you saw a book shelf next to his little study corner. It had a bunch of books over the sea and its animals. A little starfish pillow was on the chair. It looked so cute.
He came back holding papers but went to the desk again. You decided to bring up conversation.

"Your big into the sea huh?" You questioned kinda finding the room cute. He looked down. "yeah, I plan on becoming a marine biologist.." He said slowly. "Do you have an interest for it?" He asked grabbing the rest of the papers. "Honestly... not really. But I think its unique. I just wouldn't have it as a profession." You said being honest, your younger self probably being mad at you during your mermaid phase.

He gave a small smile. But once he handed you his papers, he was very still again. "So you gonna come back anytime soon?" You asked. He shrugged. He left the room and you held the papers, looking through them, they were all completely done. You walked out into the hallway and tired to find your exit. You passed a room that the door had a sign. "Jolyne kujo." It read. Must be his sister.

You eventually found your way out and went home. Once you did you got to your room. Setting stuff down lazily, you flopped on your bed out like a light.


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