Turtles and grape juice

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You hung out with josuke. It wasnt all that bad, you met a few friends of his. Okuyasu by far was the most wild. Definitely had chaotic energy. You loved It.

You two sat by a fountain and drink some vending machine drinks. "Your genuinely the coolest exchange student I've met so far to be honest." He said, "so I'm cool to you?" You asked with a little chuckle at the end, he nodded, "yeah I mean your laid back, your funny... Pretty.." He went quiet realizing what he just said, "uh p..pretty cool my point!" He said saving himself, you couldnt help but smile. 'Precious.'

You both talked until he started to freak out. You raised a brow. "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!" he yelled. You followed his eyes and see a turtle was nudging against your ankles. Josuke paced back and fourth. You scooped it up and put it in some bushes by the building. "Ar-are you still holding I..it?" He asked nervous. You shook your head no.

"Phew.... Reptiles scare the living hell out of me." He said looking away from you, you kinda found It cute. "I mean I once was afraid of triangles. So so many nightmares." You said with a sheepish grin. Saying that made him feel better about his fear. "triangles? Imagine being in math.." He joked, you punched him lightly. "Imagine being in a biology class." You said and he rolled his eyes.

You both joked around for a little before it starts getting dark. "I'll see you tomorrow josuke!" You said to him about to part ways, he nodded and waved back. "Duces!!" He said.

You went home like any other day.


"Ah y/n! Can you stay after class?" Mr.brando asked. You nodded and the class was emptying out as the Bell rang. You were about to eat with josuke but cant now. You walk up to mr.brando.

"We have a student who never comes you just so happen to live by him. Go and get it done by tomorrow." He said sternly as you nodded taking the papers. You walk out and see a boy with a pink suit waiting outside. He looked maybe like a freshmen or sophomore? His entire uniform was pink. The little lady bugs adding a nice spice to it.

Hearing their conversation as you left. "Here dad, I brought lunch." You gasped as you stopped by the door. 'He has a son? How the hell?' you walked around the school bored. You couldn't find josuke so you looked for Caesar and Joseph. You found the blonde.

"Hey Caesar!" You said over a sea of girls. He wanted. "Have you seen Joseph?" You asked kinda wanting another hot dog. He shook his head no. "He usually ditches a lot." he said as he waved to the crowd of girls. You and him hung out at lunch when you couldnt with anyone. "Did you know mr.brando had a son?" You asked. He nodded. "I believe his name is giorno. He's a sophomore I believe." he said watching you eat. You hum. "Thats nice to know. also want some? I made a bit too much.." You said looking down at your home made lunch. Caesar smiled and took a small sandwich. You both talked till you both herd yelling.

You and Caesar got up to see the noise. A crowd surrounded two people. 'damn people are to tall or I'm hella short...' You thought trying to peek through people. You see that giorno kid and a guy with pink hair. The pink haired guy was yelling while giorno took it.

You nudged Caesar. He looked down at you with a rised brow. He then noticed you can't see. He put you on his back easily. Now you can see the two fighting.
"Oooh that giorno kid I fast." You said surprised. Then a teacher came to break it up. The two were obviously hurt. You listened to the pair in front of you. "Oh Mr.buccellatis gonna kill them." They said, 'a teacher, he doesn't look like one!!' You thought. Caesar sat you down. "Damn that was lowkey interesting." He said wanting to see more. You nodded. "Yea your right." You said now kinda wanna see a fight go down again.

Mr.Buccellati spoke again. "You two in the back! Blonde man and h/c girl!" He yelled. You and Caesar perked up. Everyone turned to you. "Please take the two to the nurses office!" He yelled. you both looked at each other and back. You went towards giorno. Caesar handling the pink haired guy. "Now you go this way to the nurses office, and you go the opposite." He pointed to us. We nodded. "Punch Joseph for me when you see him alright." You said waving to Caesar he smiled, "count on it." He said walking off.

You held your hand out to giorno. He took it. "You okay?" You asked. He didn't say anything. 'Alright.' He seemed to walk fine. "Are you new?" He asked, you looked to the blonde. "Yeah.. Yesterday was my first day." You said remembering that pepper you ate. Giorno smiled. "Well im giorno giovanna. Nice to meet you." He said happily. You grinned. "Y/n l/n, and same here." you said then thought of something. "wait arnt you mr.brandos son?" You asked the boy sighed. "Yeah that man is indeed my father." He said with a sigh at the end. You felt kinda bad for asking. "Well tell him to give assignments to suspend students himself.." You mumbled kinds upset about it. Its supposed to rain later too. Giorno laughed. "Yea i know he's kinda a dick but you get used to it. And are you serious?" He asked, you nodded.
"All because I live close to the guy." You said, "is the name jotaro kujo?" He asked you nodded. "Ohhh have fun." He said, you rolled your eyes, "shush, its supposed to rain too..." You said with a sigh. Both of you talked about simple things till you got to the nurses office. You saw that pink haired boy in there. "How did y'all fight?" You asked before going in. "The man just cant take a joke i guess." Giorno said with a smirk. You let out a chuckle. "ah to be young again." You said dramaticly. "Arnt you a sophomore?" he asked, you shook your head. "Senior." You said, he oohed."see ya giorno." You said walking off he waved and gave a small smile. 'Hes sweet. Not like his dad.' you walked to your last hour dreading after school.


"Josuke please?????" You begged. He shook his head, "sorry man, thats a long trip from my place." He said waving his hand as he left the class room. You sighed. 'Going in alone.' You packed up and left. you saw giorno waiting outside the classroom. "Hey y/n." He said, you smiled. "Hey." You waved, about to walk past him he turend into the class, "I'll be home late dad." he said to mr.brando and caught up with you.

He actually scared you. "Your gonna go with me?" You asked. He nodded. "I have a umbrella we can share." He said looking out the window seeing as its raining. You smiled. "So sweet." You said, he smiled. "Anything to help a friend." He said, 'a friend?' You thought. You couldnt stop smiling for a while. You both talked as you made your way to that house. "Nah id prefer mozzarella because cheddar wouldnt clash well with the mushrooms." You said thinking of how good pizza sounds now. "Woah i didn't expect you to be a food expert." He said jokingly. You smiled. "Smells like pizza all of the sudden." You said your mouth feeling watery.

"Here it is." You said looking at the nice house. You rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Nothing. You tried again. Noting but you herd quiet foot steps. You look back at giorno then to the door.
the door opened revealing the man named jotaro. Tall, and muscular. 'Is this the right house?' You thought. "Your jotaro right?" You asked feeling intimidated. He nodded. You handed him the papers. "Teach wanted me to drop that off for you." you said slowly. jotaro looked at you then giorno. He was suddenly annoyed, you could see it in the mans eyes. he shut the door and left you there.

"Cool i can go home now." You said. Turing to giorno. He also seemed annoyed. "You okay?" You asked. He looked up at you and calmed down. "Yea just that kid always mocks me for dio being my dad." he said with a sigh. "Yeesh, people gotta realize that their kids arnt their parents..." You said feeling what giorno felt. Giorno hummed. "My house is just down the street, you can go home if youd like." You said with a small smile. You looked up at him, he was only a few inches taller than you.
He was already looking at you, catching his eye gaze you both stare at each other. His eyes are really pretty. "You have pretty eyes giorno." You complimented him. You can see him go pink and look away, he smiled, "thanks. And I'll walk you home." He said looking back at you. You nodded.

you two joked about a game and stopped by your houses lawn. You waved to him as he did the same. "Duces!" You said, "arrivederci!" He yelled. You went inside. 'Was that Italian?' You didnt put much thought into it and decided to rummage the fridge for pizza.

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