;;Potato salad;;

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"Oh, I can help you! I just need to get my bag!" you said with a smile, 'thank god I have something to do right now. I dont think I can face josuke at the moment....' You thought becoming red again.

"Miss are you ok?" He asked you looked at him with wide eyes. He moved your hair out of your face and put his forehead onto yours. Which made you become even more red. "Um? I'm fine just a bit hot ya know?" You said kinda attaching to the accent. "Oh haha! Sorry about that'! And alright. By the way I'm Johnny!" he said with a smile, which made you smile. "I'm y/n." You said as the two of you went towards josukes table.

"Captain I've kept your bag out of harms way from these two goblins." Josuke said causing you to laugh. "Youve done well soldier! I promote you to captain!" You said grabbing your bag. He whipped a fake tear. "Imma go help this friend of mine. I'll see you josuke!" Said about to walk off, but he grabbed your wrist. You looked at him, he was red. "Hey uh... I wanted to ask... If you could help me with some homework?" he asked confused over what he said. You smiled and nodded. "Yeah! Anything for you josuke!" You said with a big smile. You could see the blush very clear on him once you said that. You waved to the trio and walked off with Johnny.


"Wait so your friends Italian?" You asked him. He nodded  "yeah he's the counselor here. He's also the guy who's my host home." He said, 'host home?'
"Are you an exchange student?" You asked, he nodded, "yeeeeep! I'm from Pennsylvania!" He said proudly. No wonder he's so unique. Hes from america. "Oh!!! Thats So cool!!!" You said amazed. You've actually always liked american aesthetics and such. Finding how life for a lot of people is easier, I mean its harder work but the schooling isnt at all like Japans!

You finally made It to the counseling center. you both walk in there. there was a elderly woman there and in the next room a missed shaped David bowie. The lady who's name was on her little desk, 'Mrs.Q.'
She looked up at us. then back at her lunch. You walked into the little nurses office. That David bowie guy made you interested. You laughed at your self for thinking that exact statement.

"Can i help you miss." he asked, but more of a demanding way. His voice seemed to boom in your ears. It was unsettling but had a calmness to it. You shook your head no, he raised a brow and stood up walking towards you. But before he could do anything johnny came into the room. "Mrs.Q said she didn't know where he went." The boy said sadly. He saw the situation you were in. Its obviously your first time meeting the schools nurse/doctor. "Mr.yoshikage shes fine." johnny said now grabbing your hand. You looked down at it. Your face started to heat up a bit.

"Its dr.yoshikage, and shes not. Her face is evidently red. See." The nurse said grabbing your cheeks. 'Shit call me weird but he's kinda good looking up close.' You thought, but then dismissed it becoming more red. You didn't know how to speak properly either. Kira saw that johnny was holding your hand, he glared. 'Fuck- that's scary.'

"Holding hands isn't healthy. For it transmits germs and disease." he said that basically saying, 'stop holding hands.' And which johnny didn't let go, he even pulled you more towards him. Kira sighed. He looked down at you free hand, and grabed it gently. "Miss, if your ever hurt come and visit me." He said with a wink at the end. You actually felt sick. "uh- I think for now i-im good. Ri-right johnny?" You asked him now finding what a language was.

He nodded. "Now if you 'scuse us!" He said pulling you out of that nurses office. You exhaled. "So weird-" you said feeling gross. "Yeah, we have a weird nurse." He said with a annoyed smile. You both walked around looking and asking a few teachers If they had seen him. Johnny kinda panicked. You both sat at the fountain. He looked stressed. "Hey. Whats up?" You asked looking at the american concerned. He looked up at you then towards the school. "Remember how I said that' gyro or mr.zeppili was my host home. That meant i lived with the man." He said pausing. "But if he's not here I can't go home." He said with a sigh. Its evident that this situation has never happened. "well I can walk you home?" You said with a small smile. "But dont you have that friend to help out with?" He asked with a sad look. Your heart turend, it actually skipped a beat. You smiled. "he could come with us, or, ill tell him id be a bit late." You said, his eyes got really big and he looked surprised. "Your really kind ya know that y/n." He said looking at you. You blushed. "Aw thanks." You said with a smile. He sighed. "Alot of people dont like me because im merican' and wouldn't be willing to help me out like this. So really, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you y/n." He said with a serious face. You coudlnt help but blush and smile.

"Well anything for a friend right? And i mean I know how that feels. I'm new here as you can tell, and before I came here my old school was a lot like that to me. But I met people, not the best people, but people." You said kinda sadly but gave a big smile to him, which made him smile too. "so were friends?" He asked. You nodded. "Obviously! I dont see a problem?" You said in a questioning way as if he did. "Neither do I." He said happily. You both just decided to cut class for little bit. Heck you found out alot about the boy next to you.

"Well i think we should get to class." You said putting down your juice box. He nodded. "Yeah. Well I'll see you after school." He said with a smirk. You waved and spilt ways.

Walking into science everyone was just chatting with one another. Mrs. Lisa saw you come in. "Late. -20 points." She said watching you sit down next to jotaro.

"Ready to have this sit in your room for a week?" He asked with a small smile. You sighed feeling tired. "Hell yeah. I'll teach Joe how to properly watch TV." You said with a smirk. You and jotaro talked about alot. He noticed how tired you are. "Here." He said sliding you a little chocolate bar. 'Minty chocolate.' Was on the label. You looked up at him with a brow. He looked away not wanting you to see that his face was a bit red. "Well.. You looked tired so this May help." He said tilting his hat down. You couldn't help but smile. You then remembered what that girl said at lunch. You became red in a instant. Taking the bar and opening it. You took a piece off and handed it to jotaro. "here, we can share. we are partners after all." You said with a toothy grin. You herd a little pft from jotaro. "Cheesy much y/n?" You looked at jotaro to see him eating that piece with a small very SMALL smile. you couldn't help but see how cute that was. you blushed a bit but enjoyed the rest of the class period. Once the bell rang, josuke practically ran to you.

"Bye jojo!" You said to him as he left. He gave his hat a tilt. You turned back around and jumped back. "Ah fuck Josuke!" You smiled. "Sorry but you ready?" He asked. "Oh yeah! By the way I have something about that." You said looking down. He raised a brow. "Well I have a friend whos parent works here and they dont have a way home and I offered to take them home. You can come with or i would just be at your place a bit later." You said with a small smile. "Im really sorry this just happened josuke.." You said looking down. You could tell by his sigh he wasnt to happy. A hand was put on top of your head. "Its fine." He said in a deep voice. "J-" you were about to protest but he cut you off, "its fine y/n, I see you just dont wanna be around me." He said about to walk off, but you didn't let that happen. "Josuke Higashikata!" You yelled as you grabbed his wrist. You sighed. "What did i do?" You asked with a brow. He looked at you with a sad look. He knew he misjudged the situation. "You didn't do anything y/n... I'm just getting worked up I guess... Im sorry." He said feeling bad for over thinking. He gave you a hug, which surprised you but you hugged back. "We can still hang, i just gotta walk with my friend. You can come if you want?"

He denied saying to just come over after. He said he'd clean up while you were away. You agreed and left.

But johnny lived far. Like really far.
"I really appreciate you walking with me!" He said with a smile. You nodded. Before he walked into the house he kissed your forehead. "Apparently in a lot of places that means a thank you. sO uh..." he said with rosey cheeks. You smiled, having a pink face too. "Thats really sweet johnny. I'll have to learn a welcome one." You said with a smooth voice that came out of no where. That made both of you red, but him even redder. Before you couldve left a man came out of the house. The man weve been looking for all day.

"Johnny! I thought you came home with me!?!?" the man yelled. Johnny and him went back and fourth. You said a small arrivederci. Which caught the mans attention. "Johnny! You didn't tell me you had such a beautiful girlfriend!!" The man came towards you. "RUN Y/N RUN!" the boy yelled. And which you ran a good majority to josukes.


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