can you sign this petition to ban rohan from my collage

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(-the title: can you sign this petition to ban rohan from my collage?)

You sit in your room. Its a Saturday. Its 10:48am. Early. You look at your desk and see your camera. Sitting up you see the pictures. You leaned and grabbed them. One with johnny and dino kid. You didn't notice it but the dude had a floatie ring around his waist. You laughed finding it funny. The ones with jotaro, and josuke and giornos friends. And the fight ones. It was amazing.
You put them in your nightstand jour. Under a little area. It was a hidden part of the nightstand. Opening the little door, you sat them in there. Closing the door hearing a latch. Putting pencils and a mini writing book back in there you shut it.

You decided to go out. By yourself. Your parents were asleep, and it was around noon. You got dressed in comfy clothes and headed out. Where? Who knows. You see a little cafe and order a (drink n type of food) you sat down at a little booth, enjoying the view outside. You think of everything thats changed. It makes you feel, feel really happy. Knowing that you have friends now, and no longer alone. Yeah maybe their all different and dont like each other, but thats fine by you, because at the end of the day. Its all good.

Your thoughs were broken like a leg lamp that fell 2feet. "mind if I sit here miss?" You felt shivers down your spine. It was that nurse guy. Mr.yoshikage?
"Uh I mean go ahead..." You mumbled. You kinda needed a break from your social life you now had. He looked at you as your food came. "You like (drink)?" He asked raising a brow. You nodded taking a bite out of the sandwich. You both sat in silence, 'why cant he sit somewhere else? Theres plenty of open seats.' You thought seeing only few people here. "Excuse me." you got up to get a little bag of chips. You saw them eariler.

But what you didn't know was the nurse put something in your drink. You sat back down and took a few sips. after a bit you started feeling hot. Like uneasy hot. "Fuck.." mumbling a small 'you' before you knocked Out. Kira smirked. "Easy like childs play." He said with a creepy grin. Picking you up, he left the cafe.

He opened his attic door, setting you on a little bed. He drew marks on your wrist, as to where to cut. He put your hand on his face with a pleasured look. "Imagine the things we could do~." He licked your hand about to put that lower but a knock was herd down stairs. He sat your hand back to your side, then leaving. He left you up there for a while. Until you woke up. Which you were lucky to wake up before he came up stairs. You woke up. Seeing the curve of the roof, you took notice it was a attic. You saw a window and went to it quietly. But you didn't touch the latch. You felt the need not too. Like something bad will happen if so. Well you walked closer to it. there was the top part of the window. 'Break it.' Was what you could only think. But the drop was onto a bush. 'Now or never...' You looked at your wrist, see I the dotted lines you knew he was after your hands the smell of old man and oatmeal was littered on your left hands palm, it was oddly wet. "Creepy ass." You mumbled. Taking off your shoes you hit the window hard enough it didnt break, hopping on the curtain bar, you elbow the fuck out of the window, getting bruises. It broke finally but, As you climed out you hit the latch and the thing exploded. That meant it flew you into the neighboring tree. A limb spiking through your leg and sweats. You hissed, tears beaming your eyes. You could see the david bowie degrade looking pissed off thay you escaped him, he scanned the yard, even the next door one you where in. And since you were under the trees leaf crown, he couldnt see you. He walked away. You guessed no one lived in the house you were by. It looked old and worn out. the branches poked through the pants. You were crying but tuffed it. 'Just pull.' You in haled an exhaled. Counting to three many times. You finally did it, your stiffing back and mosquitoes bugging you more than your holy leg. Ripping it out you did a aggressive. "MMMMMM." To hide the scream you wanted to let out. Taking your bra, which you were glad it was a sports bra. You wrapped it on your leg. It hurt so bad. You felt your ribs bruise. you stared down at the grass below you. You slid down the tree like a fireman. Limping to the gate you pushed it open. 'Yeah this house is rotting.' You looked back at kiras house with horror. You tired to run but it was just a fast walk. You made it towards the town again. You see someone you dont see outside often. Jotaro. "J-jojo!" You yelled with a dry voice. He turend to you and panicked. His eyes widen as he ran to you. "Y/n!" he caught you. He sat you up. You panted. Your mind was racing a million places. "School nurse... Kidnap... Jumped from attic window... Explosion and now this." You said making long story short. You pointed to your leg. He didn't notice the hole, since you were wearing black swests. You lifted up the pant leg on your right leg. Your once (color, now stained a dark red. Jotaro picked you up bridal style and walked some where. You felt heavy. And after a while you passed out.

"No josuke.. I dont fully know what happened." Jotaro said annoyed. "well ask her when she's up!" Josuke yelled. Jotaro glared at him. "She needs her rest!" Jotaro snapped back, making josuke back off. After a hour or so you woke up feeling dizzy. It was maybe around 3. you took in the traditional house design. "Jotaro?" You said aloud. you then remembered what happened. You looked at your leg from under the blanket. It was all healed. Your ribs didn't hurt either. Sitting up you looked at your elbow. It was all clean. The door opend revealing a young woman with blonde hair. "ah your awake!" She said with a smile. "I'm jotaros mother holly. I brought some water and soup." she said in a bubbly voice. 'Woah shes so kind' you couldn't help but smile back. "Oh thank you so much." You said taking the tray. "Ill fetch jotaro." She said kindly before leaving. 'She's like opposite of jotaro... But he has her emotional side when he opens up.' You thought finding it cute. The door slid open revealing a tired looking jotaro. "Hey." You said with a smile. It seemed to make him smile too. "how are you feeling?" He asked sitting at the edge of the bed. "mentally.. I dunno- physically I feel better." You said looking at the chicken noodle soup. Jotaro took his hat off running his hands through his hair. "I was worried." He spoke looking at you with icy eyes. what he said made you smile a bit. "Well I'm here now. And I'm sure youd like to know what happened." You said with all seriousness at the end. He nodded. you explained in all details. "and thankfully you and josuke helped me!" You smiled. He looked at you with wide eyes. "How did-" he asked. "Because i was half awake." you said remembering certain parts. "One thing I herd and felt.. I felt this weird shock, like something hit me hard but not... On my leg and rib cage." you pasued taking a bite of the soup. "and im not dumb, jotaro." You looked up at him, he was kinda shocked you could look and sound so serious.

"I know that a leg wound and with in my instance, shouldn't heal like that. I can tell by the clock its still Saturday, only 3pm. And my ribs were definitely bruised. Now their not. That usealy takes a week or so to heal..." you stopped with your points. "And i know what I felt."

You stared at him with a serious and scary look, your e/c burning with questions and answers. Like this new thing that happened had a different effect on you.

"You and josuke have magical manifestation of some sort that can do unbelievable things..."

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