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M o s h i ✿ฺ✿ฺ m o s h i


You and josuke sat in comfortable silence. You worked on history while he worked on math. Looking up at him, he was very focused. Like intensely focused. He probably wants to go to that beach trip badly.
"You know I'm glad your my friend josuke." You said happily. You also didn't mean for that to come out either. He looked up at you. "What?" He said with his lips trying not to curve but they did. "You herd me weirdo." You smiled and he smiled. "I am too y/n... Which ive been meaning to ask...." He said looking deeply into your eyes. You nodded.

"Ive um really been wanting to ask this but I've been over thinking so much about this and..." He paused looking down, you gave him a small smile. "Ive been wondering will you-" he was cut off.

"Josuke!! Someone's asking for y/n." His mom said in the door way. You looked at her then back at him. You got up. He followed you. "Yellow?" You asked.

"Y/N M/N L/N whERE ARE YOU!?" your dad practically screamed through the home phone. You sighed. "Dad I'm at a friends studying for a test coming up." You spoke. He yelled some more and you can hear your mom know the back ground telling him off about what he should say. You can tell that their also drunk. "WE DONT CARE IF YOU COME BACK. STAY OUT!" your mom said then hanging up the phone. your mom didn't like you one bit. She didn't want a child but your dad did, but he soon realized the steps he has to do, and that mom having a very far job he hated It. Which made him not care for you as much. He still cares but not a lot. And you knew they were just drunk so by the time its noon tomorrow you should be fine to go back.

You felt like shit still. Your mom doesn't love you at all. Your dad is only a bit more loving. A bit. You sighed putting the phone back. You felt a hug from behind.
"I herd that call... I'm here y/n." Josuke said holding you tight.
You gave a shakey breath. You didn't wanna cry over your selfish mom. And that you do cherish your dads loving moments. but when it comes down to it, to them you were just seen as a annoying child no one wanted to be around. And so you just kinda tried to stay out of the house. Which was a bad idea for a kid, and a now teen. When you were maybe 14...15 you joined a group of people that wasnt the best option...

"Whatd i tell ya!! Were gonna be rich!" The teen yelled hyping his little army. You were in 8ths grade, summer, going into 9th. Your little gang sat inna little shed. There was 6 of you.
The man who was the leader, he was a dick. A massive asshole. The only reason he let you in is because he felt pity. He saw your mom one night beating you, and he budded in stopping her.
It was a night your dad was out.

But after you got used to being around the group, and not much in fear, he treated you unfairly. A few of the others too. But there were these 2 kids, who were friendly to you. They were the youngest. As yet you were the 3rd oldest.


"Listen now. I don't know how you kids got these. But you better own up now." The police officer said. You sat there awakerdly. The packet of drugs basically mocking you. Being only 15 was horrible. It would end off any future plans you had. The boss raised his arm.
"That h/c-ette was the one who got it for us." He said casting you out. The two who were your friends denied it. One of those two... They were the one who gotten them, his brothers he had were into that stuff. He sighed.

"Sir this girl right here was just a witness. She has no clue what's going on within this group. And If anything that boy right there." My friend said pointing to the boss, "he was the one who pushed us to get those and sell them or he'd threaten our lives. Please at least let this girl go. She hasnt done anything." he finished. The other boy noded. "She's incorrect sir."
You actually felt love. You genuinely felt so cared for. It just happened in the worse way possible.

The boss started blabling. The officer cuffed him. "Your all free to go, but if I catch any of y'all....." the man glared making us all nod and leave.

"Y/n... You have to go... We don't think you should be involved..." The now oldest said. You nodded in understanding. "Well see you around." your friends said. "Be safe you two." you hugged them tightly. They were certainly young to be in a gang. Maybe 5th or 6th grade...

A few months after that, you moved...

You were now crying in josukes arms on the couch. Him just playing with your hair. You had told him everything of your family of how you were treated. You realized that your always too nice, you always bended over backwards for people. Youd take a bullet for your mother... Even if she laughed as you bleed out. You knew to stand for yourself, but it was rare... Not a lot of people pushed you to where you had to make a stand. You always just stayed silent, or nodding your head saying yes.

You stopped crying, having a major headache after a b r e a k d o w n.
Josuke playing with your hair made you sleepy and comfy. This felt... Right.
"Y/n, just know I'll always be here for you, I'll never forget you, use you or anything.. Because I love you." He said looking down at you with soft eyes. You smiled. You Nuzzled into his chest even more. "Thank you josuke... Thank you for being here..." You said as you couldn't keep you eyes open anymore. You felt good being open with someone besides a composition book.

He watched your chest rise and fall with a small smile. 'I'll make you mine... Just wait y/n.' He thought picking you up. He carried you to his room and tucked you in under the thick blankets. He gave you a kiss on the head and took a blanket to the couch.

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