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You and giorno both looked at each other. You couldn't help but stare. His features glowed. "Hey giorno.. I have a question." You said looking away to the sunset. He hummed. "Do you like anyone?" You asked kinda embarrassed. He looked at you smiling at your flustered face. "Ye-yea I do. She's to me, the best person i really could know." He said with a small smile and a dust of pink on his face. You looked at him, "who if i may ask?" You raised a brow with a smirk. Who ever the girl is shed be lucky, giorno is a different breed of people. You smiled thinking that. "Well you promise not to tell anyone." He said all serious. You nodded. "Well shes alot like you. She's very kind, OH and she's funny and amazing. Her name..." He said leaving you on edge. He grew close to you.


You blushed. That would explain alot. Your stomach felt like it smoked a whole bowl to many times. Your face lit up. It'd explain why he was quiet during the bus when you ranted. And maybe he found out that josuke also likes you, that's why their was such tension when you got out of the bathroom.
He stayed close to your face. You didn't move either. Everything went slowly. Like if you were a person who's power was to stop time... And you used It now.

His face leaning towards you... You not knowing what to do.. Staying still. Each others lips inches apart. Not breaking eye contact. Either but the moment was clashed in the end. a cough was herd from behind you. You turned around so fast to see mr.brando, 'ohhhhhhh shiiiitttt.' You thought thinking of all the bad ideas that was going through your head. "Giorno, a word." He said Inna silk voice. You felt shivers go down your spine. You watched as giorno walked off with dio. You layed down on the towel seeing the stars come out. It was beautiful. You couldnt stop thinking what just happened. 'Giorno... Josuke...' You thought. 'Joseph...jotaro...Johnny..'
It then clicked. Your not dumb or dense. Their all showing big hints. Joseph taking you out and that mini kiss. Jotaro opening up and basically asking me on a date to the aquarium. Josuke by him saying he loves me and staying at his place. giorno and just now what happened, johnny with that kiss thing and holding hands earlier... 
'their... Their all trying to go after me.' You thought. 'Well shit... its weird to know...' You thought, 'im basically in a harem-'

You laughed to yourself. 'Well let's just see how it goes...' you didn't wanna be the bad person and use them for benefits, you genuinely wanna take your time. Why? Because you may be a bit traditional and to preference.... Be friends before entering that relationship commitment. People would disagree because of "well then he becomes a brother and you cant date someone you see as a brother." And some just go into relationships for a dick appointment.

You wanted a good relationship where its more than friendship but past lovers. a mix of both. Joking and playful. Its just what you see as a ideal relationship. Where you support each other, and can relax. Simple I guess.
"Y/n!" A voice came to you. You saw koichi come to you, "were starting the bon fire, will you help us?" The short boy asked. You nodded getting up.

Lifting up logs and putting them inna square. Filling It with twigs and paper for the fire. Mr.Jonathan lighting a match and tossing it in.

You watched the flames bounce and dance. You had a thing just for this. A Polaroid camera. You spent a lot on it. plus the film. Taking a picture of a few students and groups that asked for photos, you went up to all your friends taking photos with them.

"Josuke! Okuyasu! Koichi!" You yelled seeing the three with another group of people. "Hey y/n!" Josuke smiled. "Y'all wanna group picture?" You asked. They all looked at the camera you held. A man with long white hair came to it. "What an amazing tool!" He looked so fantasied. "Oh i dont think youve meet these guys yet." Josuke said. "This guy with the white hair is mikitaka, spikey boy is shigechi, and one with a weird fashion sense is rohan, and I'm sure you met yukako." He said lastly pointing the long hard girl keeping glued to koichi. Yep prying in my love life yandere girl.

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