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(Im sorry if I'm not adding Jonathan or gappy or even jolyene- I think I'll do alt endings for them specifically- again sorry they'd just make the story more complicated lmao))


You walked out of the bathroom feeling warm. The sun felt really nice against your face and stomach.
You looked over to the group of guys you were with. They all had a menacing Aura around them. You noticed Joseph was now over there. You walked over there and as you got there you felt nervous. "H-hey guys..." You said looking at them. You were behind jotaro trying to stand next to him. "Hey y/n, we should go swim!" Johnny said happily. the mood shifted from what it was a second ago to a somewhat relaxed vibe. You nodded. He grabbed your wrist and you two had some fun. You two played a game. You made him scream by putting a piece of seaweed on his leg. After a while you two just floated around. He grabbed your hand while floating, you looked at him, he looked at you. You two just relaxed enjoying the sun and each other.

But you herd a crowd yelling.
You saw that Joseph and Caesar were playing volleyball. "Hey if its alright imma go play some volleyball?" You kinda asked more than said. He nodded slowly and waved. You ran and saw their opponent. Mr.Jonathan. hes gonna whoop their ass. You decided to even go for mr.Jonathan. "GO JONATHAN!" you basically screamed. He had a big smile on his face. "Y/n! Be my cheerleader too!" Joseph said with a pout. and you routed for the two teams. You got bored cheering and since Joseph and Caesar were on the same team you decided to bud in with Jonathan. You two winked at each other and played hard.

You and Jonathan won of course. You both high fived and you smiled as he went to sit down. "Y/n! Your so cool at volleyball!!" Caesar yelled amazed. "And she's cute too." Joseph said with a wink, you smiled. "Thanks boys so kind." you winked back jokingly. you walked off towards a food stand. You were out of breath, if mr.Jonathan wasnt on your team you would of died. You saw giorno at the stand. You also saw a girl with pink hair with him, along with mista. You herd them talk. 'Man me and hearing tea.' you thought sitting a few seats away from them.

"I dont know giorno. You gotta make yourself apparent to her." trish said. Giorno raised a brow. "She meant, you gotta tell her you like her. Not asking out. But just to tell her." Mista gave his advice too. You didn't expect mista to give good advice. But here we are.

"I say you take her out, like gradually lead up to telling her. Show hints but don't be blunt. Unless you feel like the moments right." He said proudly. "I think that's the smartest thing I've ever herd you say mista." Trish said with a serious look. Then the conversation shifted off topic. Mainly between Trish and mista. Giorno in thought.

You sipped on your icy. 'so he likes someone? Hmmm. Wonder who, I shall find out.' You smiled. You felt like a secret agent. You grinned evily. You sipped on your drink even more but thought of him liking someone. It kinda made you feel oddly sad. Your thoughts shattered when you felt someone tap your shoulder. It was jotaro. He was holding a dolphin floatie. You made a little awe sound. He looked red but you dismissed it as the sun.

"Hey jojo." You smiled at him as he did the same. You couldn't help but blush. It was cute seeing him out of his tough persona. "Wanna go see a sea star?" He asked, you grinned. "Sure!" You said happily. You both walked towards the ocean, there was a rock jotaro sat on. And another smaller rock infront of it. You sat next to jotaros rock seeing the pretty chubby star fish. "Oh wow i havnt seen a star fish in years!" you said admiring the animal. "Its Name is irraccurtate. Their called sea stars, not star fish. Because technically their not fish." He said looking at it also. You looked at him for a sec. His face and body seemed relaxed, he had a small smile on his face. you blushed and looked back down. "That's interesting. Such false media. sea star has a better ring than starfish." You said actually thinking about it. You saw josuke in the cornor of your eye. He was looking out towards the sea. Okuyasu and koichi weren't with him. You got up but before you left jotaro grabbed your wrist. "Hey y/n?" He asked, you looked at him, "yes?"

"We should hang out some more. Im sure youd love the aquarium animals." He said with a genuine smile. You blushed hard. He took notice, and you both kept ahold of eye contact. You smiled. "Id gladly go to the aquarium with you." You said happily. He held his excitement but you knew he was extremely happy. "I'll see you then jotaro." You said waving to him. He watched as you walked to josuke.

It was around 3:45. people were still having fun. Swimming, sun bathing, etc..
You walked to him and flopped next to him. He looked at you and gave a small smile. "hey."

you took a breath feeling tired. "You know I remember what you said before I fell asleep." You said staring at the sea. He went wide eyed, and became red. "I dont know how to feel... To be honest I never thought of anyone romantically. Until one day, that girl at lunch asked about certain stuff..." You looked at him. He had a unexplainable face..
"So your saying you don't love me back?" He asked. You went wide eyed.

"No thats- josuke! I love you too dont get me wrong I just don't know. I know its only been a month that I've been here, but for me it felt so quick.. Ive met so many amazing people and what was brought up to me I never thought about. I..." You paused looking out again. "I was just happy that people wanted to be my friend, people who just wanted to hang out and just have fun. I didn't have that alot growing up and when I moved here, I wanted to try again.." You breathed. Josuke hummed. "So you never had the thought of someone romantically, till just recently?" He asked, you nodded. "As i said, I was just really happy and satisfied I had friends." You said with a smile.

"Like you, or giorno, even jotaro... You all made a impact one way or another." You smiled. that seemed to hit josuke. He wrapped his arm around you. "Y/n, your literally amazing. And I hope to get to know you more." he said with a low voice. You nodded smiling. You both talked about a game. "Josuke I swear to god. we can settle this like men!" You said raising your brows with a smirk. He rolled his eyes. "You know I'm right." he said, you laughed. "You'll believe that for now." You said punching his shoulder. You two laughed. "Imma go walk around. I'll see you after school." you said standing up stretching. He smiled and said his goodbye.

You walked around as the sun started to set. You still had a good hour maybe more left. The teachers were bribed with stuff to stay late and do a bon fire or little fire works. It wasn't that time of year but some students brought sparkerlers, pop its, etc..

You found giorno sitting by himself, he seemed to be deep in thought. "Giorno." You said trying not to scare him. His eyes looked at you then back at the sand. You felt off. You sat next to him watching the sun set. "You okay?" You asked. He didn't say anything. He was oddly quiet.
You sighed. You felt like you needed to say something but you didn't. You got up and dusted yourself off. You were gonna walk away thinking its best if he probably had space. That conversation he had earlier must be getting him thinking. you started walking away.

"Y/n, please stay." giornos voice was clear enough for you to hear. You turned around and see him holding out his hand to you. you looked at him, the view was... Beautiful. the golden orange sun hitting his face and his shining eyes.

"I will."


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