Chapter 6; Fire Covered Feathers

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*Dabi POV*

The first thing I did when I got back to the hideout was go to the bathroom. I needed to piece my face back together. Slowly, I got the burned skin back on and slowly pulled down my shirt.

On my collarbone was a black feather with navy blue fire dancing on top of it. I hated it with all of my soul, but if was somewhat calming. I heard someone open the bathroom door and snapped my head to the side to see Toga smiling at me.

"You're back!" She squealed. Then she looked down a little bit and her smile widened. "What's that? Did you find them huh? Didja?" She looked back into my eyes and questioned. I fixed my shirt and didn't answer. I pushed my way past her and left the bathroom going into my room.

I opened the door and went inside, not bothering to stop Toga as she wandered inside. She sat down on my bed, swinging her legs back and forth like a tiny child.

"I did too, and I know it this time." She then held out her arm to me and I examined it. Surprisingly, the little psycho did it. Right underneath the words was a swirl, black and white with random stripes of red funneling down towards the center.

"Well would you look at that?" I smiled back at her and smirked. "What's their name?" Toga blushed and shrugged, causing me to chuckle.

"We didn't really talk. I was using some blood from that police guy we found and tried to see my frog friend to see if we were soulmates. She saw me and must have recognized me or something cause she ran up to me and said my words." Toga flopped backwards on the bed with her limbs spread like a starfish.

"I had changed back and started talking to her, you know. Then she ran past me pushing me out of the way. It felt wonderful." She was so happy, I didn't get it. Her words seemed just as hateful as mine, yet she didn't seem to hate her soulmate.

"So, you met yours, who is it?" She asked excitingly. I shook my head and she sat up with a frown on her face. "Well, your soulmate mark has to relate between you two, and that fire was obviously you. I'll figure it out." After a few more seconds of silence, she spoke again.

"Did you kill them?" She asked timidly. Again I shook my head with a small smile.

"No you psycho. Just get out of my room and get some sleep."

"Nah, I don't need sleep. I'll just go bother Twice about it." She said, hopping off my bed and heading to my door. "Talk to you tomorrow Toya." She slipped before correcting herself. "I mean, Dabi."

I didn't say anything as she skipped out of the room. She wasn't supposed to know my name, how did she know my name? She was, what, ten, maybe eleven when Toya had died. But I still didn't say anything. She was already gone. Falling back down on my bed, I started thinking things over before standing back up and going to find Toga.

As she had promised, she was "bugging" Twice with the news. I stood in the doorway not sawing a word until she looked over at me.

"Toga, we need to talk. Right now." I growled and she stood up. Twice gave her a weird little salute and she looked at me with a weird smile. I closed the door and looked down the hallway. Me and Toga we're the only ones here.

"Why did you call me Toya?" I asked and her smile widened.

"That's your name, isn't it?"

"No, why would you think that's my name?"

"I'm not an idiot, it's kinda obvious." She said, shaking her head disappointingly.

"And what makes it obvious?"

"Well first off, before I broke out of the mental hospital, the only thing we were allowed to watch was the news. I remembered the name Toya specifically because they were younger than everyone else. Second, I know you dye your hair so don't try and lie to me about that. Your roots start getting white before you dye it back again." She had started counting off on her fingers as she spoke.

"You also hate whenever anyone says absolutely anything about Endeavor in front of you. Should I continue?" I shook my head and she barred her teeth at me. "I won't say anything to anyone if you tell me one thing though."

"And that would be?"

"Why do you hate your words? What could possibly make you hate your soulmate so much?" I thought about it longer than I should have. It was an easy trade, words for a name, but it was such a hard decision.

"I will tell you later, in my room. And you?"

"I won't say a word."

"Not even to Twice?" A flash of defeat shown on her face before she rolled her eyes.

"Not even to Twice." She sighed. Then she hopped away without a single word.


*Hawks POV*

I'm going to be honest right off the bat.

I never really thought that I was ever going to find my soulmate. Like, sure, I knew there was a chance, and I did want to find them, but I never thought that I was going to have time to find them. And then, I did. And they were a villain. I guess someone's soulmate was going to be, but isn't it ironic?

And yet, I still wanted to be near him. I wanted to feel that intoxicating heat that I felt the night before. People said it was possible to hate their soulmate, but I don't think so. Even before I had found out about the whole soulmate thing, I had always found something about Dabi mysterious and alluring.

When I had gotten home from our encounter, the first thing I had done was take a shower. I felt dirty, but the shower hadn't done anything to clean it. I would be lying if I said that I had to keep looking at my wrist to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Still picking at the flame covered feather, I left the shower and got dressed before falling face-first into my bed. Without moving more than lifting my arm and turning my face, I turned on the TV. I don't know what was on, and I didn't really care. I just needed some background noise.

I ended up falling asleep halfway through an episode. It seemed to be getting tense, but I still fell asleep somehow.


*Dabi POV*

It had been a bit since I promised to tell Toga about the words that had cursed me since childhood. I had been quietly praying that she had forgotten all about the ordeal, but those thoughts proved wrong as soon as she came into my room without a single knock.

"Heya Staples." She said with a cheeky smile on her face. Without saying anything else, she hopped into my bed and gave me an impatient look.

"Well, what did you want Psycho?"

"You know." I did know. With a sigh, I slid my shirt down just a tiny bit so that the feather and my words were both visible. I saw her mouth the words that were on my collarbone before she looked up at me with a smile. "Go on then, tell me." Another sigh left my mouth and I started talking.

"When I was younger, right around when I got my words, Endeavor would 'train' me. I could never be as strong as he wanted me to be no matter what I tried to do. I was constantly burned and bruised to the point where no one would talk to me at school. No body checked to see if I was okay, I was Endeavor's son, I would be okay.

"When my words did arrive, I loved them, but as I went along my life, they seemed more and more hateful. I just wanted them gone." I finished. I had revealed more to her than I had intended, but that was fine.

If I trusted anyone, it was Toga.


Yo, so I was looking for some inspiration for this chapter. So I was reading through some DabiHawks and then I got a notification from Wattpad. Checked it and apparently the exact same author I was reading added my book to reading lists. That just really boosted my confidence in this and I would really like to thank dabihawks_lover615 for that. Your stories are awesome, I love them. Keep up the good work.

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